
Pirates vs Ninjas Dodgeball on the Wii Has Gone Gold

GamingShogun.com writes: "SouthPeak Games has announced that Pirates vs Ninjas Dodgeball for the Nintendo Wii is now 'Gold' and will be released to stores on May 12th.

Official Release:
"Finally, friends will be able to choose their sides in this age old rivalry and face off to decide who is truly the superior force," said Richard Iggo, VP of Marketing for SouthPeak Games. "I'm confident everyone..."

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GamesRadar: Pirates vs. Ninjas Dodgeball Review

As a WiiWare game, Pirates vs Ninjas would be worth a few points for a quick bit of multiplayer fun, but for the hefty price? Not cool.

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EvilTwin5413d ago


The last review was a 94.

Maybe it's just because I'm biased, but those seem low. Don't get me wrong, they're good scores...but the original Prime is one of the top-rated games of all time. Prime 2 was just as good, and Corruption is one of the Wii's very best.

All 3 of them for $50 in 480p widescreen with the the third game's control scheme? That's one of the best values in gaming.

DanteLinkX5413d ago

I would have perfect scored it.

Dringostarr5413d ago

I guess it didn't get a perfect score because they are re-releases, with little added graphical flare. And they were hardly perfect.

Still going to pick up a copy though. So much game play in them, and I never properly got round to finishing any of them.

Resident Evil Archives got 70... again, just re-releases of older titles... but they are well worth it, and some of the best examples of old-school Resi yet.

I wish Capcom would actually make a proper Resident Evil, 4-style, on Wii.

Gr815413d ago

Other M has A LOT to live up to.

EvilTwin5412d ago

There are the screen caps of Other M in a first-person view, too, so I don't think they're totally leaving the flavor of Prime behind.

The game will have a hard time living up to Retro's games, but it seems like Nintendo is inclined to experiment more with Metroid than their other big series.

pacowles5413d ago

Do want...never picked up MP2 or 3 for whatever reason and now I can get the entire series on one DVD with improved Wii controls; pretty legit package.

cyberwaffles5413d ago

metroid series is probably my favorite nintendo franchise. i wish more devs would handle their games like they did with metroid. metroid was awesome back in the day, it's awesome on handles and tributes to the classics, metroid prime series was an excellent reboot, and now the other M is looking phenomenal. i love the originality with the metroid games so much it's not funny. see, there's nothing wrong with being daring and trying something new.

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YLG: Pirates vs. Ninjas: Dodgeball Review

YLG writes: "Apparently inspired by the internet meme- "who would win in a fight between pirates and ninjas?", developers Blazing Lizard have taken that question and put it to the test by pitting them against each other in a game of Dodgeball.

I swear to god I am not making this up.

Pirates vs. Ninjas: Dodgeball is quite possibly the oddest title I have had the misfortune to play all year (actually, that privilege still belongs to Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust- the less said about that one the better)."

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