
BoomTown Review: Hired Guns - The Jagged Edge

BoomTown writes: "Being forced to lower the difficulty of a game thirty minutes in is not what I would consider a well orchestrated experience – especially since twenty-five of those minutes were spent in Hired Guns' many statistic management windows. I don't expect to find refuge in the normal difficulty setting on every game, but the kind of resistance that warrants such a downgrade is rarely encountered when you've barely even learnt the control scheme."

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HonestGamers Review // Hired Guns: Jagged Edge

Gary Hartley says: I've nothing against games being hard, but before you survive the first few initial outings, loot a few corpses and watch your team's stats rise to the point where it's noticeable, you'll be spending a lot of time reloading old saves that took place before complete slaughters and eagle-eyed head shot levelled against you.

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WG Review: Hired Guns: The Jagged Edge

Hired Guns: The Jagged Edge is a half-hearted attempt to resurrect a turn-based shooter series which should have stayed in the rose-tinted gaming sections of peoples' memories. Confusing controls, no plot and terrible English translations turn what could have been an enjoyable shooter into a mess of bad design and crushing difficulty- one for the bargain bin.

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YLG Review: Hired Guns: The Jagged Edge

YLG: "It says a lot about a game when the first thing that hits you is the terrible dialogue, naff voice acting and worst spelling I've ever seen in a videogame, and if the developers and publishers couldn't be bothered to spend a few quid to hire a decent translator, what does that say about the rest of the game? If you said "It'll be a let down from the off", you're right."

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