
Finally equal Ninja Gaiden treatment

PSFocus writes: In a recent interview with Kikizo the new Team Ninja boss, Yosuke Hayashi, revealed that the Ninja Gaiden series will continue. Not only that, it will continue on a multiplatform basis and will see PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions release simultaneously.

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Perjoss5468d ago

The camera in NG2 was not as bad as most people say because you can flick it around yourself with the shoulder buttons, but it does need improving, lets hope they work on that for NG3. I also hope that now that Itagaki is not in on the project that they keep that difficulty level the same, NG being a HARD series is one of the main things that sets it apart from the others.

Used to really make me laugh when I saw lots of copies of NG sigma and NG2 on the shelves at the local 2nd hand shop quite soon after release day as I knew these belonged to the type of gamers who preferred stuff like LBP or Viva Pinhata :P

s8anicslayer5468d ago

Good riddins to that Ramones wannabe, Igataki, so long buddy

The Lazy One5468d ago

The camera sucked for boss fights. I had to play the worm in the subway boss close to 15 times just because I couldn't see him when he was 2 feet away from me.

It was fine for fighting little things, but it made some bosses almost impossible.

dantesparda5468d ago (Edited 5468d ago )

Aint you just the coolest mofo, cuz you like to struggle in your games. What do you want a cookie? Can i get your autograph?

The game really isnt that hard until you get into the later boards, then it starts to get stupid hard.

Oh and i see that another so-called "exclusive" bites the dust, eh?

GUNS N SWORDS5468d ago (Edited 5468d ago )

ok i am hearing a lot of babble from various people about how this next installment should be done.

ok well lets get things straighten out "ninja gaiden sigma 1" is a remake of itagaki's ninja gaiden on the original xbox, the engine was mostly pioneered by a guy named "Yosuke Hayashi" the combat system was restructured in his vision. (which received a lot of good criticism from reviewers but lots harsh ones from the original creator "itagaki")

now after sigma itagaki makes "ninja gaiden 2", which mostly focused on the grotesque brutality of combat and featured and more quote "itagaki- faster and responsive gameplay than sigma"

( after releasing NG2 to the public the developers were criticized for giving the reviewers a unfinished copy of NG2, which had glitches up the yinyang and ran mostly at 30 fps forcing reviewers to publish nothing but bad scores, while only a few gave it better scores (do to having played the actual final version) http://reviews.teamxbox.com...

a year after ng2 was released sigma 2 is now made, which is quoted to be a " lighter version of violence than NG2 but have new people and a more fixed camera and combat system than NG2 and is made accordingly to "Yosuke Hayashi's" vision.

OK, with that out of the way, since itagaki is no longer around there wont be a sigma of any one's version to make so "Yosuke Hayashi" will be using his engine, his interpretation of both story and combat.

(the next NG "NG3" will either make or break itagaki's vision)

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5468d ago
TOO PAWNED5468d ago

Guys at 1UP and GT must be sad....


That means that GT will go home to sugar their own churros without Microsoft's money buying good reviews.

dragunrising5468d ago

Not sure what either of your comments have to do with the above article. You forgot to mention gamespot, eurogamer, edge mag and kotaku...etc, etc.

Its a little ridiculous that people still think there is a grand conspiracy theory. Opinion is opinion. Its not fact and personal bias account for everything you do in any given day. Do both of you like the color blue? Like cats or dogs? Same thing. Asking someone to be completely objective is not possible. Journalism and reporting are only able to maintain the appearance of objectivity. Try finding an article that comes off as neutral. Next visit a console specific-fan website that intentionally is biased on the same topic. You might begin to see that everyone is of different opinion. Console preference for most people are just shades of gray with one being preferred a little more or a little less. If you want an opinion that matches your own, don't visit websites that you feel are biased. After all, your opinion is the only one that matters when it comes to games and preference.

barom5468d ago

Itagaki must be pissed somewhere out there. Especially true if the "new" Team Ninja can prove that they can improve on where NG series lacked (story, presentation, art direction etc).

dragunrising5467d ago

hmmm....no one could rebuke my comment. Anonymous disagrees...guess I'm right.

