
Gaming Vice: Wii HD Already Announced

Tony @ gamingVice.net writes:

"After seeing Sony show off it's Motion Controller (SMC), I realised that what I've always wanted from Wii was not Motion Control, but Virtual Reality. While SMC may initially seem like Wii Motion Plus, it combines 1:1 precision and High Definition graphics."

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chisox1005446d ago

What people want is Zelda, Mario, Metroid and Pikachu in HD, they dont care about motion controls

Gue15446d ago (Edited 5446d ago )

If that were true then the N64 and GameCube would have sold hot like the Wii...

People wants the Wii for what it is, not for its games. Innovation in disguise. Novelty. Hype. Big advertisements. White like iPOD. Popularity. Different way to play games. Casual. Virtual Console(nostalgia).

Core gamers are the ones that want what you say. "What people want is Zelda, Mario, Metroid and Pikachu in HD, they don't care about motion controls". There's more money on the casual market. That's why Sony and MS are working on new things to bring to the market.

FamilyGuy5446d ago

What's the deal with pokemon anyways, does nintendo OWN pokemon? Why doesnt it go on other consoles like other games related to tv shows, anime and manga?

Beast_Master5446d ago

Hardcore gamers may want Zelda, Mario etc... Nintendo wants products that print money and those now Wii Fit, Wii Play, Wii Sports and Mario Kart with a Wii Wheel. Wii Sports resort will be the #1 selling game of the year.. Every Hardcore gamer will hate that fact every single month on NPD you will see Wii Sports Resort and Wii Fit PLUS in the top 2 or 3!!

Nintendo has seen the light, and the "Hardcore" showed them clear as day what they think, by only buying 1 mill copies of Metroid 3, 90,000 copies of China town wars, 80,000 copies of Madworld, and 300,000 copies of No More Heros.

Nintendo doesn't owe the Hardcore $hit!!! They tried and found that they are way more successful being a Toy company, than being a gameing one. SO that is what we will see from here on out.

Gue15446d ago (Edited 5446d ago )

Very interesting article! That's what I wanted since the beginning from the Wii too, HD graphics with motion controller but, no! We only got a GameCube with a bunch of crappy games and a motion controller.

But one thing we have to see is that the Sony motion controller is kinda limited(I'm not sure of this, I'm talking from what I read on an article were they compare Natal with the Sony motion controller). The PS Eye doesn't read movements of the controller that are too far away or very fast, nor it has a pointer. How Sony will fix that in the final product? Only god knows.

Maybe PS Eye 2?

You Already Know5446d ago

I really think there needs to be an EyeToy2 to fully utilize the motion sensing capabilities that Sony wants to accomplish...

although I was impressed with what I saw at E3 with the motion sensing presentation from Sony (not from the 2 guys failing miserably at presenting the technology), I really wonder if the EyeToy is actually good enough to compete with what is available...

Seferoth755446d ago

Their broken tech demo impressed you? Doesnt take much does it? Seriously that BS was a complete joke. Guy couldnt even hit a ball because it was just a weak tech demo with no depth. Sony just had a prgram that swapped out the controller for other objects. Eyetoy was doing that long ago and its nothing new or impressive. Make a game using two Wii remotes and you have what Sony is attempting to make.

Montreafart5446d ago (Edited 5446d ago )

"The PS Eye doesn't read movements of the controller that are too far away or very fast, nor it has a pointer. How Sony will fix that in the final product?"

>> no, the point you bring up is too stupid for words. I mean, how far away from your TV do you intend to stand when playing games?

10 meters? GTFO!

The reality is that most people sit only 1-4 meters away when they play games and watch TV. Unless they have a BIG ASS TV.

Like I said, GTFO.

"Guy couldnt even hit a ball because it was just a weak tech demo with no depth. Sony just had a prgram that swapped out the controller for other objects."

>> SeferBOT, you are too retarded for words. The real issue here is that you are a poor 14 year old retarded kid who cant afford a PS3.

lmao do you even know the difference between accuracy and precision?

Sony's control is 1:1 accurate! The guy missed because he wasnt precize enough. BIG DIFFERENCE. Whats up, basement nerd. You never played baseball before in your life? Or tennis? badmington perhaps? Hahaha. Idiot.

