
Aggrogamer Review: Kuros [PC]

Aggrogamer: As a fan of hidden object and puzzle games, I was pleased to be able to review Kuros, the newest game from Sandlot Games. You begin the game as Katya, a young woman who finds herself in a mysterious land with no recollection of whom she is or why she is there. As she sets out to regain her memories, she finds herself solving the problems that have arisen in the strange land.

The game consists mostly of locations in which you must discover hidden objects throughout each landscape. Each area consists of an Elemental Glyph (Fire, Water, etc...) in which you must free and solve its puzzle to move to the next land...

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Gamezebo Review: Kuros

As Katya, you're in a bit of a high-pressure situation in Kuros. Someone has been tampering with the glyphstones that keep the world in balance, and you're the only one who can restore them. Unfortunately, you've woken up with no idea of who you are, where you are, or what you're supposed to be doing. Hope you're a fast learner, or it's the end of everything.

Kuros bills itself as a hidden object game, but that's a bit misleading. You will have to scour locations for items, but they're the tools you'll need to solve the game's many puzzles, so it's more like a classic adventure game.

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