
Black Prophecy Community Bulletin #2

IncGamers brings news that Reakktor Media, the maker of the upcoming space-based MMO, Black Prophecy, has released details of recent behind-the-scenes developments in their second Community Bulletin.

Community team member 'Snowcrash' revealed that several games publishers are interested in dealing with them, but no names can be mentioned yet. It also emerges that the BP community is growing, and fans from all over the world have joined in discussions on the official forums.

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Dorjan5506d ago

Keeping the community informed is always a good way in keeping the buzz alive!

Leord5506d ago

Yes, I love how Blizzard have done with the SC2 community. although they have failed now, closer to beta :)

Maticus5506d ago

I expect publishers are battling with each other for this one, it looks very impressive.

Leord5506d ago

That specific artwork actually looked quite inspired by EVE :)

Leord5506d ago

Can't have too many of them :)

I wonder what will happen if Blizz announces StarCraft Online or something at Blizzcon this year...

Perjoss5506d ago

@ 4.1

wasn't the latest news that bliz were indeed working on a new mmo but it was a new IP?

Fyzzu5506d ago

Heard nothing about this before. Looks a lot like EVE and Jumpgate and so on...

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Black Prophecy will be closing its doors

Black Prophecy will be closing its doors on September 26th, 2012. After August 29th, it will no longer be possible to purchase KK$, the Black Prophecy in-game cash currency. Players who have purchased KK$ in the past 6 months and still have KK$ in their account will receive an email with a voucher code that can be applied with any other gamigo title, such as Black Prophecy Tactics: Nexus Conflict. On top of this, players will still have access to their remaining in-game funds and are free to use them until the closing of the servers.

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JsonHenry4285d ago

Why have I never heard of this game until now?!

GillHarrison4285d ago

This company is obviously no good at advertising their title.

RickHiggity4285d ago

I guess with good reason considering no one here has even heard of them or their game.

DeadlyFire4285d ago

Wow you guys suck. This thing was released last year!

A subscription model kept me away from buying though. Why pack a flat rate when I only game a few days of the week at most. Not many MMO projects have ever been smart about their money. They always push to be like WoW, but that only works if you grab a large crowd from the start. There are hundreds of other ways to make money off people in MMO games.

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Free2Play Together

One of my friends lives very far away. We keep in touch by playing Free2Play games together. Do you and a few friends want to play something different but the plethora of sub par options out there tends to squash the temptation to stray from your CoDs and WoWs?
Here are a few suggested titles you may want to try.

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ATi_Elite4462d ago

Black Prophecy is pretty fun! Sorta like Eve Online but No grinding No steep learning curve, no super hard strategy, More action!

ryandebraal4461d ago

by saying "No grinding" your telling me that you haven't progressed past the tutorial missions (which is like 10 hrs of gameplay long)


Too poor to buy Mass Effect 3? Try these space-themed free-to-play games

Doug Fairall: Mass Effect 3 is upon us, but if you’re like me and have too many bills and not enough bill-paying-money, then you might not be able to hit the midnight release and snag a copy of the game you’ve been waiting months to buy.

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ATi_Elite4472d ago

BLACK Prophecy is pretty good cause I'm currently playing that myself.

it's not perfect but they make improvements all the time.

Lots of space combat.

kainslayer4472d ago

torrent it then no harm done