
IGN: Five Ways to Make The Grinder Better

High Voltage Software (The Conduit) is hard at work on two Wii projects, both set for release next year. The first, scheduled to ship in the first half of 2010, is Gladiator A.D., an ultra-bloody fighting game that revolves around the ancient Greek sport. The second title is The Grinder, which has with all of its similarities to the Left 4 Dead series garnered a great deal of interest from the Nintendo-loving community -- for the obvious reason that there's nothing like Valve's series on Wii.

SinnedNogara5442d ago


5,4 and 3: Agreed, but shouldn't they just put in a sprint feature?? Hold the A Button to sprint!!

#2: Some very weird weapon ideas. Personally I would like to see weapons that fit with the style of the game like a RPG-7, Dragunov, M79, Molotov c0cktail, Dynamite, Claymore, and of course a FLAMETHROWER!!!!

#1: Agreed. I would also want to see a mode called "Survival". Basically you and four friends are trapped in a stage fighting hordes of enemies. Just imagine Nazi Zombies combined with Horde mode combined with Left 4 Dead!!

ChickeyCantor5442d ago

" Agreed. I would also want to see a mode called "Survival""

But there already is one?
Its called score arena i think...

SinnedNogara5441d ago

There is??? Weird, I've never seen it. Give me a link of some sort!

Youg5381d ago

looks awesome, not so sure bout Gladiator A.D but The Grinder looks promising and awesome :D

been e-mailing my suggestions in, if u wanna c somethin in the game (or considered at least) e-mail the suggestions address at high voltage :D

EvilTwin5381d ago

After playing Conduit, I'm kinda more excited about Gladiator A.D. than Grinder, but that's just me.

Conduit was a nice game, but honestly, I'd still rather play Prime 3. And the COD4 port could seriously one-up HVS for best FPS on Wii. I hope I'm wrong and that Grinder is a great game, but it's kinda hard to out-do L4D when it's got a sequel coming.


Interview with Eric Nofsinger of High Voltage Software | GAMINGtruth.com

We sit down with Eric Nofsinger and talk The Conduit, The Grinder, and much more in this exclusive interview.

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LaWiiG4072d ago

Had such high hopes for the game. It makes more sense now than ever, especially in the digital marketplace.

ptownjbo4072d ago

I wish they didn't make Conduit 2 with such a dumb story line.

DeejayKnight4072d ago

I'm looking forward to this one quite a bit more now. Great interview! :D


On Shelves This Week: December 20,2012 - January 5, 2012

Normally, the end of the year is a slow time for game releases. Everyone who’s anyone has already launched during the holiday season, and the stragglers don’t seem to get much attention. Then again, all those folks that picked up new consoles for Christmas need something to play, so maybe there’s some cleverness in a last-week release.

Who knows? Either way, these games are coming out just before the clock rolls over to 2013.

8bitHero4176d ago

oh type 0, maybe one day i'll be able to play you in english. <3 the demo was so awesome. maybe once SE is done with their obsession with lightning we might finally get you, if is psp or vita port idc, JUST COME OVAH HERE!

Kurisu4176d ago

I also downloaded and played the demo and it was so good. So good that I wish I never bothered downloading it in the first place because now I know how much of a good thing I am missing.

FinaLXiii4176d ago (Edited 4176d ago )

FF-type 0 is a must have for me.

Hicken4176d ago

WHERE is this stuff supposed to be coming out?

rainslacker4176d ago (Edited 4176d ago )

I can't find any US release for any of these on amazon or gamestop...I assumed they were for US because they all had ESRB ratings except for the iOS games.

Type-0 is listed as canceled on gamefaqs as well, and was released in October in Japan. POssession and the Humans is also listed as canceled. Author game is cancelled in the US it looks like. The Grinder is cancelled for Wii, and TBA for 360. Unchained blades looks to be a digital title releasing on the 1/3...


The Grinder still headed to Wii

Is The Grinder still headed to Nintendo Wii? If this survey is correct, the answer is "yes"

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browngamer44772d ago

I bet it gets remade for project cafe.

Shok4772d ago

Would love Nintendo to show an updated trailer of it at their E3 conference.

ChickeyCantor4771d ago

It was promised this year.
So yeah i think they will ( sega will )

Conduit 3 is basically confirmed for Project cafe i think.
Im not surprised if they do the same with The grinder ( which looks tons better!)