
Eurogamer: The Path Review

Eurogamer writes: "In our corner of the world, the thing with close-to-pure art-games... well, they're all pretty much free and buried away on the internet. The Path is on one of the biggest game distribution systems in the world, for a reasonable yet "proper" price, and still does what it does. Its existence is a statement of belief that, like any other media, there's a small niche of people who are happy to actually pay for this kind of cultural material".

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10 Obscure Horror Games You Probably Haven't Played

10 awesome and obscure horror games you probably haven't heard of. What offbeat horror games do you love? Let us know in the comments!

DarkOcelet3030d ago

That means they are not popular enough.

DragonDDark3030d ago

No.. the game is called "Obscure"

DarkOcelet3030d ago

You never heard of it?

Obscure is awesome, it has the style of gameplay of Resident Evil.

If you are a fan of the old school Resident Evil then you should play both Obscure 1 and Obscure 2.

They are so cliched as they get but so cool too lol.

DragonDDark3029d ago (Edited 3029d ago )

No xD
I'm saying that obscure is an obscure game lol

I played Obscure 1 and 2 and I loved them.

TricksterArrow3030d ago

Eternal Darkness is pretty popular. A better entry would've been Clock Tower.

Pastorfuzz3030d ago

I have Haunting Ground on the PS2 and Siren Blood Curse on the PS3. Both of those games are pretty good.

Kyosuke_Sanada3029d ago

DeSpiria for the Dreamcast it's a strange horror RPG evolving around a special agent sent to discover an underground cult. It's set in a dystopian future after World War III which leads to some serious creepy atmosphere. The character designs are questionable but it flourishes in monster design and disturbing music (which would have been so much better in full-length but tracks are limited to 20 second loops.) I await the day I am fluent in my Japanese studies so I can play this game in it's entirety.


Haunting Ground, Galerians and Rule of Rose deserves mentions as well. I would go on about these three but I doubt you guys want to read a novel....


A Grim Fairytale

Geoff dons an ill-fitting red travelling cape to deliver some cookies to grandma for this week's Gamer Quest.

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Top 5 Horror Games You Probably Haven’t Heard Of

Halloween is coming up, and while the kids are preparing their costumes and most other people are hitting the theaters for the latest formulaic scary movie, gamers are stuck re-playing the same old horror games or sloppy rehashes.

For people who want something a bit new, here are five horror games – a mixture of classics and newer titles – that you probably haven’t heard of.

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Iltapalanyymi3875d ago

Deadly Premonition is awesome.

_FantasmA_3874d ago

I love horror movies and horror games. There can never be too many.

McScroggz3874d ago

I approve of Deadly Premonition, but make sure you know exactly what you're getting into if you want to try it.

Roccetarius3874d ago

Releasing Deadly Premonition was horror enough.