
The Origins of Molyneux's Milo

Geoff Keighley writes:

"Most of the world met Milo for the first time last Monday at E3. I first encountered him about five years ago at GDC. That's when Peter Molyneux introduced me to Dimitri, a young boy who was furiously working on his math homework in Peter's hotel room. "Hello, it's nice to meet you," the young lad said before turning his eyes back to a ruled notebook.

Little did I know that half a decade later I'd meet Dimitri again - albeit this time in virtual form."

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ThanatosDMC5481d ago (Edited 5481d ago )

Peter Molyneux + a young boy + in Peter's hotel room = oh right, could be his son.... nvm.... nvm.


GiantEnemyCrab5481d ago

What you didn't know Milo is based on one of Peter's child labor slaves that he has working at Lionhead? He always has one accompany him on all his business trips. Usually to serve tea and fetch his luggage.


Seriously.. I believe that is his son.


10 Cancelled Games That Could Have Been Great

There's all sorts of reasons games get scrapped, beyond just being 'not very good'. Developers can run out of money, take too long, or screw up their work so badly it's easier to walk away than fix it.

And sometimes you just get screwed over by the Soviets, as happened in the late '80s, when Atari manufactured 500,000 copies of Tetris, believing it owned the rights, but it turned out they'd been snatched from under its nose by arch rival Nintendo. The rest is history.

We should be careful what we wish for, of course – just ask anyone that bought Duke Nukem Forever, an embarrassing travesty exhumed from gaming's graveyard last year.

But if we had the money, power and influence, here's ten titles we'd love to have played.

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prototypeknuckles4327d ago

add prince of persia 2008 sequel

Larry L4327d ago (Edited 4327d ago )

For me there is only one game that comes to mind. A game that if it weren't cancelled, and the creator's of the series cared enough about it to actually put in some effort, could have had the potential to be mind blowingly stunning.

Monster Hunter 3.

Thanks Capcom.

With the RARE step forward Monster Hunter has ever taken, Capcom pushes it down a flight of stairs. So much wasted potential. Potential easily reached too since it's the rare game where all it needs is graphics. Graphics are the easy part for a developer. It's core gameplay should never be touched since it's been flawless since the start.

I wish *I* had the rights to the Monster Hunter franchise.....and not Capcom.

PirateThom4327d ago

Every time I see that shoot out footage... I hurt inside.... it could have been spectacular.

user54670074327d ago

I know right...

Sony better get it out before next gen

MadLad4327d ago (Edited 4327d ago )

Shenmue 3 . . .

We did get Deadly Premonition though. Sort of scratched that action-adventure itch.

The idea of a Shenmue 3 technically isn't dead, most people know it's just damn unlikely.

AgreeFairy4327d ago

Deadly Premonition was garbage and not even close to Shenmue. The only Shenmue substitute around right now are the Yakuza games.

MadLad4327d ago

Opinions are just that, opinions.

Thanks for the input though.

Wizziokid4327d ago (Edited 4327d ago )

Shenmue 3 will forever stay at the top of the list until it's released.

Also Shenmue Online, that could of been cool ;)

theWB274327d ago

My two games were True Fantasy Live Online and BC for the original Xbox. Those games sounded amazing.

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Lionhead: "Milo lives on in Fable. He's now a little wizard."

GI - Gary Carr, creative director at UK development studio Lionhead, has revealed that while the team are still frustrated by the cancellation of Milo & Kate, the tech lives on in Fable: The Journey.

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baldulf4348d ago

They got a lot to learn in the noble way of trolling now that Molyneux left them.


Lionhead: Project Milo existed before "we'd even heard of Kinect"

EuroGamer - Lionhead's Project Milo helped launch Microsoft's vision of Kinect to the world at E3 2009. Interact believably with a human AI using only gestures and voice!

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