
SCEA: "Exclusivity is something that doesn't truly exist in this cycle"

VG247: SCEA hardware marketing boss John Koller has claimed that console software "exclusivity" was a a last-gen concept, and that higher development costs have forced game-creators to become platform agnostic.

"Exclusivity is something that doesn't truly exist in this cycle," he said. "What does exist is first-party product. That's your exclusive product."

s8anicslayer5511d ago

That's because it's all about the Benjamins baby!

urban bohemian5511d ago

It just means that Sony and Microsoft will need to buy as many of the now 3rd party developers and turn them into 1st party developers to ensure exclusive games.

Like Microsoft buying Rare etc.

The competition really has changed this generation!

JokesOnYou5511d ago (Edited 5511d ago )

Just seems like tit for tat to me.

sony: aha, aha, we have more 1st party devs.

micro: aha, aha we have more money to spend on exclusives, timed exclusives and DLC from 3rd parties and oh yeah we can afford to advertise too!

me: Gamers are the real winners.

vvvvv yeah timmyrulz, I think you might have a point, but it could be anything.


v1c1ous5511d ago

they always complain about microsoft buying 3rd party exclusive deals and such.

but Sony BOUGHT WHOLE COMPANIES. they have a plethora of studios because they could afford them. back then you didn't have big name gaming studios that could practically release their own consoles (EA, Squeenidos). Sony loaded up on companies when they were top dog, because they could afford to do so, and game companies didn't really have a choice.

These days it's more financially sane to spend money on perks (DLC) than whole companies who could produce lackluster titles after you bought them (Rare).

you won't see Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo spend the moola for companies nowadays. it's all about getting exclusive content for your system now.

ballsofsteel5511d ago

@1.4 i'm not sure about you but i think i would rather get a full game that exclusive rather than just some DLC that i have to pay extra for. while the rare acquisition might be a bust sony's 1st party studios have been doing a great job imo. Resistance 1 & 2, R&C, Uncharted, LBP, KZ2, MLB the show. to mention the games that are just around the corner like GOW3, Infamous, Uncharted 2, MAG, Heavy Rain and more coming. I'm sorry but if given the choice between exclusive game versus DLC i gotta take the game especially if it's first part has they generally will take advantage of whatever console they're built on

Anon19745511d ago

Sony fans know those 1st party studios didn't materialize out of thin air. Sony buys studios. I don't think there was any mystery around that.

They're right about this. Without a ready and willing base of over 100 million consoles to sell too, developers didn't have much choice but to go multiplatform. What I don't understand is the developer's need this gen to make their games look exactly the same across both consoles.
Last gen the Xbox had the horsepower and developers weren't afraid to use it. If you had a choice between a game on the Xbox or the PS2, you'd pick the Xbox because the game would look better, run smoother and generally have been optimised for the Xbox's hardware. This gen you've got developers like Terminal Reality saying if they didn't have to worry about the 360 port they could have twice as much going on on-screen, or Id saying RAGE will be pared back due to the limitations of the older 360 hardware. Who cares? Why not make the game the best you can on each system's hardware without worrying about the other system. The Wii version of Call of Duty WAW wasn't as pretty as the PS3/360 versions but they didn't dumb down the PS3/360 versions to make it easier to make a Wii port. Just make the best damn game on which ever platform you're on, don't worry about the port being inferior. If the game is good people will buy it.

STK0265511d ago

the thing is, Sony buys studios that worked with SCEE/SCEA/SCJ, for years (or atleast on a game or two), these studios aren'T bought without knowing how Sony works since they already used to work with them. And for most studios, Sony is pretty much responsible for their success as they funded and published their work.

JokesOnYou5511d ago (Edited 5511d ago )

Alot of pro's and con's have been said about both consoles so its easy to only look at some of the negative comments about 360 to justify your theory that its holding devs back, also you're overlooking the fact that the comments about Rage were clarified by Tim Willits:
"As far as game content, I will swear on the lives of my children that nothing was cut,"

"Microsoft is not being d_ckheads," he said. "It was a simple kind of miscommunication. Microsoft does not charge a royalty per disc, but there is a cost of goods that goes along with manufacturing. "

-I must have missed that comment from Terminal Reality, can you give me the link? I'm pretty interested to read that, what game are they talking about; Ghostbusters?, if so I don't know why because from what little I've seen that game isn't exactly pushing either console, what else are they working on for ps3/360 that they could be referring to?

