
Metal Gear Solid: Rising – The Storm Is Over- Or Is It?

OXCGN looks at what Metal Gear Solid coming to 360 means:

"The Storm is over…or has it just begun?

With Konami and Kojima Productions announcing at the Microsoft Keynote that a Metal Gear Solid game, Metal Gear Solid 5: Rising, is making its way to the ever grateful hands of Xbox 360 owners, the instant question on many people's minds is: is it exclusive to 360?"

Immortal Kaim5453d ago

I suspect the PS3 will be getting an exclusive MGS game.

Shadow Flare5453d ago

Also, this isn't mgs5 like the article suggests. Its an action spin off called rising which isn't directed by kojima

MoonlightProwler5453d ago

The real news comes tomorrow. :P

CobraKai5453d ago

This game seems like a spin off and it's acceptable. I think it's a tragedy that people can't experience MG because they can only afford one system. Metal Gear made appearances on most platforms anyway from the Gameboy Color and now the 360. If you think about it though, Kojima said that MGS4 would never go to the 360 and he kept his word.

table5453d ago (Edited 5453d ago )

I certainly hope the ps3 gets an exclusive MGS game. I've grown up with MGS on the playstation, my favourite video game series of all time. I don't normally say things like this but; I'm absolutely f*cking gutted MGS is going to be gimped by the sh*tbox. I want a proper MGS game developed to utilise the single and best platform, the playstation. This news is a disaster for gaming.

Shadow Flare5453d ago

Hideo Kojima wanted Snake's story to end on playstation. And he did that. If kept to his word. And that is why Kojima is not a sell out.
Hideo, thanks for the brilliance that is Metal Gear Solid. I salute you

aaron58295453d ago (Edited 5453d ago )

an MGS game going to XBOX360 is good ...

Finally the crying xbox fanboys will never call this series an interactive movie without even actually playing it.

Now they get to experience MGS, they will know how good are Kojima Co games as compared to some (read most) of their "best exclusives"


MoonlightProwler5453d ago

It does not bother me that MGS Rising is going to be on the 360. In fact, that's wonderful. But why fill yourself up on appetizers when the main course is coming up tomorrow? :P

s8anicslayer5453d ago

Theoretically speaking, If you remember playing MGS 2 Sons of Liberty on the PS2 the biggest let down of the game was getting shafted by Kojima and playing 3/4's of the game as Raiden, remember the naked tunnel scene? WOWSER THAT WAS LAME, anyways I'm happy for MS that they landed the most prized possession in gaming and that is Snake, OH! wait a minute "who said anything about snake? Fart,Fart" What did Sony actually lose? nothing what time is sony's press time again?

Sarcasm5453d ago

This article is ignorant.

"Metal Gear Solid: Rising"


"Metal Gear Solid 5: Rising"

orange-skittle5453d ago

Why would PS3 get an exclusive MGS game when they already had one you moron. This game is not a 360 exclusive, it will be on both platforms. They just announced that it will be on 360. The only game PS3 wont be getting is Splinter Cell: Conviction. There's way too many consoles out there for Konami to leave money on the table. Give the people what they want. I have both and I am glad that 360 owners have a chance to experience MGS w/o being azzholes about it when they never played it. Just like PS3 will never get Gears of War, 360 will never get God of War...but MGS is not a SONY IP, so it doesn't matter.

Omegasyde5453d ago

UPDATE: Looks like there might be confirmation that MGS: Rising could well be coming to the PlayStation 3 and PC in addition to Xbox 360. Konami's list of games on Games Press (a private PR service for the press) now shows the title coming to all three platforms.

Taken from Ign.com

I will also stand corrected, I thought we were getting a Metal Gear 1 remake, not a prequel to Metal Gear Solid 4.

"I did not murder him", congrats you were right about the rising part.