Fact is, Sony is way ahead of its competitors when it comes to motion sensing. And you pathetic trashes are scared shiatless right now. Wait until you see what Sony has planned for motion sensing. Ill give you a hint, its not that shiat Ricochet or paint the elephant.

bym051d5446d ago

So the point of the article is that the PS3 with its motion controller is HDWii?


chaosatom5446d ago (Edited 5446d ago )

with their motion sensing controller and their ps3 eye camera.

The graphics and animation shown at E3 with the orcs were really impressive.

IdleLeeSiuLung5446d ago

Problem is Sony has to change the perception of:

a) PS3 is a luxury high tech item

b) PS3 is for movie enthusiasts and/or hardcore gamers

c) Change the color to something a little casual friendly

d) Lower the price to compete with the Wii

If Sony wants a piece of the casual market they got a long ways to go. Although value is debatable, the got to start with the price moving it into the casual range.

FamilyGuy5446d ago (Edited 5446d ago )


The PS3 is not for "casual gamers" so they don't need to do all that stuff that's related to what casual gamers want. That's what M$ is doing, screw that.

Sony doesn't even need to lower the price, all they REALLY need to do is make consumers FULLY aware of all the things a PS3 can do that make it WORTH the price.

Sony already has games that appeal to the casual and more are coming, they just need to advertise to the casual. Have commercials on channels other than Spike and G4. Commercials on channels where ANYBODY could be watching.

Beast_Master5446d ago (Edited 5446d ago )

I agree that Sony needs to keep its high end users, but from what I have seen, They need to bring in some more diversity. Most of the people on my friends list only play COD and Madden. I mean there are like 8 million PS3s in the US and COD has sold over 4 million copies. And those owners only buy COD every year. It seems to me that all these guys play is that one game and they won't come off it. I own every exclusive, I am attempting to get my Platnium in Infamous right now, so I am a hardcore gamer. So when I see games like Killzone 2 and Infamous only selling like a couple hundred thousand copies at launch, I think it is time for a change in audience.

Weather that is by Sony putting out better bundles or dropping the price, We need better GAMERS on PS3. I shouldn't have to pray in order to find a game of 8 player Co-op in Resistance 2! Sony needs to sell their concoles to people who actually buy games.

Maybe your right on with the marketing!

ChickeyCantor5446d ago (Edited 5446d ago )

" The PS3 is not for "casual gamers" so they don't need to do all that stuff that's related to what casual gamers want. "


No, seriously, Nintendo grabbed the audience by stepping up to the people. They invited people to give the Wii a go and such before it was released. People knew about it before its release date and it worked.

They found the Wii-mote the interesting point of the Wii.
Sony needs to find a way to convince people that their "mote" is as "fun"....but simply producing it doesn't mean sh/t if its not promoted the right way.

Simply changing to those points won't work if its not going to be a standard anyway.

Its release date is so far off, that you know Nintendo already made the next step to prevent Sony steal their audience...If...Sony manages to promote their stuff right of course.

Again im not bashing Sony, good luck to them

Serg5446d ago

I don't want Sony to head in a casual direction. They care about the hardcore more than the other 2. Look at the games, they have so many games coming from their own studios year after year, all of them really good games, some stand out more of course, but I enjoyed Resistance 2 as much as Killzone 2, Uncharted as much as Heavenly Sword, Ratchet and Clank, Motorstorm etc etc etc, I could go on and on, all great titles. They keep tossing these games out with no end in sight, that's what I really like about Sony. Sure they have things like Eyepet coming out as well, why not, they have the recources to do casual stuff without pulling a plug on gamers games. Ok they cancelled I believe it was Getaway and some other game for Eyepet, but honestly, are you rich? I can't afford all of Sonys games in 2009 not even including all the great multiplatform titles so it doesn't matter to me if some games didn't make it.

In 2009, Killzone 2 (bought), inFamous (bought), M.A.G. (not that interested in it but if they have a demo I might buy it), Ratchet and Clank: A crack in time (Depends if GT5 will be released) and unconfirmed: Gran Turismo 5 (Day one purchase), Heavy Rain (Day one purchase). All Sony games.

Even the motion controllers could be used to create typical hardcore games with a motion element. Have you seen the demo from their press conference where the guy controlled the arms of the character with a sword and shield and the bow mechanic? An RPG like this and I would go nuts over it.

I like Sony the way they are and if they go into the direction Nintendo took and Microsoft is currently going with Natal and the abomination called Avatars, I would be straight up disappointed in them. Out of all types of gamers Sony values the hardcore gamers the most and I hope this will not change.

