
Game Podunk: Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box Preview

If you like traveling by train, it's a good time to own a Nintendo DS. At least if you like to travel on a virtual train: we already know with Spirit Tracks, Link will be trading in his ship for a steam-powered locomotive, and it looks like Professor Layton will be hopping on board also, starting this August.

As in the first game, you will play as Layton and his helpful sidekick, Luke, navigating your way through puzzles (150 this time, over the original's 100), trying to solve the mystery of what happened to Layton's mentor, Dr. Shraeder. As the title suggests, the adventure's focus is the Elysian Box, rumored to kill any who open it.

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rrquinta5451d ago

Professor Layton is a great series. So glad that more games are finally making it across the ocean!! I'm going to pre-order this one, since I finally finished the first one.

skygear755451d ago

These kind of games really make me want to buy a DS soon. I heard the first was awesome, so I hope the second one doesn't disappoint.

fatstarr5450d ago

this is a day 1 for me :D i just hope i can get thru the puzzles with out ripping out my scalp.

TheLiztress5448d ago

Looking forward to this game. I need to get another DS as I like games of this nature. I hope it is as good as the first one.

PS360WII5448d ago

Oh yeah! Professor Layton and Luke will strike again :) August can't come soon enough


Rank Up - Professor Layton series

With the latest Professor Layton game, The Miracle Mask, now available, SuperPhillip Central ranks the Professor Layton games from least greatest to greatest.

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Why We Love: Professor Layton

With Professor Layton's 3D debut literally just around the corner, we take a look at just why we love this more recent Nintendo classic, born on the Nintendo DS.

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Moving Beyond Artificial Construction as Explored in the Professor Layton Series

"Blue, sunny skies are perfect weather conditions for puzzle-solving, so contends Hershel Layton, main protagonist of the Professor Layton series of games. Citing the need for a clear mind and a level head, such advice leads me to question why we often categorize the solving of puzzles as a rainy day activity. Nevertheless, it is that very sort of ahead-of-the-game thinking that quickly bore within me a desire to connect with this well-mannered character type from his first adventure in Curious Village." -- Wiiloveit.com

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Canary4333d ago

I was looking forward to an insightful, or at the very least intelligent discussion of the Professor Layton series. I found neither.

This article is -profoundly- poorly written.

My guess is that it was either written by a high school student suffering under the mistaken delusion that he or she has some talent with writing... or, perhaps more likely, someone for whom English is a second, third or fourth language.

tl;dr don't waste you're time, folks.