
New Magna Carta 2 trailer

Namco Bandai published a new trailer from Magna Carta 2.

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Why dis5515d ago

Wish they showed some gameplay.

KingKionic 5515d ago

Never played first one but the screens from magazine and trailer looked good.

Why dis5514d ago

I like to fight so that is just as important to me as the story telling in this genre. I need to know if I will have fun. Battle comes first drama 2nd.

I'm just a bot with a Ghost after all.

FamilyGuy5514d ago (Edited 5514d ago )

Oh thats what this trailer was missing....

A few things:
At first it looked like a PS2 game, not much of a budget for the animations.
Then it started looking a little better
The voice acting sounded Ok (for what it is/compared to older jrpgs)
Another jrpg for the 360 really makes me think i should just get one already. I don't even care if it's crappy i just like the genre and pretty cut-scenes (seriously) and the PS3 is lacking BIG TIME.

Don't mention Valk, i like casting spells and summoning sh!t

The end of the trailer say "Xbox 360" but it doesn't say "only on" so that's good, for them and me as 360 owners aren't really big on jrpgs (as we've seen so far) I don't care how crappy people claim Lost OD, Inf Und., and Star Ocean 4 to be I know i would like them.

Lost Planet 2 is more of a push even though i thought the first one looked like crap (fun-wise).

I'd be the first 360 owner to have no interest in Gears, mass effect or Halo if i did buy one LOL. But I hate that damn controller and i hate learning a new controller.

Bnet3435515d ago

Can't say I'm excited for this. For some reason it reminds me of The Last Remnant. It will be a nice sales boost for the 360 in Japan.

Godmars2905515d ago

Considering that it has yet to show if it brings nothing new to the genera.

7thNightvolley5515d ago

yup. only 360 version mentioned.

Godmars2905515d ago

At least until some gameplay is shown.

Anyone sane who's have played much less seen footage of Lost Odyssey or SO4 have to be able to see how sub-par the cutscene animation is.

ButterToast5514d ago

I don't know I like the cut scene animations and graphical style. story seems like it will be pretty typical though, which is too bad. I wish Japanese developers would start making more developed stories for their RPGs rather than the same old love story.

BTW I don't think it has anything to do with fanboy mentality. I don't own a 360 and the graphical style is very nice. you're right that its not the most technically brilliant looking game but so what.

7thNightvolley5515d ago

i never played the first one but i will wait till i see gameplay b4 i hype it or break it.

UltimateIdiot9115514d ago

Me neither but I heard the first one wasn't too good.

wanderofys5499d ago

If it's ANYTHING like the first one, it's going to be garbage. The first one was one of the worst RPGs I've played on the PS2, up there with Unlimited Saga

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Seven under-rated single player epics for the long weekend

OXM's Edwin writes: "The sun is shining, there's a half-finished copy of Bioshock Infinite back home, I've got a third-hand 3DS in the post (it cost £80 - sucks to be you, launch buyers!) and another long Easter weekend is upon us. How are you spending yours - engaging in religious ceremonies? Decapitating make-believe rabbits? Dying of chocolate? Visiting your drunken excesses on relatives? Or playing videogames?"

Moncole4084d ago

Singularity is a great and fun game.

MikeMyers4084d ago

Yes it is. Too Human on the other hand wasn't.

Morgue4084d ago

I remember playing the Too Human demo on the 360 and I thought it was horrendous. I came across the game last summer for $3.00 and couldn't stop playing it.

M_Prime4084d ago

No More Heros needs to be on that list

Baka-akaB4084d ago (Edited 4084d ago )

Lots of mediocre titles in that list save Amalur and Overlord . There are better underrated titles out there , some more ignored than that list

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