
Popmatters Review: Guitar Hero: Metallica

Popmatters writes:

"despite the polish of Guitar Hero: Metallica and the quality source material, it is still hard to get too excited about paying $60 for the game unless you love the band or are a fake plastic instrument junkie. As I stated in my review for Guitar Hero: Aerosmith, I still think that fans would be best served by releasing Guitar Hero: Metallica as either a budget priced expansion pack to World Tour or as downloadable content on Xbox Live or the Playstation Network. The other approach could have been to take the "Play Metallica's Career" idea much further and turned it into a Guitar Hero role-playing game where you could set up practice spaces, hire a manager, make an embarrassing documentary, and publicly fight against college kids downloading your music off the internet. OK, maybe not that last part.

As it is, pick up Guitar Hero: Metallica immediately for a truly face-melting experience."

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ozzman6655494d ago

okay ill level with you about aerosmiths one they honestly didnt rly deserve to go first for their own game anyway but their game sucked their music isnt hard enough to put a label like guitar hero behind, metallicas different because every song draws you into something new and because of hammetts erratic playing style it forces you to up your game and accept a challenge


The 10 Most Metal Games of All Time

GamesRadar - Blacker than the blackest black, times infinity

In many ways video games and heavy metal go hand in hand, at least when their digits aren’t occupied with a multiplayer match and/or mind-melting guitar solo. A huge number of games revel in the savagery metal is known for, letting you eviscerate armies of enemies just as soundly as fierce riffs eviscerate mortal souls. Games like Gears of War, Manhunt, Dead Space, and Postal are all examples of carnage, violence, and destruction, so they're totally metal, right?

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LightDiego3351d ago

Brutal Legend soundtrack it's epic, probably one of the best ever. Shadows of the Damned it's awesome, so underrated, sadly.
Bayonetta and Twisted Metal are classics, i still need to play Splatterhouse.


Here's How Activision Should Bring Back Guitar Hero

The rumors are swirling, so The Geek Culture has a few suggestions on how Activision can bring back Guitar Hero right.

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Rocksmith Can Teach Us To Truly Rock, Unlike Guitar Hero

Ubisoft announced recently that it will be releasing a new guitar-based video game called Rocksmith. Unlike Guitar Hero and Rockband, this game will allow gamers to actually learn how to play the guitar rather than just pressing a set of colored buttons.

So is Rocksmith the guitar game aspiring musicians have been truly looking for?

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