
GamersTemple: Dragon Ball: Evolution Review

Dragonball: Evolution will seem like complete crap to about 99% of the game-playing population, and that is fine; there is very little positive to say about the game. BUT if you were a Shin Budokai player and you're itching to fight again, Evolution will more than fill the void. After all is pretty much the same game with a different paintjob. My advice is to skip this one. It is certainly not worth the $40 asking price, and no challenge coupled short run time makes for a game that will take up a permanent home on the discount shelf. And soon. If you are a huge DBZ fan, wait for this one's price to drop before getting it; if you aren't stay far, far away from this one.

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Top 6 Korean MMORPGs Never Released in The West

It has been years ever since the first MMORPG announced. Every year countless MMORPGs comes out. However, not all MMORPGs could meet the public successfully in the end. Many of them aborted in development phase or died from bad publishing. Today, I would love to look back at those transitory MMORPGs.


The Worst Game Scores on Metacritic

GamersBliss.com writes: "Metacritic has been around for quite a while now allowing the site to ‘keep score of entertainment’. So we decided to round-up some of the worst scores for each system. The platforms on this list will include: PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U, PC, Wii, 3DS, PSP, and the PS Vita. What qualifies the game to be on the list is that it must have the worst metascore on metacritic and it must be a retail box game. Lastly the list will be in descending order of the worst metascore to see what platform holds the worst game on metacritic. So let’s take a look at what is the unanimous worst of the worst in gaming, just don’t expect to see user scores on the list."

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Big Rigs or Cheetamen... which is worse?

WarThunder4099d ago

Only lame fanboys and mindless people care about metacritic and review score....

ALLWRONG4098d ago (Edited 4098d ago )

So why do you always make comments about the same thing? Seriously for someone who says "only mindless people care about review scores and Meticritic" you sure comment enough about it. Checking your comment history, you go absolutely bonkers when a Sony games don't score well. Go back to when PS All Srars came out and you are all over the place.

SandWitch4099d ago (Edited 4099d ago )

I would feel really bad if my game scored 8/100. On average.

Chrono4099d ago

The same developer of Big Rigs made The War Z in 2012 and it also got a very low metascore (20%). He should just quit.

fredrikpedersen4099d ago

No, I hope he doesn't. We need really bad games to help us appreciate the better ones. Also, it's just so much fun to watch.

Bonerboy4099d ago (Edited 4099d ago )

Why would he quit when there are endless droves of complete fucking morons who are simply much too stupid to do their own research before they readily fork over their money for utter trash? As big of a piece of worthless shit Sirgay Titov is, I say to him, carry on scamming those half-witted mouth-breathers with open wallets and little to no consumer restraint.

SheaHoff4099d ago

Man, those are pretty rough

Hingle_Mcringleberry4099d ago

Black Ops Declassified got a 33 and that was supposed to be the Vita killer app! I remember the legions of sony fans defending it and claiming its a standard CoD title and bla bla bla!

smashcrashbash4099d ago (Edited 4099d ago )

Yeah but I bet you don't remember the legions of Kinect defenders saying that Steel Battalion would be then killer app for the Kinect and bring the hardcore to it and blah blah blah but instead scored bad and sold badly. Nope. People only have memories for what Sony fanboys say.Everything else blanks out the moment it doesn't pan out.

from the beach4099d ago

There aren't legions of Kinect defenders, lol, there's literally me and about five other people who could play Steel Battalion. It was immense.

Capodastaro4099d ago


Legions of Kinect defenders?


I don't see a legion here son.

Ezz20134099d ago (Edited 4099d ago )

both of those games sucks
that's all

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TheSuperior 4099d ago

Black ops declassified x) what a joke of a game! Same for leisure suit Larry.

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5 Stupid Ideas That Got Turned Into Terrible Games

Because sometimes you just look at a game and have to ask yourself, “How did this get made? Who thought this was a good idea?”

FlareDReborn4491d ago

DBE was the worst movie ever in the existence of movies.

TheUnbiasedLion4491d ago

it wasn't even DB - DBZ, the only thing it had was dragonballs and same names.

Was sickening.

deep_fried_bum_cake4491d ago

But it was so accurate to the show. Like how piccolo in the one that kills his grandpa and how roshi uses the kamehameha to revive a dead goku rather than blow a hole in his chest. And lets not forget how awesomely authentic piccolo seemed.

WeedyOne4491d ago

Wow they actually made a game based on that horrendous movie? ....how sad.

