
Edge Editorial: Simulacra And Simulacrap

Edge writes: "The idea of simulation – the closest approximation of reality in digital form – really suits certain genres. Racing a car, for example, where the player's possible interactions are limited to a couple of pedals, a gearstick and wheel, can be modelled closely. So too can flying an aeroplane, where the number of possible inputs via a keyboard resembles the bewildering number of switches at the disposal of a pilot. But the vicissitudes of human behaviour have yet to be captured."

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Top 7 Hardest Video Games

From rogue-likes to the newer Souls series, there's a solid subsection of games that are purposefully difficult to a mind-boggling, controller-throwing degree. In recent months we've of course received Dark Souls III, but that's not the only new game that will test your perseverance and punish you for making the slightest mistake.

naruga2953d ago (Edited 2953d ago )

no Ninja gaiden black or Ninja gaiden 2 (x360 version)?... also Demon Sousl >dark souls ..


Humble Weekly Bohemia Interactive Bundle 2 Released

Hardcore Gamer - This week’s Humble Bundle focuses on the work of Bohemia Interactive.

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5 Times Games Were Mistaken For Real Life

Nissan USA’s Twitter account goofed up by believing that a couple of screenshots from (the admittedly gorgeous) Driveclub were real-life photographs. And although their tweet was a cover for their own mistake, it is also partially the truth: video games have been getting increasingly realistic. There have been quite a few other instances of games being mistaken for real life content, in some rather more serious situations. So in this list, we take a look at some of the few times games were mistaken for real life.

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3259d ago Replies(3)
oasdada3259d ago

Master chief is among us lol

Relientk773258d ago

I remember the Assassin's Creed one

you can see the viewpoints lol

KingKevo3258d ago

What I love more than the viewpoints are all the hiding spots on the buildings. All the same and too many of them. Looks kinda weird, but apparently not suspicious enough.

nosferatuzodd3258d ago

Lol and these are the people who are giving us news the human race are hopeless

terminallyCapricious3258d ago

Funny stuff and im glad these weren't blocked behind 5 different pages.