
Konami Europe Confirmed: No release of Six Days in Fallujah in Europe

Dutch gaming website GameCloud.nl found a rumor that Konami will not release Six Days in Fallujah in Europe. The website contacted Konami for conformation of this rumor. Konami Europe responded that it's true, they will first play the game before they decide if they will release it or not.

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davey9755511d ago

Bad news for the European gamers :P

chzin5510d ago

Yeah, its ashaming for Konami


Six Days in Fallujah Interview: True Realism Comes From Stimulating the Feelings of Combat.

Read our Six Days in Fallujah interview and learn how the team wanted to create realism through procedural architecture and more.


Top 10 Cancelled Video Games

Throughout the history of modern gaming there have been over a thousand games that should have been - titles that already had a following and very eager audience but an audience alas that was destined to be disappointed. Here is Chris' Top 10 take.

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rodiabloalmeida3478d ago

The Last Guardian should be on that list. I doubt it's gonna ever be released.

nX3478d ago

It has not been cancelled.

r1sh123478d ago

the countless number of star wars games..
Cant remember they guys name, but he came into lucasarts and literally cancelled everything.

its insane.. They would have made a crap load of cash from many games released (not force unleashe)/

NukaCola3478d ago

Well for me it's B.C. on the original Xbox. I wanted that more than FABLE. Oh Peter, how you never fail to disappoint me. Also, I am sad American McGee's OZ never came out. Such amazing concepts went into it, but never saw the light of day.

DoctorJones3478d ago

Agent. And The Last Guardian.

nX3478d ago

Both haven't been cancelled officialy.

clevernickname3478d ago

Neither has Starcraft: Ghost, but we aren't deluding ourselves.

DougLord3478d ago

Highlander sounds really cool, I could see it done like AC. But what would be far better is a MMORPG. You need to keep actually being a highlander relatively rare, and you don't want to have huge fights between 100 highlanders at once. It would also be difficult to implement the 3,000 year timeline and keep the Highlanders from just crucifying the lowbees.

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Defending The HomeFront

Mike D from GoozerNation looks at the upcoming game "HomeFront" and looks at the recent events in North Korea and how it could affect this game, given the issues other war games have faced.

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eaglethorn4913d ago

I gotta say, the points accounted for in this article are valid and I couldn't agree more. A very interesting read and how the politics have affected such a huge industry, and how the inevitable future may or may not turn out.

deafwing4913d ago

yea it's a decent read, and it's not like anything he said that isn't true but only time will tell.

jha12234913d ago (Edited 4913d ago )

As far as the gaming side, I'm a bit disappointed. Freedom of speech has gone right out the window. Oh damn, someone might be offended. Then DON'T BUY IT!

In regards to the Koreas, yikes. Are people actually concerned that the game will affect what happens in the political world? If it's a "too soon" thing, pfft.

I'm amazed just about every day how much this country has turned in to a bunch of friggin' pansies.

Nice writeup ... getting me all fired up >.<

thorstein4913d ago

I still don't know about those attacks. Sure there is video. There was video for the gulf of Tonkin incident too. I don't know what I am looking at in the videos. It could be anything really. Since our government lied to us for 3 out of the past 4 wars, I am tending to be skeptical.

jjank114913d ago

Actually, our government has been lying to us about almost every single war we've been in. All wars since WW2 have all been fought illegally (i.e. No declaration of war by congress) if i'm not mistaken.

Even for pearl harbor, we knew about 1 week or more in advance that the japanese were sailing to the USA. The Australians informed the administration of this and we did nothing to defend ourselves.

JimmyJames704913d ago

Can't wait to watch the trailer for this one. DL'd it last night but never watched it.

Anyway, I don't remember anyone ever complaining about the Tom Clancy games in which it's the US doing covert ops in Mexico.

Why are people picking on Afghanistan and Korea? Cause it's more realistic? I applaud the developers for going in that direction.

eaglethorn4913d ago

I'm pretty sure you missed the most notorious of them all...

Wolfenstein 3D

scar204913d ago

But what if a developer decides to do vice versa and have mexico attack the u.s. then they're will be a big uproar just moh being able to play as the taliban i have no problem playing these kinds of games.They are made for our enjoyment and that is what i shall do enjoy them.

madjedi4912d ago (Edited 4912d ago )

Thats the problem, it's an absurdly stupid scenario, north korea magically gets buddy buddy with south korea, and bullies countless asian countries to follow their lead.

So china and japan just roll over and play dead, it's just as stupid as mexico attacking the us, they are just asking to get f-ed up, there has to be a level of reality attached to it.

Replace the koreas with china, and then it has a little more credibility to it, it might very well be a good game, but the scenario is beyond stupid north korea takes over the world -_- yeah right.

sickbird4913d ago

Im getting pretty tired of people getting offended by video games. People are way to sensitive, its a rough world out there and it makes me wonder how they survive.