
Lens of Truth's Defense Against Ghostbuster Allegations

Lens of Truth writes a response against the "Lens of Truth Ghostbusters Comparison: Not True at All" allegation that was posted on N4G. The link to original comparison article is in the rebuttal.

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Forrest Gump5434d ago

We'll buy it on the platform we want it on,a flawed graphical comparison won't make me buy any other version other than the Ps3 version.

RudeSole Devil5434d ago

Who cares the thousands of people that have multiple console, that's who.

Jager5434d ago

Seeing as how the PS3 version of ghostbusters comes WITH the movie... i think that's reason enough for multi console owners to get the ps3 version.

Greywulf5434d ago (Edited 5434d ago )

speak for yourself. I'm not risking RROD to play ghostbusters with a better texture when zoomed in and split screened with the 360 version. I'm not expecting KZ2 level visuals anyway, for that I play killzone2.

It breaks down to "where are more of my friends?" for most too. Which isn't often PSN.

jager, it allegedly doesn't come with the movie. that was bad info.

IdleLeeSiuLung5434d ago

Good for you!

Just realize that you are supporting inferior PS3 version. I own all 3 consoles, but if I only owned a PS3 I would not buy this game. This has nothing to do with a console war (as I could care less), but rather supporting shoddy work.

If people are too blinded by their fanboyism to even see that, then I guess they get what they deserve!!!

ArthurLee5434d ago

For the one millionith time man! GHOSTBUSTERS:The Game DOES NOT come with the movie!!!

Serg5434d ago


I don't know if it's an amazon(DE) deal or if all shops sell Ghostbusters with the movie here in Germany. Usual game price, not higher due to the movie.

50CALheadshot5434d ago

*LOOKS at ghostbusters*


*goes to play uncharted 2 beta,infamous, mgs4, uncharted 1, killzone 2, warhawk, gt5p* (current playlist)

SaberEdge5434d ago

I despise the people who say "who cares about these comparisons?" The answer is obvious, lot's of us own more than one console and we want to know which version of a cross platform game we should spend our money on. The only people who have a problem with these comparisons are people who only own one console.

I never doubted Lens of Truth.

50CALheadshot5434d ago

I despise all these sites (and the idiots that follow them), that create flamebait over multiplats.

LEts end this pansy bulls#it once and for all and compare exclusives. This back and forth bullfeces is pointless. compare the goddamnmuthaphuckin exclusives and that will give you the real answer of which console can push more poly's.

but that would be to easy no? instead lets ignite a small flame and watch all the mindless moths and sheep commit mental suicide at the stupidity of these multiplatform comparisons.

soljah5434d ago

yep who cares

its a movie licensed game ghost busters. there are all crap graphics

if a want graphics i will play my kz2, uncharted, pac rift .etc

Anon19745434d ago (Edited 5434d ago )

I'm glad to see they're dealing with the criticism head on. They just notched up in my book.

However, I'll still be buying this on my PS3 based on the gameplay I've seen (and looking forward to it!) I see people claiming that by buying the PS3 version you're supporting inferior software, I suppose the same argument can be made that by buying the 360 version you're supporting inferior hardware.

For me it boils down to this. I want to play the game. My 360 has let me down multiple times in the past and I'd be an idiot if that didn't change my gameplay habits. End of the day I know I can rely on my PS3. I'll still buy the odd exclusive on the 360 that I want to play (I'm a gamer afterall) but given the choice I'll always pick the console that reliably plays my software. End of.

Edit Below: Yeah, this game was just begging for co-op. It's a shame they didn't incorporate this into the game. Still, this is the next game I'm getting after I finish my second run through on Infamous (this time as evil as I can be!) That game is fantastic.

Omegasyde5434d ago

are: Multi-console owners whom are "interested" in the game in the first place.

Ps3 *only* or Xbox 360 *only* owners shouldn't care about such frivolous things. If you don't intend on buying another console, you really shouldn't care how the other console games play out.

