
OXCGN: A Case For Gaming 'Blog' Sites - The coming of age for Indie Game Sites

OXCGN writes: "With the huge amount of social networking and blogging these days, where everyday people can reach the world, some wonder about the legitimacy of non-commercial sites based on people and people's opinions.

After all, put one way, opinions are like arseholes….everyone has one, most of them stink, and no one wants to hear yours, right?

But are all these blog sites or even some of the more developed sites based on online hosting services like WordPress just 'blowing foul air', or do they really contribute to people's interests and actually engage, entertain, and enrich?"

More after the jump.

Godem5423d ago

I like how a lot of the smaller sites/blogs expand on the general news, compared to the cut and paste block of text that some larger sites too..

gaminoz5423d ago

I personally like different perspectives on things from sites that try to be as professional as possible. That can be from bigger or smaller sites.

I don't think what software the site runs on makes any difference.

Ziriux5423d ago

Exactly it makes it way more interesting of a read than IGN.com or Gamespot.com.

XboxOZ3605423d ago

Many major sites (corp syndications simply share the same news item across the board, in all regions. They have a monoploy on the news media in getting items first, even though generally speaking, they are followed less by the general gamers.

One thing these sites can not do, represent real, daily game playing gamers who spend a great deal of time doing just that - playing and enjoying games for the fun of it, rather than just doing it to get paid each month

Ziriux5423d ago

You site is same as any other blog too pal, expect a bit more organized.

The thing is sites like Kotaku, and Giantbomb have a great style.

News and than their opinion on the news followed by the source. It's the best way and adds some spice to the news.

xtkxCracktheSkye5423d ago

If you want OXCGN really bad!!!
Buy a PC LOL!!!!

allegionary5423d ago

I find some of the big sites too repetitive: they state the same facts that are good to read once, but don't seem to elaborate on them at all or suggest possibilities. Half the fun of gaming is the "what if" or "will it be/do" etc. imo.

Godem5423d ago

oo I love possibilities hahah.

'Could this be Halo 4?' !!!!!! -gets you all excited haha

XboxOZ3605423d ago

Agreed, one only has to fan through the several main gaming sites, which does include the major gaming blog sites such as Kotaku, Joystiq GameDaily etc, and you'll see the smallest amount of detail, basically copied from one site to the other, all cross linking themselves.

Dedicated Gaming Blogs that are run by enthusiasts put 10 times more work into the articles, do more research (as they have to, their name is on the line) and actually have more details on the news or game .

This isn't about whether news is good or bad, it's more to do with how many gamers believe "Blogs" are bad things, and shouldn't be trusted.

Truth is, 80% of most gaming sites, large to medium, are all run off blogging software. And many are the ones gamers go to each day without even realizing they are in fact "blogs" . .

I look at it this way, if the "industry" (publishers, developers and PR companies take these sites seriously, which they do, then that makes them a viable source of news and information, as these Pub/Dev/PR companies do not have time to waste on sites that do not have traffic or are not run properly.

That in its self says a great deal for any of these sites that fall into the Indie Game Blog Sites.

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Killing Floor at 15 - When a Mod Launched a Critically Acclaimed Series

Tripwire Interactive's Killing Floor debuted 15 years ago, birthing a critically acclaimed series and a new publishing arm.


Two Decades Later, the Original Splinter Cell is Still a Masterpiece

They don't make games like this anymore.

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vgvill7h ago

Too dated in my book. The AI is way too unpredictable to be acceptable today. It's definitely a game of its time.

Jingsing4h ago(Edited 4h ago)

Agreed with those sentiments. The quality of the CPU controlled characters make or break a stealth game and they are pretty poor in all the Splinter Cell games by today's standard. This is what led me to playing Spies vs Mercs all the time in later games just to get a better stealth experience from a real person. Arguably Sony are making better stealth games albeit not Tom Clancy stuff.

rlow144m ago

I had a good time with the game. It is a product of its time. But when it came out it was a must have game for a lot of people. I wish Ubisoft would make another game in the series or at least a reboot.


15 Amazing PS3 Facts You Probably Don’t Know

GB: "With this feature, we will be taking a look at 15 of the most interesting facts about the PS3."

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darthv7222h ago

I knew all of those things. I'll add one that many dont know (if you are a hardware person you do). you CAN actually swap bluray drives between systems. The drives themselves are interchangeable but the board that interfaces is not. So anyone who has a dead optical drive can just get a replacement and swap the interface board and be back to reading discs in no time. I've had to do this myself on both a 20gb B01 as well as a 40gb L01 unit.

you can also replace the spinning hdd with an SSD for improved (not life changing) performance as well as quieter and cooler system reliability. The physical spinning drives draw more current and generate heat as a result. Using an SSD means no moving parts and thus will have less current draw and reduced fan noise from not having to spin as much as usual to offset any heat generated by the spinning hdd.

shinoff21834h ago

I never even thought of that. If I can ever track down a reasonable true backward compatibility one the first thing I'll do is ssd it up.

Skuletor16h ago

Took my PS3 out the other week and plugged it in, it has the Red Light of Death. RIP

Knightofelemia13h ago

Still one of my favorite Playstations next to the Playstations that came before it and after it.

shinoff21834h ago(Edited 4h ago)

You missed some great games then. Especially the variety. Ps3 lacked compared to before and after.

It had great games but it lacked compared to every other ps system. The variety went out the window. Game budgets got higher that's when developers stopped taking chances. Indies weren't quite going full speed like the ps4 generation. It's my least favorite of all the Playstation. Also jrpgs disappeared like a mf, there were some but sht compared to previous gens.