
Thunderbolt Review: Imperium Romanum: Gold Edition

A couple thousand years earlier you might have thought times were simpler, but you'd be wrong. Turns out the Romans wanted more or less the same things you see people begging for these days; better schools, more jobs, a higher standard of living and even coliseums, to take in the occasional gladiator match. Despite Roman desires being very close to our own, it also turns out it was much easier back then to please the people, or at least that's what Imperium Romanum would have you believe.

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Bundle Stars offering 12 PC games for only $5

For a limited time only, Bundle Stars, the direct-to-consumer company focusing on digital downloads, is launching its biggest PC game bundle to date. Gamers have the chance to download and own 12 standalone PC games for the price of just $5.

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Games Xtreme: Imperium Romanum Gold Edition Review

It's the same game as before with nothing much except a slight new lick of paint and lots more of the same old missions. Despite Games Xtreme's harshness they have to clarify that they don't hate the game or the genre, they really love city builders and they were looking forwards to this game.

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AceGamez: Imperium Romanum: Gold Edition Review

It's always a tad unusual heading back to a game's gold release, less than a year after it first came out - and in the case of Imperium Romanum, which only hit the shops in February, this winter re-release seems more like a case of repackaging for a Christmas buck than an honest summing up of the game's completion. As is the standard for a Gold Edition, the pack does include the Emperor expansion, nicely complementing the original game and making for a far more expansive experience. Not that the game on its own was exactly short but the more the merrier, and a further four campaigns never hurts when you want to try your hand at building a city under different conditions.

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