
Sony: Microsoft "writes cheques" for games thanks to first-party line-up insecurity

SCEA hardware marketing boss John Koller has told VG247 that Microsoft's apparent need to pay for exclusivity on certain products - such as the Lost and Damned - is borne from a self-perceived lack of strength in its first-party line-up.

axeru7775512d ago

Yes, that seems to be the case

euchreprof5512d ago (Edited 5512d ago )

M$ is gonna be knocked out by this time next year. PERSONAL GUARANTEE!

PS: I even heard a rumor that Final Fantasy XIII was gonna get cancelled on the Xbox 360 due to lack of graphic power.

solidsnakus5512d ago

wtf... ok, killzone is good but its not that good. theres a reason why halo 3 sold 10 mil copys you know.

Shadow Flare5512d ago

This article is another case of 'yes, he's bashing the competition, but he's also completely correct'

5512d ago
krauler5512d ago

that reason is in your face and down your throat marketing. Halo keychain or Halo Mountain Dew, anyone?

THC CELL5512d ago

Halo is just a name

People are scared of play station 3
xbox player are cracking tho

it wont be long and that gap is closing people

there is a story on here
is ps3 extra power worth using

thats like asking is the next xbox worth the power and wait ?

artzm5512d ago

Lol @ Sony Marketing. I think the PS3 is a great machine but this is just stupid. The thing is it isn't just first party titles that sell systems. Technically you could have a system without first party titles and as long as people are willing to develop for your system, you'll be good to go.

SaiyanFury5512d ago

It's not even really news anymore. Microsoft has stated repeatedly that their single goal is to unseat Sony's presence in the games market. They are willing to go to any length to do so. Launching the system a year ahead of even the Wii, releasing a system with a proven faulty hardware design that even MS admitted to. Paying previously PS exclusive developers to make games on their system first. Their practises are clear to any who aren't blind. MS has almost negligible first party games, save HALO and Gears of War. Sony, on the other hand, has decided to forget about third party exclusives and have tightened their belt with their own internal studios to produce games not available anywhere else. MS thought they could buy this generation, but instead Sony studios have come together to deliver some amazing experiences not available anywhere else. True, third party exclusivity might be a thing of the past, but Sony continues it's commitment to us gamers with a plethora of exclusive games, that cannot be had anywhere else. It's a good time to be a PS3 owner.

5512d ago
RumbleFish5512d ago

I don't care about M$ and I don't care about Killzone. I play MGO and GT 5 P.

kwicksandz5512d ago

Yes they do. And its working out for them just fine!

Perhaps $ony should take a leaf from the MS book

Aquanox5512d ago

Sony guys were mad about GTA IV DLC being Exclusive.

Rofflecopter5512d ago

i doubt that aquanox. I could care less, didnt get it on my 360 anyway.. It was out so long after that i sold my copy of GTA4 back already.. just dont really care about GTA4 anymore.. im sure others feel the same.

FlameBaitGod5512d ago

Agree with everything SaiyanFury said

All-35512d ago

That's why Sony has to buy developers <-- Am I right?

Guerrilla.. anyone?

Evolution Studios... anyone?

BigBig Studios... anyone?

Doesn't Sony utilize the --> Pub Fund <-- for exclusivity?

What does this Sony Pub Fund use for --> incentive?

Here's a hint --> $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$

QUOTE - Sony's Chris Eden spoke at GDC about a new program available for developers called "Pub Fund." In an effort to make the online service more lucrative, the Pub Fund deal has Sony matching development budgets of PSN-exclusive titles. "We're looking for a number of great games, and in return for exclusivity we'll match your development budget with guaranteed royalties," Eden said.

LOL.... gsus.

IdleLeeSiuLung5512d ago (Edited 5512d ago )

But, but, but Sony doesn't doesn't write cheques or extend their moneyhat....

"“We don’t feel the need to write cheques necessarily with every publisher, like they did with the Lost and Damned and some other titles, because we feel very strongly in our first-party line-up."

-John Koller, SCEA hardware marketing boss

Straight from the horses mouth and the Sony fanboys cry!

Reality is that there is mudslinging on all side and taking a stab at someone else is just your own insecurities need to voice an opinion.