Either way my point is, its not a black & white debate when it comes to game dev and we all could easily pick and choose comments from devs to make a case that ps3 or 360 to fit a certain agenda, just look heres some from the same studio you referenced, ID softwares John Carmack:

"I think the decision to use an asymmetric CPU(Cell) by Sony was a wrong one." -John Carmack

"With the PlayStation 3, it’s not even that it’s ugly--they just took a design decision that wasn’t the best from a development standpoint."
-John Carmack
-Is he right?

When asked what he would change about the PlayStation 3, he responded, "I probably would have taken the Blu-ray out and sold it for less money." -David Jaffe
-Is he right?

Theres plenty of off handed comments to take out of context like what about when Assassin's Creed producer Jade Raymond said 360 has better AI capabilities because of its more-capable threading technology vs ps3?
-Is she right?

-Could I make the conclusion based these and plenty other negative comments I read about ps3, that game developers haven't pushed further in some areas because they have to spend alot of time and resources on just figuring out how to get the ps3's difficult tech to run as efficiently as 360?...furthermore could I aslo conclude that when we do see even sonys own 1st party dev push the ps3 that the dev cycle will be extended to 3 or 4+ yrs as we saw with KZ2? EnJOY your day sir.


Sayai jin5511d ago

@JokesOnYou- Good points, bubbles for you.

Anon19745511d ago (Edited 5511d ago )

You're correct, they were talking about Ghostbusters. Here's a bit of the interview here.

I remember back when the PS3 was first released, one of the analysts predicted this exact thing would happen, that the 360 would hold back PS3 development. I wish I could find that interview again; it was a good read.

Anyway, my point was that we're seeing evidence that the 360 is holding the PS3 back in conjunction with comments from developers. It's not a matter of choosing which developer's statements to quote, we can all see that something's amiss ourselves. We know what the PS3 is capable of due to the excellent first party titles being released that are not being equaled on other platforms so that should make us ask the question "We know it's capable, why aren't more 3rd party games like this?" Comments like Terminal Reality's offer up an answer which matches what the analysts had predicted would happen long before we ever started seeing evidence of this and this explanation certainly fits the facts.

As for ID's "miscommunication" this strikes me as just PR damage control. I remember when an insider at EA leaked that 50% of their launch 360's had failed. He was quickly hushed up and both EA and Microsoft trotted out others to downplay and generally refute those claims. At the time the 360 problems were just rumor but we know now that it's very possible that EA insider was correct. No developer wants to bite the hand that feeds them (except if the hand belongs to Sony, oddly enough).

Edit Below: I think you're way off on that one. I don't think JokesOnYou was being fanboyish. He made some good points. He was just making an observation about how the companies had been behaving. I don't see him anywhere talking about how much the 360 was making, or rrod or any such thing. Maybe you should ease off the throttle there a bit.

FlameBaitGod5511d ago (Edited 5511d ago )

You clearly dk what you talking about lol, you know how much $ they have lost in law suits and fixing the RROD since the 360 came out ? and now the warranty to cover E74 lol. I doubt they have many $ to spent, did you even hear what M$ ? they close several departments of the 360, if they still have much $ to spent i doubt they would be closing studios and bro you should just leave the fan boy thing, its not healthy bro, you need to accept the truth, is it so hard to accept another piece of plastic is better than the other 1 :( ? Even developers are saying they would have to stop adding stuff to their games because the 360 couldn't handle it. Many devs wouldn't say crap cus of M$ at first, but now we are seeing them come out and talk.

velaxun5511d ago

Jesus Christ on a stick JOY, get a bloody life. who cares about all those quotes? Why do people need to go around spreading FUD in order to justify their purchases or even their existence. Seriously, they're video games mmkay? Everybody gets the same sh!t, and it's still fun to play. Give it a rest already

5511d ago
Mini Mario5510d ago

"That's because it's all about the Benjamins baby! "

Sad but, .. true.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 5510d ago
panasonic235511d ago

lol they might have more exclusive than MS and Nintendo but i can name 3 games from MS or Nintendo and they outsold all of sony exclusive combine.