Not trying to downplay the comparison because clearly the 360 version is better. If the PS3 version did actually include the movie, then I would prefer that as a multi-console owner. If they made a Wii version, however with 3-player co-op I'd buy it instead of these two.

gambare5434d ago

If what LoT posted were truth then they wouldn't bother in give a defense of what they posted, if they bother in answer a news in N4G then they must be hiding something. Cmon LoT we already know what you give is an altered comparison of both versions and very convenient angles of a comparison to make look like a winner the 360 versions.

el zorro5434d ago

@ Gambare

So, are you claiming that Ars Technica, Lens of Truth and IGN are all in on a big conspiracy to make Ghostbusters on PS3 look bad? Ghostbusters? Seriously?

See, that is why I can't take most of you PS3 fanboys seriously. Most of you are so blinded by your own fanboyism that you can't see the truth when it smacks you in the forehead.

commodore645434d ago (Edited 5434d ago )

Yeah, nice to see LoT vindicate themselves.

It seems, no matter what is proven, Sony diehard fans will ignore reality and attempt to obfuscate with lies, denial and fear-mongering.
These past few threads in GB stories are perfect examples of that.

I find it particularly interesting to see a minority of multi console owners grudgingly accept that the ps3 version is demonstrably inferior, yet proclaim, quite illogically, that they will buy the ps3 version, regardless.

Weird that, isn't it?
Sony truly has done a good job with its loyalists.
It is almost like a religion for some.

Omegasyde5434d ago (Edited 5434d ago )

Same can be said about the RROD and Sega releasing the saturn and the 32x debacle.

O wait, your "anti-sony" Commodore. Anything positive for Sony is like cancer for you.

emitsiti5434d ago

This is immature, gamers need real news, not flame bait!

no more flame bait... no more hiphopgamer...

JL5434d ago

"This has nothing to do with a console war (as I could care less), but rather supporting shoddy work."

I second this sentiment tenfold. This is why I do NOT understand how people can get behind the 360 so blindly or any MS product anymore for that fact. Their work since like Windows 3 has just been unacceptable. And what's even funnier is how you got all these people on here now that ragging others for buying shoddy products (the ps3 version of Ghostbusters---which i agree with), but in the same breath showing their blind loyalty to MS and their products like xbox. Makes NO sense whatsoever. How do companies get away with this? We as consumers really need to stand up and start voicing our opinions with our money and quit supporting half-ass work.

caladbolg7775434d ago (Edited 5434d ago )

Agreed. I won't be buying Ghostbusters for the PS3, just as I won't purchase an XBOX360. I spend too much money on my gaming habit for my hardware/software to be half-assed or defective. Games and consoles are expensive nowadays, and many of us need to be picky and choosy about where we invest our time and money.

IdleLeeSiuLung5434d ago (Edited 5434d ago )

I partly agree with you except for the MS part.

I'm not going to try and suggest that RROD doesn't exist and that everything MS produces is gold. When any company produces shoddy work they should be "punished" for it and I think MS took a lot of heat for RROD and took a billion dollar slap on the wrist to extend the warranty. As it stands right now, neither of my Xbox 360s have had any problems at all. Neither has my Wii or PS3 either.

However, personally I think some of the MS products are great. Case in point, I love Vista (except it is a little slow), but for some odd freaken reason both the media and the public hates it. IMO Vista is superior in almost every way on the user interface side to XP yet people are clamoring for XP.

mastiffchild5434d ago

At 50cal-and what , exactly, would comparing the poly counts of the respective exclusives do? As it stands I assume you're sayinmg the PS3 games would technically outstrip wheir MS counterparts, yes? Anmd you'd be correct.

However, does that mean the PS3 is a stronger machine on it's own? Not really. ATM Sony gives first and second party devs far longer to get everything done than,say , even Epic get from MS. Who's to say that without the pressure from MS to get games like Gears2 out to market more quickly the 360 games wouldn't drastically improve in the pixel race?

No, for me the comparison video is virtually defunct atm.

Pistolero5434d ago

"Their work since like Windows 3 has just been unacceptable."