I stand by my comment. Also, its much better NG3 is coming to both consoles at the same time.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5467d ago
thereapersson5468d ago

I like the Sigma trend; It takes everything that the first iterations did right, and fixes the stuff they did wrong.

Here's hoping they get it right the first time! I suppose without that misogynistic fool Itagaki at the helm, things *will* be different no matter what.

Chris3995468d ago

"...and we are better off giving both audiences an entirely new game."

That could very well imply separate 360 and PS3 games. I really hope that is the case, as the Sigma engine is pretty slick and I'm all for developers using the strengths of an individual system (not picking sides, I'm saying EITHER the 360 or PS3), as opposed to cutting corners and forcing things to work on two separate platforms. (FF XIII...cough...cough; I'd honestly have preferred Square to do a FF XIIII on the 360 and keep XIII on the PS3. Exclusives are almost always greater than multiplats. Please don't bring Haze or Too Human into the discussion, those are horrible, horrible mistakes.)

dragunrising5468d ago (Edited 5468d ago )

If you haven't figured it out already there will be a rerelease of NG3/NGS3. Tecmo has been pretty consistent. They released the first one three times. Ninja Gaiden Black for the Xbox came out little more than a year after the original. I have purchased NG, NGB, NGS, NGDS, and NG2. Perhaps its assumed the most hardcore Gaiden' fans will purchase/repurchase every new release.. :-p Inductive reasoning, I know but more credible the more you examine the enthusiasm for each Gaiden release. Business wise the logic is pretty sound. My purchasing habits on the other hand...

Sarcasm5468d ago (Edited 5468d ago )

Well so far, the two "Sigma's" has been exclusive to the PS3.

So it begs the question, if NG3 is multiplatform, will both consoles get a Sigma version or only the PS3?

Logically, I think both will get a Sigma version.

Sony Rep5468d ago

timed exclusive like all 360 games...


Arnon5468d ago

Dude cmon... we don't need that :(

It's been proven time and time again how amazing this gen's multiplatform games have been.

And a Ninja Gaiden 3 is just awesome.

DaTruth5467d ago

They still need to prove some more to me; Multiplatforms suck IMO and have been completely disappointing every time. Except for GTA4, which everybody but me, seems to be disappointed with(There were disappointing aspects, but overall I enjoyed the game).

yoghurt5468d ago

Things are pretty good for Sony and PS3 owners right now. Think about it, we have unmatched 1st party support ensuring we get games such as Uncharted, GT5, MAG, Infamous, God of War, Heavy Rain, all using the power of PS3 (I mean look at the latest Uncharted vid - incredible!), but THEN we get 360 games a little later with improvements over their original Msft release, best of both worlds?

Perkel5468d ago

no actually i don't think it's good

SIGMA 1 was way better than Ninja Gaiden And Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 will be bether than NG2 . They fix issues of NG2 give solid framerate of 60 better graphic.. etc

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The Best Hack and Slash Games of All Time on PS3

Grab your katana, and slice your way through this list featuring the best hack and slash games the PlayStation 3 had to offer.

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darthv72561d ago

Dante's inferno... an excellent GoW inspired game. So sad the sequels will never be.

LoveSpuds561d ago (Edited 561d ago )

I recall enjoying it well enough at the time, but it wasn't a patch on God of War 3 which came out around the same time I think.

I own it and fired it up on my PS3 about 6 months ago and time hadn't been particularly kind to it although it still very much nailed the atmosphere and it is a cool as he'll setting and universe.

Inverno561d ago

Dante's Inferno needs the GOW treatment. No cut camera, with a real hellish depiction of the 9 circles and a story as dark and as serious would be amazing.

