
Gamer 2.0: Texas Cheat'Em Review

Texas Cheat 'Em does a good job of offering a novel twist on the typical poker formula but suffers from a lack of players to make this is worthy purchase for the added value of multiplayer. Unless you have a good group of friends that are up for purchasing the game together, it's not worth it to buy this game to play with the few games that appear online throughout the day.

StalkingSilence5460d ago

I've been looking for a review. Checking it out now.

StalkingSilence5460d ago

"It’s always a shame when games that rely on online multiplayer for the true replay value don’t sell well,"
could't agree more

"which seems to be where Texas Cheat ‘Em is after the first week after release."
CONFIRMED: i'm not buying it.

thanks for the info!


Total Playstation: Texas Cheat 'Em Review

This is a textbook case of lackluster presentation and a clear sign of a lack of effort dragging down what would otherwise be a very solid game. When you have to stare at all the slapped-together menus all the time, it really does detract.

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DIG: Texas Cheat 'Em (PS3) Review

DIG writes: "So I'm playing Texas Cheat Em and I have to stop in the middle of a round to go perform some parental duties. I want to save my progress, but am unable to because the game does not allow for it. There is a division between sets (four sets of four each) but within a set you can't save your progress. This is the biggest drawback I see in the game."

XboxLiveAddicts Review: Texas Cheat'em

XboxLiveAddicts writes: "Seeing as im not into card games and know nothing about poker, much less Texas Hold'em, or in this case Cheat 'em, i was a bit daunted when Mush asked me to review this game, so maybe i m the best or worst type of player to review this.

Anyways, from having no knowledge of the game i booted it up to see whats what.


At the title screen you have a few options, single player, multiplayer, leader boards, achievements , help and options and return to game library, which exits the game. Very basic in its look but does its job..."

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