
Planet Xbox 360: Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust Review

Planet Xbox 360 writes: "As old as some retro games seem, none are as tragically aged and irrelevant as the Leisure Suit Larry franchise. The entire point of the game in the eighties was to get to see some sexy pixilated women while trying to hide the fact that you were playing it, from your parents. With the newest game you will want to hide the fact you are playing it from your friends to avoid the shame of playing something so jaw-droppingly terrible. You play the role of Larry's porn-obsessed nephew, also named Larry. Box Office Bust opens with Larry Lovage receiving a call from his now-famous uncle, now in charge of his own porn film studio. Uncle Larry is afraid there is a mole working to sink his studio. You take on low-level jobs in the studio, like delivering mail, to gather information in an effort to root out the mole. Outside of the bland plot, you realize who the mole is the moment you see them and are left wondering why nobody else in the company can seem to figure it out."

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6 Terrible Games That Can Join Plumbers Don't Wear Ties

Robert Grosso writes, "Plumbers Don't Wear Ties is getting a re-release. For some reason. I don't get it either, but here is an excuse to mention six terrible games in a list."

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Six survivors of development limbo

GamesAsylum: "Inspired by the negativity surrounding Devil’s Third – which is finally released this week after a seven year development cycle – we’ve rounded up five games that managed to escape development limbo"

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The 10 Worst Reviewed Games of the 21st Century

Arcade Sushi: Today we’re sludging through the muck to find the worst of the worst- the worst rated games of this century- and, with the combined help of Metacritic and GameRankings‘ aggregated scores, we’ve found them. Put on your waders, folks, because we’re about to push through some of the biggest, stinkiest, worst-reviewed piles of crap this century’s ever seen. These are the Worst Reviewed Games of the 21st Century.

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snarls2003709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

never played any of them.

WeAreLegion3709d ago

These are all pretty darn bad, but Big Rigs is entertaining. I highly recommend downloading it, if you get the chance.

diehardmetallicafan3709d ago

AVGN did a video on it last week. its pretty hilarious

Godmars2903709d ago

b the title one might think that game involved were reviewed badly by the review community. Not that they were bad games.