Beast_Master5512d ago

Exactly Sony buys studios, they also create studios, they work with people like Jaffe, Insomniac, and sucker punch to remain independent but give them strong incentive to do exclusives for their platforms.

MS also buy's studios dumbas$ ever hear of Ensemble, or Rare or Lionhead? MS was in a position to buy Bungie and Bio-Ware but they didn't. Because they put out such a crap piece of hardware they couldn't afford to bring in their bread and butter developers.

Did someone on this board really say that exclusives don't matter, I wish I could be so dumb sometimes.

KingME5512d ago

Yes Microsoft pays third party companies for exclusives. But what people fail to see is that it also cost money to have inhouse software houses. Those people have to be paid also, they have to do research, the drain resources as well as money to build those first party titles.

It's simply a difference in business models. It's no different from one company have 10 secretaries and another company using 10 temps. The company with the temps don't have to pay health care plans and deal with any of the other problems that fulltime employees bring. So, both processes has it advantages and disadvantages.

So, it would be nice if people weren't so narrow visioned and could see things form both directions. AS sony blabs out all this crap, why don't they also should us how much they spend on inhouse IP production vs MS' inhouse IP production.

soxfan20055512d ago


"that reason is in your face and down your throat marketing. Halo keychain or Halo Mountain Dew, anyone?"

The Halo 3 marketing campaign is LONG since over, yet Halo 3 continues to sell extremely well.

SoapShoes5512d ago

The difference is, it's much more secure having your own studios. Paying money for exclusivity doesn't mean everyone you want exclusive will be for it. Plus you could even lose exclusivity(like many Microsoft 3rd party exclusives have been lately) with loopholes through the contract and whatnot.

The_Beast5512d ago

Thats becouse you guys have nothing good that comes out... as soon as a good title comes out you jump on it!!"OH MY GOD!! NEW GAME!!"

-EvoAnubis-5512d ago (Edited 5512d ago )

Hey, yeah, I've heard of Ensemble! They're the ones that made Halo Wars! Refresh my memory, Chuckles.....what did MS do with Ensemble after they finished it? I forget.

KingME5512d ago

I agree with your statement. But why is the Sony guy talking about writing checks as opposed the strength of 1st party? The point I was trying to make was about writing checks, they're both writing check whether it be for their inhouse employees or jobs being outsourced.

Saigon5512d ago

the npd numbers release this week...the fud articles are coming out of the wood works...this is like the 5th ps3 fail article...

-EvoAnubis-5512d ago

I'd agree with that, but you have to look at what they're each getting for the money. MS tosses money at a 3rd party, they get a game with a bit of timed exclusiveness and maybe some DLC. Sony gets a game that will be exclusive forever because they own the IP, new dev tools that they can put into the SDK, and a new game engine that can be used for other games, which will drop the development costs for future games.

Sony has been investing their money very wisely, and MS has been simply tossing $$ around like rice at a wedding. This year it seems to be biting MS on the ass big time, meanwhile the results of Sony's investments seems to be flourishing.

Blaze9295512d ago

sounds like a certain someone at Sony is simply hating....

Frnicatr5512d ago

The N4G community is pissing me off.

The stories posted are lame now, there's only stupid stuff being posted and it has turned into the gayest PS3 fanbase ever.

I remember when the days when the N4G community was split on 360 and PS3, and now it's just lame as balls seeing anyone who supports the 360 get negative comments and a 10 to 1 ratio with agrees and disagrees.

The Lazy One5512d ago

Both ways have risks and benefits. If you buy a studio, you are stuck with everyone in that studio on your pay role whether or not they continue making a profit. When you pay 3rd party studios to develop your games, you don't have to deal with any of the administration costs, and you can be more selective with both how much money you are spending, and what games you're spending money on. Take, for example, killzone 2. The budget for that game ballooned incredibly over the course of the game and doubled by the time it was released.

When M$ buys games, they know the amount they are going to spend on a game up front. They know it won't cost them any more to get the game on their system. That is a huge advantage.

Also, imo, I think M$ is restructuring their game division to go from a multi-studio single game model like sony (where 1 studio makes 1 game and there are many studios. Sony has 17 studios right now) to a few studio multi-game model (where a couple large studios make many games).

