
Tech Olive Retro Review: Day of the Tentacle

Tim Hage from Tech Olive writes: "Instead of using this month's retro review to play a game from my past, I decided to let it give me an excuse to play a game that I should have played long ago. Something that is hard to admit, but is a sad truth. I had never played Day Of The Tentacle. It was before my time, but that is no excuse to have skipped out on this classic addition to Lucas Arts' amazing collection of point-and-click adventure games."

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BlackIceJoe5515d ago

This was such a great game and so many more of LucasArts other Adventure games like Monkey Island. I so would love to see more games like this from LucasArts in this day and age. Plus I would love to see LucasArts put up there old classics online or remake them with newer graphics. Nothing would need to be changed just the graphics and I would buy the games.


What games would you put on a Classic PC?

The hubbub around Nintendo's SNES Classic announcement this week had us wondering: what would an equivalent, retro PC look like if it released today, and what games would you put on it?

CarlDechance2086d ago

Command HQ
Command and Conquer: Red Alert
King's Quest
F-19 Stealth Fighter
Silent Service

-Foxtrot2086d ago

Duke Nukem
Half Life and all the spin off games
Deus Ex
Theme Hospital
System Shock
Dungeon Keeper
The Secret of Monkey Island
SimCity 2000
The Sims (All Expansions)

Seraphim2084d ago (Edited 2084d ago )

nice list. the OG Wolfenstein, Doom and Duke Nukem are musts.... I know there were a lot of others I can't recall so off the top of my head the only thing I can think to add would be Arkanoid. that game was so much fun with that stupid bouncing ball and bricks. Then more recently games like Starcraft, Diablo, etc. I'm think OG PC though like late 80s early, early 90s.

Skuletor2084d ago

Duke Nukem the original side scroller version or Duke Nukem 3D?

Seraphim2084d ago (Edited 2084d ago )

OG!! though 3D too would be fine.

King_Noctis2084d ago

The orignal Sims was awesome.

On topic, I wish a PC classic would exist somedays.

I_am_Batman2085d ago (Edited 2085d ago )

Wolfenstein 3D
Unreal Tournament 2004
Half Life 1 & 2 (&3)
Far Cry 1 & 2
Portal 1 & 2
Monkey Island
Grim Fandango
Day of the Tentacle
Alone in the dark
Lands of Lore 1 & 2
Witcher 1 & 2
The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind
Gothic and Gothic 2
System Shock 1 & 2
Thief 1, 2, 3
Deus Ex & Invisible War
Commandos 1 & 2
Diablo 1 & 2
Siege of Avalon
Throne of Darkness
Command & Conquer and C&C Red Alert 1 & 2
Age of Empires 1, 2, 3 & Age of mythology
Empire Earth
Warcraft 3
Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends
Black & White
Worms Armageddon
GTA 1 and 2

2085d ago
Dragonscale2084d ago (Edited 2084d ago )

Total Annihilation
Elite/Elite 2
Doom/Doom 2
UFO Enemy Unknown
Dune 2

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Return of the Tentacle, Day of the Tentacle fan sequel, is now available for download

DSOGaming writes: "Adventure fans, here is something special for you today. Some fans have been working on an unofficial sequel to Day of the Tentacle, called Return of the Tentacle, which is available for download."

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zugdar2144d ago

I guess everybody should grab it while they can before it gets pulled. Unless Tim Schafer or whoever owns the IP gave it their blessing.


The Ten Best Point 'n' Click Adventure Games... According To Me - Part One

Ryan Crocker from GameGrin writes, "It pains me to admit this, but I've been playing point 'n' click adventure games for close to 30 years. That's actual decades. (Christ on a bike, man! Think of what great things you might have accomplished if you hadn't spent all that time lounging about like some pasty, goggle-eyed slug!) When LucasArts released its seminal adventure 'The Secret Of Monkey Island', I was a spotty adolescent who would routinely shun any form of social interaction in favour of sitting in the dark in front of my beloved Amiga 500. Many were the hours I spent combining a rubber chicken with a pulley in the middle with a packet of breath mints in an often futile attempt to accomplish some impossibly silly task. My parents were of the view it was an embarrassing waste of time; time better spent mowing the lawn. I vehemently disagreed. I still do."

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