RemmM5453d ago

Because MGS2 was Multiplatform back in the PS2 vs X Box days. This is not surprising that Kojima made a MG game on 360. PS3 will get treated.

darthv725453d ago

Or not shouldn't matter. What matters is a metal gear game is being made for the 360. I am betting this will be exclusive and believe there will be an exclusive ps3 version featuring the big boss. Why should it matter about exclusivity or if kojima is or is not making it. It is a game in the metal gear universe and as such deserves respect from those who are serious fans of the series.

360 only gamers are glad they get a mgs game. Sony only fans want simply to downplay it. Dual console owners could care less as they can get one (if not exclusive) or both (if different story lines). I say stop being selfish and just embrace the fact that a new game in the mgs universe is being made regardless of platform.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 5453d ago
XboxOZ3605453d ago

Yes, they will, there's two MGS's in the works, and it's great to see that both sides of the fence get a crack at the game, one with Snake, one with Raiden - we get Raiden

slave2Dcontroller5453d ago

is not a 360 Exclusive as its a PS3, 360, PC title. Its also not MGS5. This author really needs to do his homework and thus this article= Fail.

gamesmaster5453d ago

i hope to god that the other announcement tomorrow isn't JUST the psp game we already know about, or just lords of shadow.

if not another mgs for ps3 (which i hope it will be), at least make it ZOE:3.

gaminoz5453d ago

@ Slave

Umm...the article isn't saying it is exclusive...it even says it might not be, but just is asking the question. It hasn't yet been confirmed multi yet as far as I know...just rumoured.

slave2Dcontroller5453d ago (Edited 5453d ago )

Nor did I say the article said such a thing, I made mention of it because of the Konami list that has surfaced. He DID however, refer to the game as MGS5. All I did was point out the facts sir.

Maybe Konami made a mistake on their list of announcemnts for all i know ;)

evrfighter5453d ago

"is not a 360 Exclusive" "This author really needs to do his homework"

nt but you fail. Good day sir.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5453d ago
Dimitrius5453d ago

If were M$ exclusive they were made a huge party aout it with the world EXCLUSIVE live on stage but they didnt, so that multiplatform sign for me.

Dimitrius5453d ago

Somehow the first thing that comes to my mind is how many discs this game will need on 360. Belive me, Im not tring to make trash talk Im just making an observation.

aaron58295453d ago

based on the 'hints' that kojima was talking about, maybe this MGS is less story/cutscenes oriented, and more into action..

Who knows, it's gonna be an awesome Raiden Ninja Hack and Slash sort of gameplay... since Kojima always wanted to "westernize' games.

:) A God of War killer perhaps ?

FPShooter5453d ago

@4.1 there is no or ever will be, a God of War killer.

Omegasyde5453d ago

Game could be a straight up action game, no stealth. No cut scenes. For all we know this game could be like a ninja Gaiden type game.

We never know.

slave2Dcontroller5453d ago (Edited 5453d ago )

Its from IGN. Scroll down mid-page to see the list.


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Short documentary talks about the cancelled Metal Gear Solid games and concepts

Youtube channel GVMERS has released an interesting video chronicling the various Metal gear concepts and ideas that were cancelled or scrapped during production. In the 17 minute documentary they talk about the Metal Gear Solid port for Game.Com, the cancelled Metal Gear Solid: Rising concept, and ideas that were cut from Metal Gear Solid 2, among other things.

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ccgr2408d ago

Interesting! Thanks for sharing.

Nyxus2408d ago

No problem! Yeah it's a well made video.

TheVetOfGaming2408d ago

Interesting, although, I already knew most of what was on here. I just wish Kojima had the rights to the franchise. The saga has left with a whimper instead of a bang.


Top 5 Politicians in Video Games That Are Worse Than Donald Trump | Goomba Stomp

President Trump took office around a week ago and in that time a new global trend has emerged - doing a quick search on Google News for "Donald Trump" a couple of times a day just to see what the massive, bejowelled, orange-faced troglodyte has done this time.

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skydragoonityx2653d ago

i doubt any game character can be worse than this man.

IAmLoki2653d ago

Oh come on he really isn't half as bad as the haters claim. He is actually the best president for USA in decades.