Coming from a diehard Microsoft-hater, that comment doesn't mean much....I have seen a couple of your comments JL and you seem like the typical yuppie know-knothing Microsoft basher....if you think Microsoft has done anything worse than Sony or any other big company you are ignorant. I have liked a lot of Microsoft products since Windows 3...the Xbox 360 being one of them.

There is a very big difference between buying a game you know is shoddy and buying a console that in all likelihood will not fail on you....and even if it does you know is fully covered by a warranty. Conversely there is no chance that Ghostbusters on PS3 might not be inferior to the 360 version...it is what it is. The fact that you guys are trying to equate the two reveals how heavily biased you are.

Why dis5434d ago

The fake story must STILL be their for traffic and misinformation spreading in defense of PS3.

CWMR5434d ago

-360 almost always gets the better looking multiplat games. You can blame "lazy devs" all you want, but I think most of us know that sony just made some bad decisions about the design of their console and many developers are struggling because of it.-

JL5434d ago (Edited 5434d ago )

I won't completely and utterly dismiss everything Microsoft does (though i do come across a bit overzealous at times when on the issue) but seriously they have MAJORLY fallen off since way back in the day. And i think a large reason for that is because of what you said: they keep just getting slaps on the wrist. They need more than that to straighten up. I for one would like to see Microsoft return to its glory but at this rate it's only getting worse. Seems with each passing generation of technology they become worse at their job. I have to disagree that Vista is better than XP. XP i will agree was my favorite of their OS, dating back for a while. As far as i'm concerned, as far as user interface, xp and vista work the same, at least on accessibility and whatnot. It's the behind the scenes stuff that makes Vista irritate so many. It really is some poor coding in there. For instance Vista is quite the memory hog (the reason you say it's slow) and this is because of poor coding and features that were of good intention i guess, but poorly executed (ie Superfetch). Microsoft's thing is that they got into a position where they had no competition really. They then exploited this further cementing their monopoly through tossing money around (hence the lawsuit several years ago) and they got into a position where we couldn't do without them without taking a large hit of some sort to our computing. And we as consumers didn't want that, so we let them skate on things. And it's become sort of second nature now to just let them slide, because, hey...it's Microsoft. (i mean seriously, how many people do you truly know that really praise windows and talk about never having problems with it. i honestly don't know a single person that truly likes windows anymore).

now @Pistolero:
and that coming from a person with a bias towards Microsoft, your comments mean nothing to me either. As for a typical know-nothing microsoft basher, i'll have you know that i used to be a very avid Microsoft supporter. however, if you seriously sit there and say MS work hasn't gone terribly downhill since back in the day then you are the ignorant misinformed one. cause really there is no denying it (all you have to do is look to their OS for examples). and don't kid yourself, yes i hate MS, i'll come right out and admit that, no shame in it on my part. but everyone here has some kind of preference one way or the other. and you definitely have a bias towards MS of sorts. hell that can be seen in just saying that gears2 is hands down better graphically than killzone2 (yea i've seen your comments too). you just try to be more subtle and sly/cowardly about your preference/bias. don't for a second though presume to think i'm some ignorant person who blindly hates on microsoft, because i have plenty of reason, and microsoft themselves have given me said reasons. you'd have to be some teenager who doesn't know any better to think that microsoft hasn't went downhill seriously. and that whole "shoddy software vs shoddy hardware" argument you made holds no water either. cause yes they are the same. for one you're trying to downplay the shoddy hardware work of the 360. i for one do not personally know a single person who owns a 360 and hasn't had it break on them at least once. and with the very know widespread failure of said consoles buying from them is in fact giving into shoddy work. it's all about voicing opinion with the power of the dollar.

gambare5434d ago

"1.14 -
@ Gambare

So, are you claiming that Ars Technica, Lens of Truth and IGN are all in on a big conspiracy to make Ghostbusters on PS3 look bad? Ghostbusters? Seriously?

See, that is why I can't take most of you PS3 fanboys seriously. Most of you are so blinded by your own fanboyism that you can't see the truth when it smacks you in the forehead."

Nope, I'm not saying that, just with LoT.

