
LostWinds 2 to be unveiled during E3 ?

LiveWii : "If we believe one of our closest source, LostWinds sequel could be officially announced during the E3 by David Braben and the Frontier team. The good news is that the game should now come to a DVD and no longer be a WiiWare title. A new hope for all ? Stay tuned !"

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Smacktard5489d ago

LostWinds was a truly magnificent game. It was absolutely beautiful in every way. Charming as hell. I hope LostWinds 2 takes it a bit further than the first, and make for a bit of challenging gameplay, though.


N-Europe Interview: LostWind's David Braben

N-Europe writes: "David Braben, founder of Frontier Developments, is one of the key figures behind the WiiWare LostWinds games. We had a chance to chat to him recently about the upcoming title, the series and what to expect from Frontier in the future.

LostWinds was one of the earliest title for the WiiWare service, and has also been one of the most successful. Praised for its fun gameplay and engaging story Frontier Developments are currently working on its sequel. N-Europe were fortunate enough to be able to sit down for a chat with David Braben, founder of Frontier Developments, about the new title."

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Used Game Market Not the Problem, Lack of New Purchase Incentive the Real Issue

Ripten writes: "Look, I've been reading a heap of articles lately citing both the Eurogamer and 1up sit down with Frontier Developments' founder, David Braben, and I simply couldn't take it anymore.

For those of you that missed the hoopla, Braben's gripe is that the used game market will eventually kill the single player aspect of games and force all developers to focus instead on multiplayer due to its high replay factor. While I agree that multiplayer does offer a much higher replay value, I certainly don't agree with his proposed fix."

Ripten's Chad Lakkis proceeds to share his thoughts on what developers should be focusing on instead of creating non resale game alternatives.

Twizlex5661d ago

Yes, give me more swag with games and I'd be more likely to buy new. I usually just rent anyways unless I know I'll really enjoy a game.

Nostradavis5661d ago

I agree. Free stuff would make me buy it new but the game still needs to be good. If I don't walk away with a "wow that was awesome I want to remember that forever" feeling, chances are I will sell the game eventually.

Sandwich Bender5660d ago

It pisses me off whenever developers complain about the used game market. I know they work hard on their games and I usually don't mind giving them my hard earned cash, but I play a lot of games and I can't afford to slap down $60 for everything I play. And this time of the year is the greatest example with so many good games coming out.

Nostradavis5660d ago

that's it you are going to jail.

greeneggsnsam5660d ago

I tend to buy new only if I'm really anticipating the game.

Nostradavis5660d ago

yeah but beyond buying it new what would convince you to keep it and never resell it?

Nostradavis5660d ago

Would you honestly ever keep a game and not sell it regardless of what came with it?


LostWinds Developer Interview

Australian gaming site Sliced Gaming have conducted an interview with the team behind the WiiWare game LostWinds. David Braben, the Chairman of Frontier Developments, had a fair bit to say about the game, as well as its upcoming sequel.

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