Gazondaily2653d ago

"He is actually the best president for USA in decades."


kneon2652d ago

You forgot the /s at the end, people might think you're serious and then worry about your mental well being.

_-EDMIX-_2652d ago (Edited 2652d ago )

forgot the /s

BizarroUltraman62652d ago

I know Im gonna get disagrees but Ive lived thru 7 presidents. Trump is the worst and he just started. Lol..

Paytaa2652d ago

He makes GWB seem like a saint. That's a hard feat. Bravo Trump.

Erik73572652d ago

People use to have more support for Donald on here, was almost half and half...not anymore lol...people we're like "Ohh he wont do that he just said that in his camapign, he wont actually go through with building a wall and banning muslims noooo"

Utalkin2me2652d ago


Obama banned mulsims too? So whats you point. It all of the sudden tpeople have a opinion on it due to not liking trump. But didn't care when Obama did it in 2011. Liberal Hypocrites.

ravinash2652d ago

He's been in barely a week, and all he does is create policies that give the appearance that he's doing something to please the people that voted for him. Nothing that is actually effective mind you.
He promises to build a wall, says Mexico has to pay for it - Mexico says it won't pay for it = no wall.
Even if the wall was built, if people are determined to get in, they will either climb or tunnel through, so the wall is completely pointless.

Then the ban on people from 6 Muslim countries. Basically creates a lot of hardship for innocent people (a lot of whom are american) because it's stopping families from being together.
And again it's ineffective because if someone really wants to get in (fake passport or go through one of those tunnels under the wall), then they will.
Even if they didn't, most of the attacks these days have been brainwashed people who were already living in America.

This just shows a president who is more concerned with the appearance they give rather than creating an actual thought out action plan to make the world a better place.

JunMei2652d ago

I'm not sure if he's serious or not. Needless to say, any time a country tries to make things overwhelmingly in its favor, making things unfair for everyone else, that's when countries stop doing business with that country. Which then causes exports from that country to falter, since it loses out on trade.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2652d ago
2652d ago Replies(6)
crazychris41242653d ago

Do we really need Buzzfeed like articles now?? This site is supposed to be an escape from the US presidential fighting of the past 2 years. This is not the n4g I know and love.

The n4g I know is us fighting over review scores, consoles, handhelds, exclusives and PC.

Bathyj2652d ago

Agreed. I wonder where all these people complaining about Trump were on voting day.

81BX2652d ago

I was voting for hillary

zidane13412652d ago

Probably sitting at home thinking that there was no way trump had a chance in hell?

Themba762652d ago

My area stayed blue the dc area it's those red stated you should worry about

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2652d ago
Paytaa2652d ago

Is Xbox irrelevant? Will Playstation fail? Is Nintendo DOOMED? Find out tomorrow on N4G.

REDDURT2652d ago

Kinda easy to say right now till we as gamers start seeing import taxes on top of consoles. In the States

ravinash2652d ago

I want to hear about the PC master race again!

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2652d ago
Number-Nine2652d ago

Just what I want to see. N4G and political articles

Gazondaily2652d ago

The perfect recipe for productive debate and discussion 😆

sher123win1232652d ago

Who ever post this sh!t should be band, political articles should not be allowed in the gaming websites...

GOODKylePS2652d ago

what if they don't know how to play a musical instrument?

sliggio322652d ago (Edited 2652d ago )

No one is worse than that mother fucker.

zidane13412652d ago

Because Hillary is a racist, sexist asshole with 0 experience and constantly shits on her own country over twitter. Oh wait

2652d ago
JohnathanACE2652d ago


No, she's just a criminal which is totally fine.
Oh wait

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The most promising games that never saw a release

VGS: 'Part of the excitement in gaming comes from watching a game be unveiled, following its news updates and eagerly awaiting the day of release. But there are times when it never gets to that final part. Either the game is cancelled, put on hold indefinitely, or becomes ‘vaporware’ - meaning, we simply never hear from it again. Here are some games that never saw a release, but that did look rather promising.'