Yui_Suzumiya560d ago

Still pretty amazing there was a PSP version that was actually pretty good. I remember playing it 10 years ago. I had the PS3 version when it first came out and loved it.

Hellcat2020561d ago

Ahh the memories of playing Heavenly Sword
Such a amazing experience

LoveSpuds560d ago

Yup, I remember being blown away with Heavenly Sword. I remember holding out hope that they would go back and add trophy support as a incentive to go back and replay the game, but I don't think they ever did?

Yui_Suzumiya560d ago

I couldn't beat the final boss though! Spent several days trying but eventually gave up, lol. Still enjoyed it though.

refocusedman560d ago

heavenly sword was such a short, but amazing game. that game should be prime material to be made into a download only remaster.

YoungKingDoran560d ago

I really enjoyed Castlevania, but struggled to get into it again reattempting it a few years back. I still think it does another of things well; story, presentation, level varietily and art style at least. Gameplay maybe has not stood test of time unfortunately which makes it a chore to get through.


The History of Ninja Gaiden: The Resurrection

In the conclusion to a three part series, CV takes a look at the most recent Ninja Gaiden games, for better and for worse.

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spicelicka1595d ago

They need to make a true sequel to Ninja Gaiden 2, that was the most satisfying combat I've experienced in a hack n slash game.

micdagoat191595d ago

been playing 1&2 on and off since they were released. I usually will play until I get frustrated then take another year off lol. Nver tried 3 or the 4th one even though they are in my backlog.

Domestupidname1594d ago

I tried to go back to Sigma but good god those controls are just insufferable. Couldn't do it.


New RPCS3 video shows major improvements in Uncharted, Ni No Kuni, Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 & more

The team behind the best emulator for Playstation 3, RPCS3, has released a brand new video showing some of the major improvements and changes that the team has implemented from December and January.

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beulahland1876d ago (Edited 1876d ago )

Very nice, but playing on original console is better - unless, of course, the console's tech is way too old and incompatible with the current tech standards.
The emulators must always be developed, though. It is good as a way to preserve and play old games.

1876d ago
MoshA1876d ago

Maybe in 5 years peasants will have access to our nostalgic games lol.

Casepb1876d ago

Backwards compatible PS5 is their only hope.

boing11876d ago

Only hope? Only hope for what? Mainstream console gaming is crushing mainstream PC gaming for several years now. You are extremely out of tune with reality.

mkis0071876d ago (Edited 1876d ago )

Consoles are cheap, would think not being able to buy one would make one a peasant. Personally, I dont understand the mindset; why not own everything if you can?

On top of my gaming pc, having a ps4 and Switch is a must for me. ( also have an X but it has been relegated to uhd player/ red dead 2 machine)

What is an extra couple hundred bucks to someone who loves to play.

ShadowWolf7121876d ago

A gas bill.
A light/water bill.
A car payment.
About a week or two's worth of groceries.
An unexpected expense that they can now cover.

I can go on. That is one hella privileged mindset there, broski. lol

mkis0071876d ago


Sorry I was referring to his use of the word peasant. Obviously meant to troll, but its fun to dissmantle the use of it.

PurpHerbison1876d ago (Edited 1876d ago )

It was a joke.

MoshA1875d ago

Because you can't enjoy the best games due to 30 fps. Thank God for that. If you care about fps more than graphics/combat/story/music then you don't deserve anything but LoL, Apex, WoW etc.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1875d ago
boing11876d ago

Care to give an example of such nostalgic game that console players would love to have? Because so far all I read about are poor attempts of launching 15 years old console games on PC with a playable framerate.

mkis0071876d ago (Edited 1876d ago )

Why would you want the ps3 version when the ps4 version will always be better than even an improved ps3 emulated one? Uncharted 1 was converted to Uncharted 2's engine on the drake collection. Runs at 60fps with uncharted 3 or better level graphics.

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