
Save Points Review - Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Endless Frontier

Super Robot Taisen, as the name implies, is usually a series about Super Robots fighting each other. Normally in a turn-based strategy style of play, with long and badass attack animations for certain super attacks (it's rare for attacks to last less than a minute). Well, this time the DS gets a new entry to the series, and strangely it barely has any robots (and the robots that are there aren't really "super", there's barely bigger than the humanoid characters), and instead of a turn-based strategy game, it's a turn-based action-rpg. Quite different from the usual games in the series.

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Namco Bandai Composer Plagiarizes Music From Chrono Trigger, Lufia II, and Warcraft II

Kennosuke Suemura of Namco Bandai recently "borrowed" the melodies from "Battle with Magus" from Chrono Trigger and "The One Who Will Save The Earth" from Lufia II for his recent Super Robot Taisen K soundtrack. Worse, this isn't the first time this has happened. The same composer was supposedly involved in a similar incident involving music from Warcraft II when working on a previous title in the series. Namco Bandai has since released a formal apology and paid a settlement to resolve the issue. OSV has located a video showing the plagiarism in action.

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napoleon_ist5393d ago

its like turn10 plagiarizes polyphony digital. :(

Myst5514d ago

I kind of want to try velvet assassin


1UP: Super Robot Taisen K Preview

1UP writes: "Super Robot Taisen K is a bit of a throwback for me, an experience that brings my time with the series almost full-circle. The franchise's Nintendo DS debut marked my introduction to the series almost two years ago, entrancing me with its strategy RPG stylings while simultaneously getting me hooked on the wonderful world of Japanese giant robots. I've played a lot of Super Robot Taisen games since then, but here I am on the Nintendo DS again, playing a sequel that's superficially much the same.

Or not."