For example, Naughty Dog has approximately 90 employees (from wiki) and they are working on Uncharted 2. Rare has approximately 200 (from wiki) and has been releasing between 3-5 games a year since M$ picked them up, not including the work they did for the NXE.

Even still, only around 20% of video games ever make a profit (source: http://www.gamedaily.com/ar... In M$'s model, they try to find games that they expect to be in that 20% and invest in those. In sony's, they try to establish developers that will continue to make games in that 20% and invest in them. Both should get you games in that 20%.

It's really just a different way of going about things, and, as long as you're getting games either way, why should you care?

CaseyRyback_CPO5512d ago

because games that Ms doesn't advertise, like Banjo and Lips have all sold less than 150k units.

The only great sellers for the 360 = Gears, Halo, and Halo and gears. all with over the top cgi commercials.

agentace5512d ago (Edited 5512d ago )

they advertised the sh!t out of lips, it was doing my head in every other advert was that or that other stupid game, in the movies or something, you just film yourself and it puts a background on it wtf?? thats not a game lol

oh and its nice to finally see sony take a jab at M$ but i hope they dont continue its really low desperate

The Lazy One5512d ago

What does that have to do at all with my comment?

CaseyRyback_CPO5512d ago

could have sworn it was poignant.

oh well.

Ashby_JC5511d ago

Before you just start puttin up sales numbers do some research....it just makes you look ignorant and spreading BS

LIPS 410k units sold (that is double your sold under 150k claim)

BANJO and Kazooie N & B 500k units sold (again double your claim)

Not great sales but to say they each sold under 150k each is just WRONG!!

JokesOnYou5511d ago

micro owns less studio's so they have less overhead

sony owns more studio's so they have more overhead

micro can afford to write cheques so they pay for more content

sony can't afford to write cheques so they are pissed because micro can afford to write cheques

simple stuff whats all the fuss about?


gameplayer5511d ago

Spending $10M for an in-house studio to develop a game or paying a third party $10M to develop a game for you... two different approaches, same outcome...

thePatriot5511d ago

you need to have first party to be insecure about it.

slayorofgods5511d ago (Edited 5511d ago )

It is true that Sony has been making more better video game decisions than Microsoft for about two years now. It really shows because their game studios reward the art form of making video games; as opposed to the Microsoft money guru's that are more talented in numbers and figures than anything that has to do with the video game industry.
Unfortunately, the initial launch of the 700 dollar PS3 still proves to be one of Sony's biggest roadblocks. During that time the 360 successfully gained a foot hold in the U.S. and alot of gamers became too invested in their 360 purchases to be able to start all over on a new system despite the marketing strategies between Sony and Microsoft. If Sony didn't drop the ball when they released the PS3 there is no question in my mind that they would be way ahead of the xbox 360 by now.

slayorofgods5511d ago (Edited 5511d ago )

you have a quite the brassy rumor of "FF13 is going to be canceled on the 360" I'd love to read this story or see a link, but I somehow believe that this is only wishful thinking by you.

Sarick5511d ago (Edited 5511d ago )

It ruins the industry when a company cuts a check for exclusive or timed exclusive rights.


#1 It pushes the devs into one console if not permanently. This is especially true on timed exclusives. When a game is fresh and hits the market on one console only the owners of that single console can enjoy that title. By the time the other console gets it all the hype has died. This results in less profits simply because it's OLD news. Then the company thinks. "WHY didn't this title sell as well as it did on the 1st Console?" Duh, because it's OLD NEWS. What's sad is the console maker who wrote the check yells "WE HAVE A HIGHER ATTACH RATE!"

Sheesh, what do you expect getting your hands in the cookie jar before anyone else? Simultaneous multi-console releases are where the sales are. That way both sides are hyped the same when it's launched FRESH.

#2 It makes the DEV's more wasteful, less inspired to make a quality product. They already got paid for the game why make go that extra mile to increase it's ratings?

jessupj5511d ago (Edited 5511d ago )

Why has no one said or realised this. I'm getting very annoyed at people yelling "but sony rights cheques too!". It's a very redundant arguement.

