
Nintendo Expects The Conduit, GTA Chinatown Wars To Sell Well

Despite some signs of trouble earlier this year, Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime told Kotaku why third-parties have a bright future on Wii and DS.

The company that's been riding high on its own Wii and DS successes has recently had some trouble convincing people that marquee games from publishers other than Nintendo can do well on Nintendo's machines.

qface645467d ago (Edited 5467d ago )

i have a feeling conduit will sell well actually

as for chinatown wars that's gonna sell well but it is gonna take a long while

Myst5467d ago

I can see the conduit doing well and depending on the amount of money I have left over from my pre-order on Dissidia I may very well buy it. GTA Chinatown Wars...well...no thank you.

RememberThe3575467d ago

I just don't see these games as being what the Wii or DS owners want.

Hopefully I'm wrong, but I don't think we're going to see impressive numbers.

G4drake5466d ago

chinatown is already selling well as for the conduit, well IT WILL SELL WELL.

jay25466d ago

Conduit will be the first times I've played the wii since late last year. I was going to get madworld but I played it and didn't.

Smacktard5466d ago

If you're going to play only a few games on your Wii, why not play the fantastic, interesting ones? I'm getting The Conduit, but it's just gonna be average. Buy a good game instead, like Little King's Story, Punch-Out!!, or Muramasa.

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