BTW by the disagrees on my comment I see the number of alt accounts of certain users are increasing a lot, let's say el zorro and commodore64 shares the same IP

littletad5434d ago

How you have that many bubbles and continue to comment in the gamer zone.

gambare5434d ago

"littletad - 4 minutes ago
1.27 - I have no idea
How you have that many bubbles and continue to comment in the gamer zone. "

By reserving this type of comment in the open zone

commodore645434d ago (Edited 5434d ago )

@ gambare.

IS sad that you accuse me of multiple accounts.

Hey MODS, can someone confirm that my IP is not shared with anyone else and then let Gambare know?

I am just not happy of being accused falsely and Gambare seems to be suffering from delusions of persecution.

Please MODS?

gambare5434d ago


I am just not happy of being accused falsely and Gambare seems to be suffering from delusions of persecution.

Please MODS?"
mm..... I hope you know what delusions of persecution is, because one of the symptoms is believe that someone accuse you in false even if it hasn't been done before.

JasonPC360PS3Wii5434d ago

You Playstation fans say you "don't care about these comparisons" but each and every one of you spend half to all of your (stolen) bubbles making comments. It's not just this article, it's ever bit of Ghostbusters news that pops up. If I truly "don't care" about news on this site I don't even click the link. Why do you show up over and over if you don't care?

JD_Shadow5434d ago (Edited 5434d ago )

And I also bet that no one would give a rat's ASS about this game if it weren't for this huge MESS of a situation we now have over this comparison. For God sakes, just make your own judgment or try the game out on the system that gets more of your play time. Unless you're really LOOKING for the differences (as in, you're getting so close to the TV that you'll risk having a seizure because of it to try to find them), you'll never really SEE them. So can we please just leave it at Lens of Truth, Ars Technica, WHOEVER it is, being human like you and me and able to make some mistakes from time to time and move on with life.

Yeah, man, you keep telling yourself that, like you keep telling yourself that no one that signs that L4D2 boycott petition was actually a Valve supporter, or that everyone on this site is a PS3 fanboy or whatever you tried to tell us.

@Jason 360:
We comment on them...sort of like what you're doing NOW! Pot, meet kettle!

Anon19745434d ago

Commodore64 said "I find it particularly interesting to see a minority of multi console owners grudgingly accept that the ps3 version is demonstrably inferior, yet proclaim, quite illogically, that they will buy the ps3 version."

Einstein said "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

Since I've bought my 360 I've been without the console just about 4 months since I've owned it due to faulty hardware and Microsoft's insistence that the problem can be solved by sending me refurbed, faulty hardware (I'm on my 4th console now). To simply expect that "This time it's fixed" given their track record is insanity to me. Why would I think that? They've already shipped me 3 broken consoles. So any multiplats I buy will be on the PS3 because it's proven itself reliable to me. What's the sense of buying software for a system prone to breaking down? Because, occasional the textures look a little sharper? I don't think so.

The bulk of reviews state that Ghostbusters is a good game, and the video I've seen myself from the PS3 gameplay indicates to me that I'd probably like it. Nothing wrong with the graphics that I can see - they're just slightly sharper on the 360. That's not enough of a difference for me to take a chance with my 360, and the extra's on the PS3 version (including exclusive DLC) more than even that out in my mind. Now, if we were talking about gameplay being worse on one system vs another, that would cause me to reconsider but that's not the case here.

For those of us who have been burned by our 360 consoles in the past, this is the most logical choice.

iHEARTboobs5433d ago

I agree with Darkride. And I wouldn't discourage anyone from buying the PS3 version. The PS3 version doesn't seem to run as well as the 360 version but it's still nothing that looks to be close to a game breaker. If the game looked fun to you, buy it or you might miss out. If I only played technically superior games I would have never played and loved Mass Effect on my 360.

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RudeSole Devil5434d ago

The truth will come out very shortly and the one who is lying reputation will be ruined!!

IdleLeeSiuLung5434d ago (Edited 5434d ago )

I think the truth is already out. We got a detailed analysis, pictures as proof, a story that matches up, multiple sources confirming the difference and a forum post that is not verifiable.

