
Like Halo and Call of Duty? Then CrimeCraft is for you says Vogster

CrimeCraft is not "a full-featured MMO" and they don't want to be, developer Vogster want "a solid shooter with good character customization" and social aspects.

While MMO All Points Bulletin may have 100 players on at a time, CrimeCraft has 1500 says the team - outside of customisation CrimeCraft is "a very, very different game" from APB.

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Nelson M5473d ago (Edited 5473d ago )

I Think Halo Absolutley Sucks !!
COD is a Good Game (Nowere near as Good as Killzone 2 though)
Then is Crimecraft still a game for me
But remember i think halo is without doubt
The Worst FPS ever made

Lord_Ranos5473d ago

Overhyped and overrated mister nelson overhyped and overrated. halo is

-MD-5473d ago

Overhyped and overrated? Sounds like Killzone 2.

and when I say overrated I don't mean universally overrated I mean overrated by the 17 people who bought it.

Kill Crow5473d ago

Supposed to have awesome graphics but could only manage 720p on the supposed TRUE HD console ...

Let's not bring up the Lag issue .... lolz ....

What's good to see is that when people look for games that set the bar they look to the Halo's and the COD's .... games that really DO set the bar higher than anything else this Gen !!!

crydroidscry5473d ago

Aww, cry Nelson, cry!

LOL Halo sucks? That's why no other game can match its' sales.

Droids make me chuckle.

AssassinHD5473d ago

Except Wii Fit...right? Obviously Wii Fit is a way better game than Halo 3.

Guitarded5473d ago

Wii Fit is NOT an FPS, and Halo is NOT an excercise um...game? Comment:Fail Please try again.

AssassinHD5473d ago

I think you are confused actually. Obviously fanboy logic dictates that sales = quality. I was just pointing out the flaw in that logic. If you want to talk failure though I could easily reference your complete failure to notice my sarcasm. Oh and I am glad to see you know your phonics. There is hope for the future of mankind yet.

tehReaper5473d ago

Actually sales relate to POPULARITY and marketing! Wii Fit is popular among the Wii fanbase. Halo and COD are popular FPS games. GTA is the popular sandbox game. See the trend?

Why would Halo be popular if it sucked?

Kill Crow5472d ago (Edited 5472d ago )

As pointed out, Perhaps it would have been MORE accurate(just for you) for crydroidscry to say "That's why no other FPS can match its' sales" ...

What in your opinion is the reason both Halo and COD4 sold well? Both were marketed well? They're both the same Genre?

Only a fan boy like you would use such stupid logic to hide the fact that PS3 games sell badly, especially the most hyped revolutionary game of all time ... KZ2?

And don't get me wrong, I like it. I bought a PS3 just for it. It just isn't the best FPS out there, and that's why poeple use COD4 and Halo as good comparisons for FPS ... not KZ2 I'm afraid.

crydroidscry is correct ... crydroidscry crydroidscry crydroidscry crydroidscry crydroidscry crydroidscry crydroidscry crydroidscry crydroidscry crydroidscry crydroidscry crydroidscry crydroidscry crydroidscry crydroidscry crydroidscry crydroidscry crydroidscry crydroidscry crydroidscry crydroidscry ;-)

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 5472d ago
bjornbear5473d ago

Unless they mean having very popular multiplayer...but it is an MMO so...not much choice there =P Will have to see, looks like 360's APB to me....

Javier195473d ago

Pretty big claim, for a sh*tty looking game...

Oh yes, you better believe that rhymed.

keysy4205473d ago

halo 3 does suck halo 2 is the great shooter ever halo 3 sales came from halo 2, halo odst wont scratch the surface of halo 3.


CrimeCraft Update Adds New Events

Vogster Entertainment has released a new update for free-to-play shooter CrimeCraft; the update is available for download on Steam now. This update adds new Double Rate Events to the game.

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CrimeCraft Update Enables Steam Trading Without Entering Game

Vogster Entertainment has released an update for free-to-play online shooter CrimeCraft, downloadable now on Steam. Along with many other changes, this update now allows players to trade items on Steam without entering the game itself.

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CrimeCraft Update comes with Steam Trading integration and Easter event this Spring

DSOGaming writes: "Vogster Online is bringing a little mean spirited fun to CrimeCraft this Spring with Steam Trading integration, an Easter event, and new meme-inspired clothing items. The new rage comic faces are designed to inspire rage in your online enemies, even if they’re the ones doing most of the killing."

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