So here is the simple truth...

Sony invests money in it's exsisting studios to create new content for the ps3.

Microsoft flashes cheques infront of developers to restrict access to already exsisting games from the ps3.

So in other words, instead of ps3 and 360 owners sharing the "cake", microsoft buys the cake and gives it all to the 360 fans and doesn't give any to the ps3 fans. Sony creates an entirely new cake so no ones losing anything but ps3 fans are still gaining something.

Feel free to rebute these facts because anything you say I will have a logical answer for.

JokesOnYou5511d ago (Edited 5511d ago )

Literally what both you are saying is that its OK for sony to buy an indenpendent studio/3rd party who would have made games for both platforms but now its OK for sony to buy them and make them 1st party which means they will ONLY make games for sony and thus limiting the enjoyment of those games to ps3 only owners is fine.


Its terrible for micro to buy a "exclusive" or "timed exclusive" or "extra" DLC because it limits the people who gets to experience that content or it will be old news by the time it goes to ps3 lmfao, SO WHAT? Thats the whole point of selling 2 different consoles. Aren't both companies STILL keeping content from the other platform? They both have the exact SAME result meaning one platform owners miss out, actually it could be said micro's timed exclusive approach is better strategy if you believe ALL owners are *entitled to 3rd party games because ps3 only owners still eventually get the opportunity to play it, but I still like to know how micro is bad for cutting "cheques" and its OK for sony to "buy out" devs, they're one in the same, and save me the BS about cutting checks leads to less innovation or being lazy= all devs work for money but they are responsible for thinking of innovative ideas, it does matter if they make a game for micro or sony if they fail to innovate just because their getting a great paycheck then thats their fault.

jessupj you said: "Feel free to rebute these facts because anything you say I will have a logical answer for"

Well I really like to hear your "logical" response because it seems you have a "un-logical" double standard. Also you need to work on your analogy's sony isn't "creating" a whole new anything, they simply brought a dev to do it, which again is the same thing micro does the ONLY exception is micro hired them temporarily so their free to still bake "cakes" for other restaraunts(platforms).


+ Show (40) more repliesLast reply 5511d ago
Kinetix5512d ago

Because 1 First party microsoft game beats 3 first party sony games in sales. So there's no need to have so many in house studios.

lloyd_wonder5512d ago (Edited 5512d ago )

bubu but GT pwnz haloe

"Debuting on the PSOne, figures for the original Gran Turismo stand at 10.84 million units (Japan 2.25 million, North America 3.99 million, Europe 4.29 million); on the same format Gran Turismo 2 sold slightly less at 9.34 million (Japan 1.71 million, North America 3.96 million, Europe 3.65 million).

The series move onto the Playstation2 with the release of Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec currently stands out as the largest title in the series, shifting an unbelievable 14.36 million copies (Japan 1.89 million, North America 6.88 million, Europe 5.58 million). The muted release of Gran Turismo Concept Series and Gran Turismo 4 â??Prologueâ? still managed to shift close to 1.5 million units each, while the release of Gran Turismo 4 currently stands at 6.25 million worldwide (Japan 1.09 million, North America 1.94 million, Europe 3.12 million)."


Not to mention all the other great first-party franchises Sony has, and they're sitting pretty.


lol... i can't wait to see some of the replies you get back.

where is my bottle of coke ?

Cyrax_875512d ago

So you'd rather buy a console with one good game with high sales then a console with multiple good games but less sales? Way to point out your fanboyism.

PotNoodle5512d ago (Edited 5512d ago )

Last time i checked Gran turismo, as (sarcasticly) said above has sold alot more than ALL of microsofts first party console games put together.

I personally don't give a crap, keeping me satisfied with my xbox is going to take alot more than knowing the game is selling well. I need more and better quality of games, hence the reason i choose my PS3 as my main gaming system.

I'm not taking anything away from the xbox i like the system, i like its games, i'm not saying it is a bad system, but as a gamer - the PS3 offers _me_ more, better games, so i naturally lean towards that system. No fanboy rubbish here.

Come on, seriously you lot - one minute it is "The PS3 has no games" - next minute it is "The PS3 games don't sell well" - does that really matter to YOU? Does it effect your enjoyment of the game?

