
Blu-ray Burns its HD DVD Rival

An article by Thomas K. Arnold from PC World on the March sale figures of HD-DVD and Blu Ray discs.

InMyOpinion6232d ago (Edited 6232d ago )

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techie6232d ago

Do we really need another report of the same numbers with different words?

Neutral Gamer6231d ago

All we seem to be getting now are essentially the same stories told in different ways, maybe the title's slightly different, maybe it summarises previous stories, maybe it adds or changes some words.

But that doesn't stop it being the same thing; I thought that's what Alternative Sources were for?

Aaargh Deep! I'm starting to go mad! How long before we start seeing 60, no wait, 100 different reviews submitted for one game every time a new game is released? :p

XxZxX6231d ago

Another one? This gonna get old pretty soon

power of Green 6231d ago

Agreed!. No one will really know anything untill the price drops for these HD players and the masses decide; not earily adopters.

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Microsoft's quest for short-term $$$ is doing long-term damage to Windows, Surface, Xbox, and beyond

Microsoft is pushing for no "red line" for what games could come to PlayStation, and it all revolves around Satya Nadella and CFO Amy Hood's plans to increase every department's margins.

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Brazz2h ago

"The plan to move Xbox games to other platforms is codenamed "Latitude" internally, and I know there's debate and unease at Microsoft about whether or not this is a good idea. More upcoming Microsoft-owned games slated for PlayStation are already being developed. At least for now, they're potentially obvious games you'd most likely expect. And yes, while it's true Microsoft is a prolific publisher on PlayStation already, it has typically revolved around specific franchises like Minecraft. From what I've heard, Microsoft is pushing for no "red line" for what games could come to PlayStation, and it all revolves around Satya Nadella and CFO Amy Hood's mandate to increase every department's margins. "

Yeah, they are going to kill Xbox hardware.

Xeofate39m ago

"Yeah, they are going to kill Xbox hardware."

It's for the best.

Quit stringing along xbox fans and screwing over PlayStation owners.

gold_drake2h ago

i think it will kill off the xbox brand. windows will be fine.

but there is and would be a chance that xbox might be killed off in the future. if they fail to make the money they put in. imo.

shadowT1h ago

"Microsoft is pushing for no "red line" for what games could come to PlayStation"

Forza and Starfield next?

Skuletor5m ago

Starfield would be no surprise and there's the rumor that it will come to Playstation after the Shattered Space DLC, Forza (along with Halo and Gears of War) I find less likely but I wouldn't be surprised if they eventually end up on PlayStation too, especially if Xbox give up on hardware and go the Sega route.

shinoff21835m ago

Not to worried about forza. I'd rather see others like what inxile and obsidian are working on. Starfield sounds like it needs more time in the oven so let it cook first imo. If starfield and it's a small if does release on ps it'll be in the fall around the time for dlc or right at the dlc and come packaged with it.

-Foxtrot48m ago

In the words of Phil Spencer when he was talking about Nintendo last year

“It's just taking a long time for Microsoft to see that their future exists off of their own hardware"

Obscurity27m ago

More fake doom and gloom about a 3 trillion dollar company

shinoff21833m ago

It's probably true though. What's fake about Ms releasing games on ps. It's not like it didn't just happen. 2 of the 4 they released were in Playstations top seller list.

0hMyGandhi1m ago

ah yes, the classic "too big to fail" mentality. That served us well in the past.
This article is not all doom and gloom.
I highly suggest you read it before posting a comment here based on the headline alone.


The PS5 Has Shipped An Estimated 5x More Units Than The Xbox Series X/S In The Last Quarter

When the PS5 and the Xbox Series X/S first launched all the way back in 2020, console sales were not what either platform manufacturer wanted them to be. The pandemic slowed things down more than ever before, even though in the case of each next-gen console, all the units that were manufactured, sold.

Of course that didn’t last, and soon manufacturing limitations on the consoles were a thing of the past, and sales started to leap forward. For one next-gen console platform, at least.

-Foxtrot16h ago

I can see why Microsoft is putting their games on PlayStation with these numbers

Imagine how many copies of future games like Elder Scrolls VI, Blade, Indiana Jones and more they could sell if they went fully multiplatform.

OtterX11h ago

If they don't, it would be the death of them.

purple1019h ago

while I see your point, i'm one of those people that dont really want to see a M$ logo, when I boot up, however good the game is, unless truly exceptional, I've got enough games from Sony and enough coming down the pipeline, plus the 2 free smaller games on ps+, why do I need to give Microsoft anymore money,

I usually play just GT7 and cod, you've got Gran Theft Auto coming, its over for microsoft, they shot themselves in the foot, and now have to hobble away, to the losers corner, sit there, and repent.,!!! hahaha

OtterX8h ago(Edited 8h ago)

@Purple101 At this point, Microsoft just wants to be the American Tencent, but also just happen to have a console available for those who want it.