Read Full Story >>
Agent20093846d ago

I'm still disgruntled by Kojima's decision to cancel the original Metal Gear Solid: Rising's concept. It was absolutely ambitious: an open world stealth slasher with an ability to cut literally everything to make your way through... without enemy's notice.

I guess it was just too beautiful to happen.

Nyxus3846d ago

Yeah the idea was very cool but they just couldn't get the concept together. It's a shame but maybe they will do something with the material they have some day.

-Foxtrot3846d ago

I know right, in my opinion the game we got was horrible compared to what could of been. The Rising game we got seemed out of place for being a MGS game even despite being a spin off.

Eight Days hopefully will make it's way to the PS4 one day, the gameplay back in 2006 looked amazing. Imagine what it will look like now

Kenshin_BATT0USAI3846d ago

Rising is actually canon. LOL

Also, although it seems out of place. It was by no means a bad game. Terrible story, but gameplay was AMAZING.

-Foxtrot3846d ago

Get out...really, it's now cannon

I thought Kojima said it was a non cannon spin off...christ sake <sigh>

Dagobert3846d ago

I was seriously looking forward to Konami's MGS Rising. That was supposed to be an actual prequel to MGS4 where the storyline made sense. The new one just sucked honestly, it would have made a great Bayonetta game where gameplay is fun and storyline is just stupid.

zeal0us3846d ago

Blame the development for not being able to get the action and stealth element together.

ChipChipperson3846d ago (Edited 3846d ago )

The original concept for Rising definitely looked way better. It just had that swiftness and accuracy to the whole cutting mechanic. There was a certain, I suppose, elegance and finesse to the way they had Raiden move and how he fought. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed Revengeance for what it was, but I was really looking forward to what Kojima Productions was going for, both gameplay wise and story wise. Who knows, maybe one day they will use concept for a new Rising game that is made by Kojima Productions or possibly a new IP from them.

Nyxus3846d ago

I agree, while I did enjoy MG Rising, the previous concept did look and sound intriguing, and I was interested in that story focusing on Raiden's transition to cyborg ninja.

Murad3846d ago

I totally agree with your statement, but now that I'm thinking about it, if he did do it, it would be very difficult in terms of programming. The reason why is because every time, let's say hypothetically, Raiden cut something, that dataStructure would have to look completely different, or disappear and be replaced, there would be far too much to necessary power to be put on different systems, I believe, unless I'm thinking of programming this game completely the wrong way.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3846d ago
FullmetalAlchemist3846d ago

Trigun for the PS2, was so sad when I heard it got canceled.

ZBlacktt3846d ago (Edited 3846d ago )

And when I was saying this spin off game was going to do so poorly long before it came out. People just clicked disagree, lol. I know the gaming market. :cool:

Same with MGS5. People will buy it for sure. But it won't have the impact MGS4 did. More so changing out David Hayter for no real reason at all. But more for a personal one of Kojima's. Many diehards did not like that at all!

A lot of the games history died in MGS4. Now it's become just some game. Will be interesting to see how it plays out.

TheDivine3846d ago

Idk I really didnt care for MGS4, it was too action focused, stealth meant nothing, the story was horrendous, along with many other things like lack of memorable boss fights. Still, MGS is as awesome to me as always. The game didnt live up to snakes last mission in my eyes but it was still a good game. The series is still amazing for sure.

I do agree axing David Hayter was a HORRIBLE thing to do. He is Snake. The series is def going more TPS and mainstream. I'm worried how Kojima will manage to keep it stealthy in an open world setting. I have my worries but Kojima has delivered time and time again so I will trust him and hope he makes me feel like a fool for doubting him lol.

3845d ago Replies(2)
3845d ago Replies(1)
NarcolepZZZZZZ3846d ago

I thought "Huxley" would have made the list.

NarcolepZZZZZZ3846d ago

Also I want shenmue 3 dammit! I need closure!

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