Each of sony's first party games may not sell as much as halo (with the exception of gran turismo) but all them put together all add up to much more than halo - so i'm sure they're happy, considering they profit on pretty much all their first party games very quickly (I.e littlebigplanet became profitable within the first month, not many games can say that) and do nothing to market them.

"So there's no need to have so many in house studios. "

There isn't? Just because sony are in last place so far this generation doesn't mean they're going to drop all their internal studios, the same studios that did so well for them last generation and earned them all that money.

I did not murder him5512d ago (Edited 5512d ago )

Show me the money.

I like to have some of these games Sony talks so highly about. IF Sony is so confident where are my games? I'v been hearing about the same games since 2006 save me the all the inhouse studio jive.

Playing LBP and Super stardust is getting on my nerves.

Hit me up on some LBP lol PSN: masseffect1

Shadow Flare5512d ago

"Where are the games?"

Firstly, look at the 360 this year. Secondly, im not going to spout off the list of ps3 AAA exclusives because you should know them already. Go to a shop, find the game section and open your fanboy eyes you idiot

I did not murder him5512d ago (Edited 5512d ago )

Having a life woks wonders on emotional problems.

Don't like MGS4 or R2 what else? oh nothing IMO.

SL1M DADDY5512d ago

As pointed out by some of my esteemed colleges, you might want to take a look at the cold hard facts before making silly comments like the one you made here. Halo is good and regardless of genre helped usher in a good day for those of us that love FPS's but in terms of game sales, GT has grabbed hold of Halo's proverbial arse and wiped the market clean in terms of sales. Perhaps after Halo 4 MS will be able to talk smack but until then, not so much.

Death5512d ago (Edited 5512d ago )

but I'm not sure this is a fair nor accurate comparison. Comparing 7 releases across 3 generations of consoles to a game that has had 3 releases across 2 console generations is already a bit off, but you are also comparing Halo on 50 million consoles to GT on close to 300 million. If you compare games released on the competing consoles (PS2/PS3 vs. Xbox/Xbox 360) Sony has 30 million copies of GT http://www.pcworld.com/busi... vs. Microsoft's 23 million copies of Halo. Considering the incredible differance in user bases, that is pretty impressive.


ultimolu5512d ago

So sales is what makes a game excellent and fun to play.

Thank you for playing on the wheel of sales!

silvacrest5512d ago

i kinda agree and disagree

yes, it is un-fair to compare a 7 game franchise to 3 but when you have people spouting off rubbish like Kinetix did someone has to set him straight

but to be honest what gamer cares about sales? can you play sales? does sales entertain you?

SL1M DADDY5512d ago (Edited 5512d ago )

Of course it's fair. It's as fair as comparing two console that released a year apart and claiming a lead in sales to the earlier released one.

Sorry, I couldn't resist. ;-)

In all honesty, sales do not make a game great and regardless, both titles compared here are good games.

Microsoft Xbox 3605512d ago (Edited 5512d ago )

That's the reason why H3 got many sales. Xbox owners don't have much to choose from. It seems to me like you're trying to pass that as a good thing. If that floats your boat, go ahead and enjoy that number game.

Death5512d ago

The Xbox 360 library is still larger than the PS3's. How do you figure Halo sells because there are no games?


IdleLeeSiuLung5512d ago

Last I checked, a game selling massive amounts means a lot of people enjoyed it and there is likely a huge community.

Doesn't make it the better game for everybody as everybody has their own tastes. I would pick the console that has the type of games and community I enjoy being part of. Take your pick, but none is better than the other.

The Lazy One5512d ago

GT5P has 3 million units sold with an average 250k sold per month. Halo 3 has 9+ million sold with an average 500k+ sold per month.

Just saying :-X

farewell bubbles.

agentace5512d ago

ok so lets go with this stupid logic thats sales make something great, lets all go worship the Wii

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 5512d ago
jjl5512d ago

I'm going to wake up tomorrow and see this news flooded with over 100 comments...

agentace5512d ago

already nearly double that

OrganicMachine5512d ago

the more people know about your game, the more will buy it..

Microsoft got marketing covered..