I hate what they're doing to the industry, but I would play the next Elder Scrolls on PS5 or PS6 even if I had to look at a MS logo at the beginning. At this point, I'm just invested in the series. I didn't feel this way about Starfield, which is why I've skipped it. Worst case scenario, I'd pick Elder Scrolls up on PC if it didn't come to PS, but I've stayed true to my word - I have not, and will not buy another Microsoft console after 3 red ringed 360s. They've killed my console support for life. They showed how scummy they can be by knowingly rushing out a product before it was ready, just to try and capture a 1 year headstart.

If a MS logo shows up at the beginning of the next Elder Scrolls on a Playstation console, so what? That means Sony won and MS is just another publisher. Many of the large publishers are quite dirty, so it fits them well. I wouldn't mind seeing their console die off though and them solely take up this publisher role.

Jingsing5h ago(Edited 5h ago)

Yeah, I never bought another Xbox console after the 360. But at the same time you shouldn't find yourself captive to Elder Scrolls if the company behind it is very scummy. I dropped COD after Ghosts and I don't regret it the company has only become worse and I'm glad I never was part of funding that.

16h agoReplies(1)
15h agoReplies(1)
Barlos5h ago(Edited 5h ago)

A surprise to nobody.

S2Killinit4h ago(Edited 4h ago)

5X is a surprise as it’s just unreal.

fr0sty1h ago

Yeah, this console war just became a console genocide.

Jingsing5h ago(Edited 5h ago)

Sony would probably be selling more if they stopped sending mixed signals about their future. Putting games on PC because you are taking data analytic advice from Microsoft about the future of consoles is folly and has limited their potential sales. Microsoft want Sony and the world to believe that consoles are done as a business so companies like Sony and Nintendo etc can end up serving Microsoft's platform. Remember when it comes to Microsoft "It is us or no one and the three E's" Don't fall for it.

S2Killinit4h ago(Edited 4h ago)

MS has forced everyone’s hand in regard to PC. If the other two dont release on PC, they will be giving them an edge. Imo

Although i think Sony/PlayStation would be wise to release selectively on PC.

Jingsing3h ago

The way Sony are doing it though is very suspect, It almost seems like they are trying to tunnel their way out of Steam with a PSN back-end. They should have just launched their own store. Yes this would no doubt upset PC users but you just can't have everything on Steam as that means no market competition. Microsoft and Sony should only use their own stores. That way they can also enforce their subscription fee's (I don't think there should be fee's) like they do on console as right now they are saying people on console have to pay this fee but if you play on PC you don't. That is very anti-consumer.

Skuletor2h ago

While putting their games on PC would lose them some console sales, there's a large market of people that prefer consoles for their simplicity and convenience, I wonder if it would really effect them negatively. Well, I guess at this current point they won't be dragging PC players into a PS Plus subscription, so there's that.

crazyCoconuts1h ago

I think after Xbox is gone they'll make a bigger push to move PC gamers over to PS, and they may halt momentum on the PC ports to do that. PC and Nintendo gamers will be the only ones left to convert

Einhander19721h ago(Edited 1h ago)


This is a reply to this comment.

"The way Sony are doing it though is very suspect, It almost seems like they are trying to tunnel their way out of Steam with a PSN back-end"

That's not accurate, what they want is simply to be able to count PC users as PlayStation users. It's no different than what EA Ubisoft or Microsoft are doing. Heck, people need to sign up for extra accounts even on consoles to play some of their games, you can't play Sea of Thieves or Minecraft without a Microsoft account.

I'm not sure why PlayStation is being singled out like this, I get why it was a problem in Helldivers because they added it after the game was released which caused problems for people who already owned the game, but at the same time it was nothing that all the other major publishers weren't already doing.

ChasterMies1h ago

“Putting games on PC because you are taking data analytic advice from Microsoft ”

Sony is putting games on PC because the market for people who spend $2000 on a gaming PC is different from the market that spends $500 on a gaming console. Also consider that consoles are sold at a loss. Sony probably makes more from selling Sony published gamed to PC owners than selling consoles to PC owners who would only use them play those games.

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Best GPU for V Rising in 2024 - our top picks reviewed

Here's our guide to the best GPUs for V Rising in 2024, now that the game is out of early access - the best from Nvidia, AMD, and even Intel.

got_dam17h ago(Edited 17h ago)

Slow news day, I guess.