
MyWii: Boom Blox Bash Party Review

In the middle of last year a physics based puzzle game by the name of Boom Blox was released on the Wii to much critical acclaim, and to date has sold close to a million copies. Built specifically for the Wii's motion control sensors and born out of a collaboration between two of the biggest names in the business - Electronic Arts and Academy Award winning film director Stephen Spielberg - its original and innovative gameplay and thought provoking puzzles won many a gamer's heart and mind.

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GameZone's very serious list of top 50 Wii games (#50 - #41)

GameZone: "While the Wii was at the receiving end of both praise and criticism, the console still featured quite the library of impressive titles. Seriously. Let’s take a look back at the Wii one last time and celebrate 50 gems that were truly worth playing."

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The 50 Best Nintendo Wii Games - Part One

SuperPhillip Central writes, "Generally when I see people say that the Wii's library is one of the worst of any mainstream console, I can only roll my eyes so far to the back of my head before pain sets in. It's just a lazy, thoughtless, misguided statement. Unless one's tastes are severely limited, there is no excuse for such a comment.

The Nintendo DS had its turn for the past five weeks, now the Wii is getting its share of the spotlight as the system is approaching the end of its life as Nintendo's main console. The console has one of the most diverse lineups of software. There's really everything except the Western RPG, I believe -- platformers, action, adventure, shooters, puzzle games, JRPGs, open world games, and so on and so forth for Wii owners to enjoy. So for every vocal minority that says the Wii has few games worth playing, there is a title that appeals to most people, and a library with loads of undiscovered and well known treasures to find. This list of fifty of the greatest Wii...

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Lucretia4271d ago

whoa whoa whoa who whoa wtf????????

this will be an interesting list.

i struggle naming the 20 or so games I have on my wii, so maybe I will find some gems i didn't know existed.

so far the list is meh. Some great stuff on there but some pretty bad stuff too.....Hope the rest of the list is better :P

ninjabake4271d ago

What's "pretty bad" on this list? The only mediocre game on the list is Excite Truck if you ask me.

Lucretia4271d ago

well its opinion. but wario, kirby and excite truck arent very great Imo

ninjabake4271d ago (Edited 4271d ago )

"Aren't very great" and "pretty bad stuff" are 2 completely different things if you ask me.

BattleAxe4271d ago (Edited 4271d ago )

LOL, they're all going to be Super Mario, Zelda and Metroid related games. This is going to be some funny s**t.

GameLord084271d ago

Obviously a good many of them will be first-party Nintendo games. Their software is one of the main selling-points of their consoles. It's the same reason why some of the best PS3 titles of all time are the Uncharted and God of War games; exclusive first-party IPs sell. They're bloody good games.

I don't see what's so funny or laughable when it comes to most Nintendo franchises being listed as some of the best games; that's one of the biggest things Nintendo has over their competitors. Can't you external fanboys just acknowledge this like mature gamers? Just... wow, you all sicken me.

Phil324271d ago

This list will help such willful ignorance. :)
The ignorance is what is funny shit to me.


Wii Games That Belong On PSN (RunDLC)

Electronic Arts made a smart decision including the Wii shooter, Dead Space Extraction, with copies of the Dead Space 2 Limited Edition on PlayStation 3, complete with Move support. That inspired us to create a list of third party Wii titles that should make the transition to PS3, preferably as downloadable games.

John Artest (RunDLC)

qface645064d ago

what is it with everyone always saying this (insert wii game here) should come to the psn/xbl
really? how many times has this even happened to make people think it would be a download
if a wii game was ever brought to the ps3/360 it will be a full priced game

that whole download thing is very silly

Xof5064d ago

Given the actual file-sizes of Wii games, it would make more sense to sell it as a digital download than a blu-ray disc.

Anyway, the only Wii game I want to see on the PS3 is Dragon Quest IX. A port, and HD-transfer, a PSN game, whatever. I just don't want to have to buy a Wii for one game.

And no one tell me I don't have to. Making a DQ game for a console I don't have is the same thing as pointing a gun to my head--refusal means DEATH.

gamerzBEreal175064d ago

i would love to see no more heros and house of the dead on the ps3 with move

Mahr5064d ago (Edited 5064d ago )

"Anyway, the only Wii game I want to see on the PS3 is Dragon Quest IX... I just don't want to have to buy a Wii for one game"

Especially since Dragon Quest IX isn't on the Wii.

Xof5064d ago

But that should have been obvious. Anyway.... *Dragon Quest X

stragomccloud5064d ago

Well... Xbox 360 discs and Wii discs are also the same DVD 9 format disk.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5064d ago
rumplstilts5064d ago

"We’d love to play No More Heroes 2 with PlayStation Move, swinging beam swords around and lopping off limbs."

I don't think they know how to play NMH. You only swing for finishers. Otherwise it is if it is being titled up or down for the height of your attacks.

Xof5064d ago

I think it's more like gamers who haven't played the Wii always imagine it to be more dynamic and exciting than it really is. (Motion-control games in general).

Basically, they expect it to be the same perfect sword-play simulator we've all been wanting since the age of five.

WIIIS15064d ago

lol I'm not sure the PS3 can handle Wii games! /s

Venoxn4g5064d ago

this article is fanboy's dream :)

LoaMcLoa5064d ago

Fanboy-rubbish! Any good Wii-game is worth a full price, even as a port.

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