SOny has a lot of great first party games but lack of advertising, the less people know aobut your game, the less will buy it.

maxcer5512d ago

two of my buddies own PS3's and I have asked them repeatedly if are getting KZ2. I only own 360 but i want to try the game out but they still have not picked it up, the same goes for meatalgearsolid4, and LBP. These are supposed to be the best games on PS3 yet they don't have any of them.oh well, i can't force them to buy games they know nothing about

Grown Folks Talk5512d ago

I was the only one who saw the Killzone 2 slo mo bullet commercial every 5 minutes on tv. The games don't sell because the PS fanbase has too many " I'll get that after I beat this./I want __, but __ comes out at the same time." type of people. I can't count how many times i've heard stuff like "I'm not gonna get Kingdom Hearts 2 because I haven't beat the 1st 1 yet." In general, 360 fans buy what they want & play numerous games at once instead of having to beat something before they another game. (B4 everyone spouts off, it's a generalization. I know not every single owner is this way, but there are quite a good amount.)

Omega45512d ago

Well it obviously a very cost effective method, why spend countless amounts of money on maintaing an internal studio when you can get just as good exclusives for a fraction of the price just look how great Gears turned out for MS, and was it made internally......NO

I think the only insecure one here is Sony, i mean they havnt even released official numbers for Killzone 2, their 1st party game are obviously not as great as they thought they'd be. Cant wait to see Infamous and Heavy Rain numbers, it will be hilarious

OrganicMachine5512d ago

sales don't dictate how great a game is..

Sales is because of advertisements like TV commercials, word of mouth, internet ads, posters, etc...

Ichiryoka5512d ago

You are spewing garbage from your mouth by trying to rate the quality of a game by none other than... sales...

You sir fail at logic in every conceivable way possible.

Cyrax_875512d ago

At least inFamous and Heavy Rain will have numbers, I'll be playing new games all year while you sit there and count the copies of Halo and Gears sold. I thought we were over this whole sales argument, I guess not.

Omega45512d ago

Sales may not tell you exactly how great a game is, but it does show how many people actually WANT to play it

lloyd_wonder5512d ago (Edited 5512d ago )

So, this is about sales now? The point is that Sony has games that won't ever touch another platform besides the PlayStation.

What does Microsoft have? What incentive does one have to get a 360 if all or most of their games end up on another platform with more features? And on a platform that has tons of first-party support


Unbiased15512d ago


You do realise that Gears of War IP doesn't belong to MS but to EPIC?
MS invested so much money in promoting that IP and in future it is highly possible to see that IP on PS3.
THis is something Sony would never do. When ever Sony publishs some game they do it so that IP belongs to them.
MS published Ninja Gaiden2, first Bioshock and Mass Effect. NG2, Bioshock 1 and definitelly now Bioshock 2 are on PS3(same releaseday), most likely same will be with ME2.
So who is loosing? Is MS strategy really that good as you claim? think for a second about it.

Omega45512d ago (Edited 5512d ago )

Why dont you think of it this way

MS buys timed exclusive -> hype build as everyone thinks its only one 360 -> releases with huge sales numbers -> MS get tons of $$$ from sales -> MS buys timed exclusive and it repeats

Sure you can say they come out on the PS3 in the end, but who cares??? NO ONE!! Tell me a 360 timed exclusives which released on the PS3 later on with numbers close to the 360's actually how about HALF the 360s. The thing about timed exclusives is that the console they release on first becomes the console where all the sales are and all the future sales for sequels as well

lloyd_wonder5512d ago

Then how come Bioshock 2 isn't exclusive to the 360...?

I did not murder him5512d ago (Edited 5512d ago )

I kind of agree with you Sony has trouble marketing their games. It seems MS is trying to grow the industry and they do not wan't to compete with their associates because of greed or good business.
I don't think Sony should be worrying about what MS has its probably another hype trap MS lays every year around E3 it seems. Sony needs to figure out what they're going to do to better compete in a market they owned for the last two generations.

