
IGN: The Secret of Monkey Island: SE Review

The Secret of Monkey Island has a special place in the museum of videogames for its quick wit, its personality, and the way it surprises you at every turn. Playing this adventure will take you back to a simpler, more innocent time before games needed to bash you over the head with ultra violence to get your attention. They definitely don't make 'em like this anymore. The Special Edition doesn't offer any new gameplay, so its appeal may be limited if you've already been initiated. But if you've never seen a three-headed monkey, download this now.

Presentation - 9.0
Graphics - 7.5
Sound - 9.0
Gameplay - 8.5
Lasting Appeal - 7.0
Overall -

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Yi-Long5442d ago

... and I played the crap out Monkey Island 1 and 2 back in the old days...

... but the remake looks horrible. Just look at what they turned Guybrush into. How can anyone who loves Monkey Island release that!?

If you are going to do a remake, and I'm all for doing remakes with improved graphics and such, at the very least make sure it looks great. This ain't great. It ain;t even good.
When you browse online I'm pretty sure you can find many Monkey Island fans who have done brilliant fan-art about this game, in a style much more suitable to use for a remake.

Again, I absolutely love Monkey Island, and anyone who hasn;t played the game, is seriously missing out, but this remake (I know you can also play the game with the classic graphics) really isn't doing the game justice, when you want a nice looking game.

Horrible. Either do a remake well, or don't do it at all.

edit: here's a site with some Monkey Island artwork (among others) which WOULD have done the game justice. It looks perfect for a remake of Monkey Island 1 and 2, when you look at the style used and the design of Guybrush, LeChuck, and the pirates etc.


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PapaBop1863d ago

Every Star Wars fan owes it to themselves to play Jedi Academy, best mp Star Wars game ever made imho with hands down the best lightsaber combat. Every gamer also owes it to themselves to play The Secret of Monkey Island, one of the best games ever made and easily a timeless classic.


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