ChickeyCantor5446d ago (Edited 5446d ago )

" I don't want Sony to head in a casual direction. "

Its like a religion....>_>.

Look Gaming was meant to be "MainStream" from the beginning...Its just hard to capture everyone.

I mean back in the 80/90's games were seen as things for "geeks" or "nerds". And even today some people don't even take that serious when you tell them you game as a hobby.

Sony,Nintendo and MS are not going "casual", They are trying to go "MAINSTREAM". Perhaps it is mainstream already in a sense, but non of them have really cuptured every one just like movies do.

Sony And MS, Both of them are after the "casual" market, and not just with games...Video, Music etc etc, The "Media Center" in their living room. Even Sony promoted the PS3 as a Blu-ray player on many posters hanging in the city.
Its not "Casual", the word people are looking for is complete MAINSTREAM.

As gaming was meant to be from the start.
Believe it or not, Even if Sony goes that "casual" way you find so horrible...Your precious games won't be affected...that logic doesn't even makes sense at all.
Relax, play games, and don't worry about it.

"Out of all types of gamers Sony values the hardcore gamers the most and I hope this will not change."
Remember, they are going casual with their whole media center thingy.
Sony doesn't give a damn about the hardcore, they are just putting their system to use ;). And as a Hardware company they are, its their goals to push new boundaries hardware wise.

Serg5446d ago (Edited 5446d ago )

I know what you mean, it's not what I meant. You can clearly see the Wii is appealing to people who aren't interesten in gaming, they simply have a fun time playing some Wii sports and don't worry about other games much. It's not like the Wii is a gateway system to shooters and action games.

All I was saying is that Sonys primary focus is to keep the passionate gamers happy, not the soccer mums and granny gamers who are enjoying their Wii every now and then. This is the path Nintendo has chosen. Microsoft is heading in this direction as well, get more people into gaming, like you said, but these people will only see Natal, not Halo, not Splinter Cell, not Alan Wake. It's not like they enjoyed a game on the Wii and then can't sleep at night because they wonder how much fun they would have in a CoD4 online match.

PS: http://www.n4g.com/industry...

IdleLeeSiuLung5446d ago

I think people misunderstood my comment. It wasn't intended to suggest Sony should go for the casual market, but rather simply say if they wanted to they need to do this (isn't it evident that Sony/MS would rather switch place with Nintendo?)....

Clearly motion controls aren't used in too many hard core games, and when they are they tend to feel all gimmicky i.e. KZ2 bomb placement although the sniper rifle movement was pretty cool.

Both MS and Sony is looking to expand the market, but as I said before Sony right now doesn't have that image.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 5446d ago
Why dis5446d ago

SDF will do anything to get people to pay attention to Sony's motion wand.

TheBand1t5446d ago

And you'd have us believe that Natal is the second coming of Gaming Christ.

Both SMC and Natal suck.

bjornbear5446d ago

Most / many ps3 owners don't really care about Sony Montion Sensor, or they just accept it as normal, but 360ers all have to make such a big deal over this motion control business...Why?

Why do you care SO much, you used to be against it more than any of the other fanboys =P

Always in extreems these people...shame....

Double Toasted5446d ago

...I can tell you're not ready for the future of gaming, which is headed towards Virtual Reality...VR simulators. As long as no extinct level event happens.

IdleLeeSiuLung5446d ago

Motion control is here to stay, don't resist it. It is futile.

Embrace it and move on. Chances are real developers like Infinity Ward will make proper use of motion controls.

The rule with motion control for hardcore gamers should be at a minimum:

"If it is easier to do with a button press and it doesn't introduce new game play elements, don't introduce motion controls."


a) KZ2 bomb placement with six axis is no. It could be replaced with one button press and introduces no game play experience.

b) KZ2 sniper rifle movement with the controller introduces new game play element such as aiming with the six axis. You can for instance flick the controller to aim for lucky shot....

skatezero2465445d ago

and you why dis(XDF) will do anything to make xbox seem better by bashing the ps3

rockleex5445d ago

I can tell you that just 2 months ago, 360 fans CLEARLY didn't want any sort of motion control in their games.

That was NOT the future they wanted.

But lo and behold! Once Microsoft showed it, they will praise it to hell and back.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5445d ago

If Sony launch a PS3-Slim bundled with the DS3 and the motion controller then both the Wii & 360 are doomed.

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Vader821d 8h ago

No 7 days to die is criminal