MsclMexican4491d ago (Edited 4491d ago )

Ok... I am guilty of playing 2 of these games.

Shadow the Hedgehog and Pokemon Channel.

Shadow the Hedgehog was actually pretty fun.

Pokemon Channel? I bought a game in which I watch TV with a Pikachu... that was the whole game. Man I was a stupid 10 year old.

Hell the only reason I think I bought that game is because it came with a demo for Pokemon Colosseum. And then I got XD gale of darkness

Now those were awesome games... even though I am 20 now... that game needs a sequel.

tigertron4490d ago

I don't really count Channel as a game, more as a Tamagotchi. I only really bought it for a Jirachi, and I'm ashamed to say I traded in my PS1 for it. Worst decision in my life. EVER.

I was a big fan of Pokémon at the time and my foolish child mentality got in the way of common sense. I just want my PS1 back...

Kos-Mos4490d ago

But plenty of americans still watched it. *cough*gears,me,gow,cod,killzo ne,gta,halo*cough*

rezzah4490d ago (Edited 4490d ago )

I've seen far worse.

Edit: Not saying it is good though.

skyblue142134490d ago

What about the movie called street fighter: the legend of chun lee?

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Nugan4491d ago

I have to admit, I would totally play Downton Abbey Kart Racing.

y0haN4491d ago

WTF is in his crack pipe? The end of MGS4 was nothing short of awesome!

deep_fried_bum_cake4491d ago

Don't know why people disagree with you, that was one of my favourite gaming moments.

colonel1794491d ago

The first time I played it I didn't know I was in control of what was happening. When I realized, I got goosebumps of how awesome it was. For me the entire las chapter of MGS4 was epic.

oldfriend864491d ago

MGS4 was a mess at every turn. Trying to tie up every single loose end, does not a good story make.

MGS3 however, had the greatest ending in the history of everything.

Abdou234491d ago

"Ignored for hating MGS4"
Same here.

JD_Shadow4491d ago

Well, that's your opinion and your entitled to that, but you are in the MINUTE minority there. That ending was VERY epic. All the battle themes from the various MGSs (well, I'm counting the third one as one because...you know, it plays during THAT fight in MGS3), the way it's just your fists and feet doing the fighting instead of guns, and it's the fight that you've been waiting 4 games to finally have. Yeah, not sure what you saw as a flaw that none of us did.

But you are right about MGS3. That WAS epic, as well, especially when it's YOU, with the actual button, that has to do the ending action. Very good breaking of the fourth wall there.

I won't go as far as ignoring you, though. Some people just take opinions too damn seriously.

Tainted Gene4490d ago

So is it conventional wisdom that MGS4 is better than MGS3??? I mean I love ALL the MGS games, and MGS1 is still my All-Time favorite.

But I always thought MGS3 was more well received than MGS4, in terms of story specifically.

I know everyone has their own opinions, but is the assumption (MGS3 > MGS4) not the case???

AWBrawler4490d ago

you ignit bastard! MGS4 was a masterpiece

oldfriend864490d ago

The only Metal Gears I liked were MGS1 and MGS3. Their stories were more movie like. As bizarre as the lore is in the Metal Gear universe, at least 1 & 3 were more believable.

4 was like a soap opera (Raiden and Rosemary during MGS2 was like that too). People coming back from the dead, corny romance wrap ups; everything was without substance. The whole game was about tying up every loose end, disregarding anything that makes logical sense (even for Metal Gear's standards) and being too over the top with the drama. Besides Snake's monolog at the beginning, there was nothing about the MGS4's story that I liked, nor did anything make sense, especially the ending. And I'm usually open minded about how Metal Gear stories go.

The fist fight was fine, it's the time placement. MGS1 and MGS3 had their final fist battles at the perfect time. MGS4 threw it into a part, that eventually became out-shined and forgotten once you board the battleship.

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Der_Kommandant4491d ago

The fight between Solid Snake and Liquid was epic

Tainted Gene4490d ago

"spoiler" (as if its really needed)

But the thing is its not really Liquid at all its Ocelot, its been Ocelot since MGS2. I may be in the minority but I wanted the real Liquid Snake to have "residence". so to speak. in Ocelot's mind.

The idea of a reattached arm transferring consciousness to another sounds far fetched but I still thought it was interesting when it was introduced in MGS2. Sadly, to me at least, it was just Ocelot just acting to be Liquid to trick the "La-le-lo-li-lo" (forget exact phrase).

4490d ago
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