LarVanian5511d ago

Lol sales is all that matters to you isn't it?

solidjun55511d ago (Edited 5511d ago )


I get the feeling that this interview is old. But whatever.

OmarJA5511d ago

Another salesman bot... :D

ultimolu5511d ago

...What the f*ck is wrong with you guys and sales? So heaven forbid a game doesn't sell five million in one day or a week, it's a flop?

Sweet God, do you guys play games like you claim you do?

Stryfeno25511d ago (Edited 5511d ago )

If something doesn't sell, then it doesn't generate any money/profit...Thus, the product, more then likely, will be extinct.

heyheyhey5511d ago (Edited 5511d ago )

@Patchstation 3

and yet... Beyond Good & Evil is getting a sequel

your logic fails.. as always

sales don't denote a game's quality, they denote what is accessible for the masses and/or what has garnered a big fanbase over the years to make up for a lack of accessibility (a la MGS)

PS3 exclusives sell well enough to ensure serialization... you don't need Halo or Gears Of War numbers to succeed

i wonder what the excuse of choice will be for bots when GT drops?

rucky5511d ago (Edited 5511d ago )

Then answer this, if exclusive PS3 game sales are crap like you xbots make it out to be then why do they still constantly announce brand new exclusive PS3 games whilst M$ hasn't announce jacked sh!t so far this year.

ultimolu5511d ago

Patchstation, playing the f*cking game and judging for yourself whether it's good or bad is important as well.

Some of the greatest games of all time didn't sell five million in one day.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 5511d ago
timmyrulz5511d ago

I get the impression from this article that something is on the Horizon that will p1ss off Sony fanboys, something like mgs5 going multiplatform?

LarVanian5511d ago

That wouldn't piss me off, because I could still play the game on PS3.

However it would piss me off if MGS5 was announced as a 360 exclusive that would never come to PS3.

PirateThom5511d ago

I doubt it, I think it's just Koller bashing Microsoft again.

lloyd_wonder5511d ago

MGS5? Is that really unexpected?

Danja5511d ago

Exactly they ar basically throwing it in M$ face that they have more 1ST Party exclusives , something they dont have at the moment

poopsack5511d ago

yeah thats probably it, and when microsoft said they werent competing with nintendo I thought it was because something that would piss off MS fanboys was gonna happen, something like Nintendo buying the xbox division? Do I sound like a total dumbass jumping to conclusions?

raztad5511d ago (Edited 5511d ago )

If Kojima is in charge, dont count on it. But probably he will not so it is a possibility. It's even more possible to expect a year later release of MGS4 on the 360, thought I doubt it will make economic sense, cause it could go the Bioshock route when was released later on the PS3.

BTW, wtf with the prices of 2007 Sony exclusive games? I really want to buy Heavenly Sword, but the damn game is 2 years old and as amazing as it could be it's at most 8 hours long. I just cant justify to pay a full 60$ pricetag for this one. What a shame, gonna get it second hand.

ape0075511d ago

don't have intentions to buy exclusive games

sony should do that,secure games damnit

all I want that gta 5 be a ps3 exclusive not because im a fanboy,but because of the blu ray

Danja5511d ago

I agree Ape I would love to see GTA5 PS3 exclusive just so R* can actually make the game they wanted , and actually redeem themseleves from the crap that was GTA4.

and some JRPG's wouldn't hurt also

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5511d ago
xdye0175511d ago

something tells me that SCEA is afraid of M$'s secret third-parties that we don't know about.

Shane Kim5511d ago

Something tells me that MS doesn't have jack sh!t.

Bnet3435511d ago

Something tells me I will go outside and play with my wee wee tonight. :)

Etseix5511d ago

somthing tells me that if M$ dont show anything good at E3. all the xbox fanboys will be ashamed of themselves :P

Dark3605511d ago


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