
Eurogamer: Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games Preview

Eurogamer writes: "Curling is up there with lacrosse, badminton, fencing and water polo as one of the world's most rubbish sports. It's not proper exercise, it doesn't appear to require much skill and everyone playing it looks stupid. Perfect if you're promoting a new Wii game, then.

So SEGA reckons. They've flown us to Vancouver to see Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games, and to go curling. It's a lot different to the press event for the first Mario & Sonic, which took place on a rainy Tuesday afternoon in London and offered no opportunities to try out obscure winter sports. Although there were free biscuits. The point is, when you've sold ten million copies of a game, you can afford to splash out on promoting the sequel."

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The 10 Best Mario Sports Games

Stan at GameSpew: There’s so many Mario sports games out there, but we’ve narrowed them down to the top 10. The Premier League standard of Mario sports games, if you will.

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5 Best Games to Play During the Winter Olympics

With all of the excitement and national pride surrounding the 2018 Winter Olympics, you may feel compelled to get involved in the action. And unless you intend on following the example of the guy who slid in during the opening ceremony, you'll have to live vicariously through video games.

Not sure which will best capture the spirit of the Games? Check out our list for the closure you need.

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O-D-C3890d ago

I suddenly have an overwhelming urge to play Carmen Sandiego...

malokevi3889d ago

Wow didn't know anyone else played that. Creeeepy NPCs.

360ICE3889d ago

Amusing read, but you did lose me a little bit on Europa Universalis III. I mean, the name basically means "One Europe".

imXify3889d ago

And then we'll add AC4 to the list :P

Lord_Sloth3889d ago (Edited 3889d ago )

I demand to know why Scott Pilgrim vs The World isn't on this list!

Seriously it actually takes place in Canada. Many of the games on your list just have a level in Canada and aren't actually set there.

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