I think I'm going with the latter, the forum post seems most credible! /sarcasm

Snyph3r5434d ago

I'm not sure if i read this right but using component Video? ever heard of HDMI??? that is where the problem, the game will look all washed out using component video compare to HDMI where the console is intended to use....

ArthurLee5434d ago (Edited 5434d ago )

An HDMI cable WILL NOT change texture quality, they will still be "lower-res" on the PS3 then the 360.

A mod on the polycount forum has confirmed the PS3 is lower res.

"Does this negate the fact that the PS3 is running at 540p while the 360 version runs at 720p? No. Go return the game like a responsible adult."

IdleLeeSiuLung5434d ago

I'm not sure capturing with HDMI is an option. As far as I know most content (not all) going over HDMI has HDCP i.e. it is protected to prevent piracy of content (more notably movies).

Syronicus5434d ago

Are the fanboys that argue over this petty crap and those that bought or buy this game. It has been and will always be a rental at best now stop your bickering for the love of pete!

Snyph3r5433d ago

The resolution maybe lower (as in details) but watching a blue ray movie using HDMI cable versus component cable will make a big difference. I was looking more at the washed out look of the picture, not how much more detail....anybody played the game with HDMI cable? Is it really washed out like this? If it is, then maybe I'll just wait until the price of the game is in par with the quality (maybe 29.99 vs 64.00 bucks)

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Stryfeno25434d ago (Edited 5434d ago )

For setting the record straight. Ps3 fanboys are messing up this generation. When are these Droids going to get it through their thick skull..."Not all of the time SONY will come first".

Just take your loss and SHUT THE F*CK UP!!!

RudeSole Devil5434d ago

Awesome avatar I think I'm going to steel it.

TheHater5434d ago

This is all about Terminal Reality and what they stated in the past.

Stryfeno25434d ago

I did not blame it on Sony...I blame it on Sony's fanboys for making a big deal out of nothing.

goflyakite5434d ago

You are such a tool, look who is starting these flames, a bot (you).

"making a big deal out of nothing."

Bots are the ones making a huge deal about the comparison.


Patchbox605434d ago

I mean, the forums are too ridiculous for words. You bots deliberately make a big deal out of nothing. Pitting multi platform titles next together, only to look for the smallest, tiniest, most insignificant flaws in either version.

You know that the game when pitched next to eachother, looks equal, plays equal. Right?

It would matter if they dont play equal. Like GTA4 where patch60 versions have less cars, less people, building pop ups and screentearing issues.

It wouldnt matter, if a fking close up on a big daddy is somewhat blurrier. Because no one gives a flying fk.

Rofl bots are reduced to looking for straws in insignificant multi platform titles. Thats how pathetic patchbox60 and bots have become.

When is one patchbox60 game going to surpass Uncharted ONE?


JasonPC360PS3Wii5434d ago

Patchbox60 ^^^ Looks like Nasim has a new account and is stalking people again.

Sir Ken_Kutaragi5434d ago

Gametraitors.com = W@NKERS

Lens of Un-Truth = W@NKERS

90% of the internet sites are M$ LOVERS!!! :-/

NOTHING on the ChatBox 360 look better than KZ2, Uncharted, MGS4, R&C, GT5:Pro, LBP...Hell!!!even MotorStorm 1 looks better than ANY ChatBox 360 ONLY(are there any???)racing game!!! ;-D

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5434d ago
RudeSole Devil5434d ago

When will Terminal Reality confess?

Shogun Master5434d ago

Reality has hit them and they need to fess up!

Shogun Master5434d ago

Way to set the record straight Lens of Truth. I had no doubt you guys were telling the truth, no pun intended.

I'll continue trusting your comparisons when deciding to make a multiplatform purchase.

Baron795434d ago

I'm happy to see Lens of Truth throw this article up there, even though they shouldn't have too, their comparisons are the best.

Thanks for another great H2H LoT. Maybe the devs will own up to their screw up now that 3 sites have confirmed one version looks better then the other.

evildeli5434d ago

I just don't understand why that other post is on the top view with so many Reports against it. Do the Mods do anything around here?

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