
The PS3's Easiest Platinum Trophies

Nofi from TheSixthAxis writes that "trophies, whilst a relatively new aspect of the PlayStation 3, are now ubiquitous. We've talked at length about their appeal in the past and our Trophy List is maintained daily, but if you're just looking to boost your score quickly it's all about the Platinums. But which games have the easiest Platinums? We take a look at five PlayStation 3 games and give you a hassle-free pack of Trophies to select from."

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DarthChris5432d ago

This is just a list of rubbish games

Jamie Foxx5432d ago

and i love the burnout series, cant believe i still havnt bought that game

Lifendz5432d ago (Edited 5432d ago )

In other games there are some trophies that are about impossible to get. See Wipeout HD. Burnout required the purchase of a PS3eye, which I'm glad I got btw, but otherwise all you really needed was to put in time.

I don't know about you guys but I don't want trophies in just any game. Especially if I'm just playing it to get an easy plat. I take some pride in getting trophies in a game I actually like. I'm still working on my Resistance 2 platinum (only 2 away) and Street Fighter 4 is looking like it's not going to happen because I can't do those combo trials. But whatever. I'd rather have an incomplete on those than have a platinum in My Little Pony.

BTW, last trophy getting moment that made me yell for joy was getting my 8th and final ribbon for assassination defend in Killzone 2. Just have to finish the game on Elite and I'll be on easy street for a Killzone 2 plat.

xabmol5432d ago

Good luck on elite. It's a pain in the @ss. Be prepared to spend a few days in hell just on the last level alone. >.<

When you get that platinum though... You'll jump up in the air screaming, "FU*K YEAH!!" I know I did. :D

Lifendz5432d ago

lol. Bro, I had a bish of a time beating that last level on veteran. I know on Elite it's going to be nuts. Radec, like most bosses, wasn't so bad once you learned his pattern. But the wave after wave of guys being thrown at you with virtually no cover was nuts. Especially since I did this before they patched in the High Precision scheme which made my the reticule feel like I had 50 pound weights on my arms. (I know some of you disagree).

I don't think it should be that bad this time. Just take out the rocket guys and camp by the stairwell. Easier said than done I know.

xabmol5432d ago (Edited 5432d ago )

Use your knife to kill the enemies after the stairs open up. I also killed Radec with the knife. (>.0)

And try not to throw your controller.

STONEY45432d ago

Vasari Palace on Elite almost made me break my controller, mostly on the outside part when I kept killing the ATAC with the granade launcher and dying soon after by some random Helghast, until I figured out the LMG would take out the ATAC with about half a clip. It took me almost the whole day to beat that level.

locos855432d ago

I beat Killzone 2 last night after the 100 try on that last level when the stairs open up. I ready to take the game outside and run it over a few times. Radec was fairly easy, I killed him on my second try and got the trophy for killing him under 20 minutes. That last level was more frustrating than fun!! why do they do that?

barom5431d ago

Anyone else who's against online trophies? I mean I usually would have no issues with them except for the fact that sometimes there just is not enough people. Currently playing Motorstorm: Pacific Rift and there's rarily anyone playing Casual Races (I need 50 of these). I mean I can still get it but I would have to be VERY patient.

Not that I would've gotten the platinum anyway as one of them is about getting 3 wins in a row in ranked, which is impossible as the only ones who plays are pros (or a large portion of them).

Anyway I just really dislike online trophies unless they're online only games ofc.

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Max Power5432d ago

isn't that easy, while I am sure it is for some. But that damn "yatta!" trophy is the only one giving me a problem. Tried several times just can't seem too be Dr. Robotnik.

Shendow5432d ago

This is way I'm happy I'm from the NES/Genesis Gen, I beated all the Soinc's that was made on a Sega system an own them all to ^-^

MasterChief36245432d ago

These "Easiest Platinum Trophies" lists always come up with the crappiest games...

Yet they also forget to add in the singular 'easiest' Platinum trophy ever: Hannah Montana: The Movie.

ArsArcanum5432d ago

I thought RE 5 was really easy to plat, and thats not a crappy game

Blink_445432d ago

Re5 is very time consuming.

DarthChris5432d ago

Would anyone be really proud about having these in their trophy cabinet though?

bratman5432d ago

i wouldn't be proud of trophies like that... but on the same topic i am proud that i got platinums for both killzone 2 and uncharted this weekend :D

Armyless5432d ago

I am more proud of having games I love at 100% (or Platinum) than crap games that give me away as a gamer with poor taste.

Sangria5432d ago

In my opinion, Uncharted : Drake's Fortune, inFamous and Wolverine Origins are quite easy to get the platinum.
For Uncharted, the hardest to do is to complete the game in the highest difficulty, it will be a pain but the game is not very long, so you just have to hide as much as possible.

For inFamous, you'll have to finish two times the game (with one time in Difficult), print a map with all the collectible shards and fight more in Difficult (because the experience is slower to increase, and one trophy asks you to get all the Famous / inFamous powers) and it's done.

And for Wolverine, the game is really short and easy, finish it two times and you will easily have the platinum. Fallout 3's trophies are also easy to have but it's very long to do, but if you enjoyed Fallout 3, the platinum is an easy quest.

