
PSX Extreme: Shatter Preview

PSX Extreme writes: "We're beginning to pay closer attention to the PlayStation Network; the number of top-quality and endlessly entertaining titles available for download is increasing at a rapid rate. Some are even exclusive to the PSN and another potential winner is headed our way next week. We wanted to give you a look at this one before it popped up on the Store, because we have a very simple and straightforward policy at PSXE: if it's a game we deem to be worthy of your time, we're gonna want to tell you about it, regardless of the intended format."

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thereapersson5438d ago (Edited 5438d ago )

This game looks like breakout on steroids. First day buy for me!

here's an HD trailer link:


Gamersyde E3 interview & gameplay:


Game has boss-battles and it even shows your friends' scores in real-time so you have a goal to work towards while you are playing

Cajun Chicken5438d ago

I'm going to hammer this game when it comes out.


Classic PS3 Game Shatter is Getting Remastered

Classic brick-breaking arcade game Shatter is getting remastered for modern consoles with upgraded visuals and even more smashing music.

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Game Music Daily Week 15

WE HIT ONE HUNDRED!! Come break out the confetti with Front Towards Gamer's staff picks of musical delight!

This week's awesome selections.
Shatter, Pokemon X&Y, Little Big Planet 2, The Wolf Among Us, True Crime, Chrono Trigger

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Top 5 Underrated Video Game Soundtracks

When people think about memorable video game soundtracks, there are a few recurring faces that seem to pop up every time. Final Fantasy, Zelda, and Mario are just a handful of franchises that get the bulk of the love when it comes to notable video game music. BagoGames presents 5 underrated soundtracks that you should give a listen to.

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pr0t0typeknuckles4086d ago

Madworld is the most underated soundtrack in recent years.

amaguli4086d ago

Nier had a fantastic soundtrack, but I don't really know if it would qualify as underrated. I still would have placed it on the list though.