
Will PopCap retroactively censor Plants Vs. Zombies?

Gamer Limit writes "Over on Reddit, there has been quite the stir regarding the Dancing Zombie from PopCap's latest game, Plants Versus Zombies.
The general gist from their discussion is, while previously the Micheal Jackson zombie was humorous, yet now, since his death, it looks a touch distasteful."

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Martin Bigg5422d ago (Edited 5422d ago )

I think the content on www.deadmichaeljacksonjokes.co m is far more offensive than a coincidental resemblance in a video game.

JeSsMaN3335420d ago

If anything it just shows how much of an influence the man was and by references in video AND gaming, this just lets more people (or more types of people) remember that.

[I don't listen to MJ myself, but I certainly respect what he's done in his time, and by the amount of people who have such great respect for him]

PirateThom5422d ago

Are they going to retroactively censor the Thriller video, you know, since that's what it's pretty much parodying?

Briefcase Joe5420d ago

It's not distasteful! The game came out way before he died. If the game came out after his death, it would be distasteful. Too many sensitive sallys in the world.

Leathersoup5420d ago

Please!!! People these days are waaaay to sensitive. If it isn't appropriate now then it shouldn't have been appropriate then? Why did no one make a fuss over it before?


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Gameplay Video For A Cancelled Plants vs Zombies Title Surface Online

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How a Plants vs. Zombies Game Died so a Star Wars Game Could Live (and Then Also Die)

From IGN: "In the second half of 2016, a small team of developers at PopCap Vancouver were gearing up for a presentation that would determine the future of their team, their project, and potentially an already-beloved franchise: Plants vs. Zombies.

For the past year, they had been working on a brand new Plants vs. Zombies adventure that would take the series in a very different direction. Though they had EA’s blessing for their work to that point, it wasn’t a guarantee the project would ultimately see the light of day, especially given how ambitious it was."