Lifendz5432d ago (Edited 5432d ago )

The hardest part about Infamous, in my opinion, was doing all the stunts. Especially if you only start paying attention to 'em after clearing most of the islands. BTW, how in the bleep was doing all the stunts just a silver? I can understand making you beat the game on hard for a gold but that's it? The blast shards weren't nearly that hard to collect. I was grabbing them from the begging and at the end only had to check the areas on the periphery of the maps to find the last few. I think the Blast Shards and Doing all the Stunts should've been golds. How did Infamous have just one gold trophy when a game like Fight Night has seven?

I still haven't beaten Uncharted on crushing. I'll probably do that after classes end. I'd like to get the plat in that before part 2 comes out.

micro_invader5432d ago

The crushing trophy wasn't that bad. I beat the game on a crushing save file in about 6 hours. Just remember one thing, always aim for the head!

Sangria5432d ago

I made the mistake to complete the territories in Famous whereas i didn't do all the stunts. I had to redo all of them in inFamous side, but some are really hard if you are not Famous, like the one where you have to stick a bomb onto a flying enemy.

On Famous side, that's ok, you have a power that allows you to slow down significantly the enemy's fall, but on inFamous side, you don't have such power, so it wasn't a matter of skill but only luck. I agree, the stunts can be a real pain, however i still had the platinum in 15~20 hours, so it's not really that hard (or at least, not as hard as Wipeou HD).

Lifendz5432d ago

good call. I gave up on getting the plat in that. Especially when on my best day I come no where near making zone 75 or whatever it is. I think I'd have to have a chip in me and connect to my PS3 to do that.

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Is Valve Gaming’s Equivalent of Pixar?

"Pixar are by far one of the best movie making companies out there, and have been for years. But could Valve be gaming’s answer to such a phenomenon?"- PureDarkness

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Fir3truck4709d ago

Very interesting I never really looked at it like that.

fluffydelusions4709d ago (Edited 4709d ago )

I know this isn't what the article is talking about but I'd love to see a Portal movie from Valve. All this trailers they made were awesome.

Fir3truck4709d ago

or even just a "Saturday Morning" cartoon with the two multiplayer bots.

FlipDock4709d ago

That would be pretty awesome

Ducky4709d ago

TeamFortress2 characters have a lot of personality too.

Dag nabbit Valve, where's Meet the Pyro/Medic?

Beahmscream4709d ago

Definately an interesting comparison.

Inside_out4709d ago (Edited 4709d ago )

Sorry, Valve is a solid company and has some nice IP's and many gamers put Half-life on a very deserving pedestal but they take TOO long to get anything done. As a matter of fact, M$ had to pick between Half-life and a new IP being made by Epic and eager little Cliffy B. They went with Epic because nobody know when Valve will ever get around to making and finishing a project. Best decision MGS ever made I would say huh...lol...btw...Most people were disappointed with Portal 2.

Pixar is beyond amazing and for a company to continue to put out movie after movie of such a high quality and REGULARITY, it's unheard of. Valve is lazy and it's Steam network wasn't really tested...till now. Many Pubs are going to be starting up their own networks as the technology is cheap now and valve will have to hustle if they don't want to start laying people off...you'll see what I mean. The days of taking 5 years to make a game are done.

Valve will have to have a yearly release if it wants to compete with EA, MGS who are bring XBL to the whole world via the PC, Activision will no doubt want to cut out the middle man as well, THQ, Ubi-softy...you name it, it's coming. Valve's fat, lazy good times are OVER.

PureDarkness4709d ago (Edited 4709d ago )

Valve have made a game (or expansion pack) in:
'98, two in '99, '00, '01, '03, two in '04, '06, '07 (which was Orange box so that's more than one), '08, '09, and '11.

Not only is that regulrity but that's also 13 games in 14 years. That's also counting Orange box as one game.

Pixar has released (including Cars 2 later this year) 12 films in 17 years. So quite how you say Valve take too long to get anything done but Pixar does stuff with regularity I do not know. Stop getting butt-hurt over them taking a while to make Half Life 3 because they've given you plenty of stuff to play with in the mean time.

maxcavsm4709d ago

Nice angle to this one; not a lot of Pixar haters out there either I imagine...

Del6734709d ago

Haha, yeah. It'd be kinda hard to hate on talking cars or a chubby boyscout.

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PSFocus: Disney Pixar's Up Review

PSFocus writes: "Everybody has his own kind of genre film, which he or she likes to watch. The one loves horror, the other of romance. In between all these different movie viewers is a big deal. They all love Pixar films, at least, a few strange cases after then. Pixar is a studio that once in a while with nice, funny and above all very nice computer animated films come. Meanwhile, the studio has a number of years now and provide them each good movies. Their latest creation is up to them and of course the game will follow."

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Games2C: Disney & Pixar's Up Review


"The visual style captures the essence of the film, helped further by authentic voice acting from the cast and little filmesque clips to push the narrative along at a gentle pace. But don't be in doubt, UP is a bog–standard movie conversion – that is short in both length and ambition. An extension of the film perhaps, but not a particularly valuable addition to anyone's game collection."