Sony has bigger things to worry about like how they're going to get the consumers to buy back into the brand with appealing games because as of now even Sony's own fans and supporters seem more interested in the 360 than the PS3. With that said why does it matter who's under Sony's belt if they have trouble selling 1st party AAAs?

mastiffchild5512d ago

Omega-you think it would be "hilarious"? I thought you were better than that. You don't need to be so defensive either as nobody was attacking MS at all.

I play my multi plats on the PS3 anyway(controller and more faaith in the nardware and no risk of it scratching the disc to bits)so for me 360 exclusives are pretty important and DLC isn't enough to make me change that as Live isn't anywhere near that much better than PSN to make me decide to pay for online(I live in the UK so less features on it too). So my worry is that if MS aren't making exclusives what happens if one of their big ones fail?

At the minute while I don't think MS business strategy is best for gamers(it surely doesn't result in more games when you close studios to finance paying for a multi does it?)if it's best for them then who is anyone to moan? I just hope it doesn't come back ro bite us all on the arse AND MS do get some exclusives out this year-otherwise my 360 will be very bored.

Sales are important but they are more a guage of what's marketed well , is part of an existing franchise or of what sells best on a given platform(i.e would MGS4 have sold as well on 360?Like SF4 didn't etc while Gears and Halo sell by name alone-no rts would get near Halo Wars numbers on any console)or a particular region.

And then there's the big differnec between the Sony and MS models(apart from the view on making first party games)-Sony just want profit and MS want market share so differences in tactics are a given, no?

Nothing to get uppity over honestly.

Omega45512d ago

Why would it need to be when the majority of its sales will be on the 360 anyway, MS wont bother spending money when the 1st one was all they needed to guarantee the 2nd ones success on their platform

@I did not murder him
Exactly the problem is with Sony the make all these good 1st party games but no one buys them because they always forget to market them, and thats their main problem.

With less 1st games MS they can put more money into marketing the few what they have and make them more effective system seller than the multiple games Sony has combined

I really dont think one of MS 'big ones' will fail because if its big they will market it big and it will sell big

poeo5512d ago

ok, Omega4, so... let's say Heavy Rain gets rave reviews, and is hailed as innovative and one of the best and most mature games this gen and so on... but then it gets disappointing sales. that scenario will make you LAUGH? you will get enjoyment out of seeing a great game fail financially?

WHAT kind of a gamer are you?

cmrbe5512d ago

Agree with Omega4 there. This is why x360 fans shouldn't really talk about upcoming exclusive games on the x360 because there are really none to talk about.

This is what i have been saying all along. I rather Sony spend more money on creating new games then follow MS strategy of spending way too much money on advertising their games. Sony shouldn't worry about 3rd parties either as the majority will be multi-plat this gen. The Best MS can do is pay for them to be on their consoles as well as these stupid time exclusives and DLC deals.

Omega4. Would you rather play Gears and a new exclusive IP or play Gears and Gears adverts?. You are not the only one though. Alot of your fellow comrades would also pick the latter.

ultimolu5512d ago (Edited 5512d ago )

Guys, did you forget that Omega here works for Microsoft? He's part of the treasury! It's his job to bash the competition over sales and not judge a game based on the quality of the game!

Remember folks, quantity over quality!

/epic sarcasm

Why do you people even answer this guy? He lives in the land of sales. He doesn't care about the quality of games.

maxcer5512d ago

well i guess Omega can't play 360 exclusives this quarter like halowars, ninjablade and starocean4. oh wait he can

5512d ago
lowcarb5511d ago

Wow you were just attacked by 20 fanboys and held it down nicely. bubbles to you all

Argento-Nox5511d ago (Edited 5511d ago )


Yet multi-platform day 1 sales of games like SF4, RE5, Fallout 3, GTA4 etc., negate what you have to say. None of us wants hand-me downs a year after they've been out, especially when Sony has great 1st party titles coming out in the same time span.

Sony has acquired more than a few 3rd party exclusives lately; Quantum Theory, Katamari, Ace Combat 7, Yakuza 3, WKC, Shin Megami Tensei etc. MS does a great job advertising, but now they'll eventually be advertising 3rd party games they've lost like Bioshock 2, Deadrising 2, LP2 etc.

Want to make a bet day 1 sales of those lost 3rd party 360 exclusives will be on pretty much on par?

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