
GDN: Kingdom Elemental: Tactics Review

Kingdom Elemental is a modest game with a modest goal of providing some old-fashioned gaming goodness. All things considered, it meets that goal even if it sometimes comes across as a down payment on a grander game still in the works. Nonetheless, Kingdom Elemental will provide hours of fun for those gamers looking for a break from heavier fare.

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BoomTown Review: Kingdom Elemental (PC)

It can be hard to take the fantasy genre seriously sometimes. Pompous back stories featuring damaged heroes taking on various debauched enemies blend into a homogenous mess. The same creatures and tired gameplay pop up time and time again. MMORPGs seem to have dispensed with the notion of skill altogether. Indie production Kingdom Elemental aims to send up the typical clichés with a fresh, witty tactical morsel of distilled gameplay.

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Games32: Kingdom Elemental Tactics Review

Games32 writes: "Kingdom Elemental is not the next big thing in strategy games and will most likely remain unfamiliar even to the dedicated fans of this genre. Fortunately this title has enough value hidden beneath the unpolished surface, to make sure that those lucky enough to try it won't regret a second of the time spent playing it. First and foremost, Kingdom Elemental is the living proof that good games are the result of a brilliant idea and dedication, rather then aggressive marketing and unswerving financing."