
PS3 Exclusive Tales of Vesperia Character Referenced In Xbox 360 Version

Kotaku writes: "The PS3 version of Tales of Vesperia feature is getting a new, exclusive character: young pirate girl Patty Fruel. But perhaps, this isn't the first time we've heard of her.

She was apparently referenced in the Xbox 360 version. Pictured is a screen shot of the Xbox 360 version."

Zeus Lee5514d ago

Hit agree if you'd rather spend your hard earned $60 on something other than left-overs

v1c1ous5514d ago

ps3 only owners can now play another decent rpg.

whats your beef? that someone got it first? what r we in, elementary school?

Obama5514d ago

I actually will spend my hard earned 60 dollars on this game. This is the only jrpg besides VC and persona 4 that I want to buy.

Obama5514d ago

Also it may be 60 bucks, but it is the complete version with extra goodies. Perhaps it will even get the original japanese VA like VC did.

Unicron5514d ago (Edited 5514d ago )

Nevermind. Too easy.

SixTwoTwo5514d ago

I don't mind dropping 60 for the definitive version of Tales of Vesperia.

UnSelf5514d ago

maybe im just late but wasnt this April fools?

and dont disagree, just correct me sheesh

anh_duong5514d ago

zeus, if a gamer likes the game he should buy it. if he doesn't own an xbox then there is nothing wrong with buying a version for his console if he wants to play the game. but you are obviously not a gamer hence you wouldn't understand that.

love games not hate consoles.

DNAgent5514d ago

Decent RPG? Vesperia is one of the worst Tales of games ever made. If Namco Bandai wants to make a PS3 game then it should be a new exclusive Tales of game. I won't be buying or even playing any of the games they make until that happens (which isn't that hard because what they have came out with so far this gen has been pretty horrible). It may have been the highest rated RPG on the 360 but that's not really saying much if you've seen the RPGs that the 360 has.

Menchi5513d ago

Well considering the EU haven't seen this yet at all, I'm quite happy to buy it on PS3.

zaza1265513d ago

by that same logic we shouldn't be playing games like biochock just cause it came out later on the ps3
and that makes a lot sense, miss out on an amazing game just cause youre mad that your console didnt get it first?

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 5513d ago
Gun_Senshi5514d ago

I thought it was april's fool..

Sarcasm5513d ago

Only on Xbox 360


patb5514d ago

Yeah, WTF is going on. This better not be a late april fools joke.

Canary5514d ago

Owning a 360 in addition to a PS3 is good because I get to play all the RPGS when they come out.

Owning a 360 in addition to a PS3 is still going to be good because these ports... they take forever to be releasted (it'll be around 2011 by this thing, assuming it's real, is availible in english).

And by the time (continuing under the initial assumption) ToV (PS3) is released for $60USD, ToV(X360) will be $20USD.


theEnemy5514d ago

since you don't have a Wii, PSP, and a DS.


Cyrus3655514d ago

The game is schedule to come out in the Fall of 2009...I don't think it'll take till 2011..for it to come.

Canary5513d ago

I've got everything but a Wii. (lol, no gaems).

I think, overall, ports are a BAD thing for gamers. They're great for the industry, but bad for us. A new Tales Of game using the ToV engine on PS3 could have been awesome, and wouldn't take that much longer to make than a port.

Awookie5512d ago

What? It would take way longer for a new game. You need new characters, plot, environments, writing all that doesn't come out of thin air.
Creative vision is what truly makes games great, and I bet they have a fairly small team converting all this to ps3.
And this is good for gamers as well, more people can get the game, people on the fence, fans want updated version.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5512d ago
DNAgent5514d ago

Neither version is superior because the game itself sucks. I mean yeah, the 360 obviously got the worst version but the game isn't even worth the money. It seems companies still haven't learned (except Tecmo/Team Ninja) that most PS3 gamers won't buy or play hand-me-downs (especially when the game sucks).

WildArmed5513d ago

I'll be glad to buy Mass Effect for my ps3 all over again. Its a great game, and if u cant understand that. I suggest you try it out on PC.

But i do agree most hand-me-downs are flop games that need sales desperately.
Just like UT3 from ps3 to 360.

Either way, I played it on 360 and it was ok. (1 shot game, 1 playthrough.. never touch again)

AngryTypingGuy5513d ago

Blu-Ray is a superior format, but unless a game make use of extra space and has a ton of extras, then it doesn't mean that it has the superior version of the game. On the contrary, Blu-Ray can often lead to slower loading times.

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deleted1404d ago

I really enjoyed this article, it was a good read. This quote gave me a chuckle, because it's true!:

"Pretty much every JRPG involves the player’s characters going from barely being able to lift a sword to killing God"

indysurfn1403d ago

LOL...exaggeration but I get your just making a point. No one can Kill God. Don't drink Satan's cool-aide he is just trying to recruit you (backwards recruit)

Tross1403d ago

He probably only has the grape kind anyways. All the folk up in heaven surely hog all the good flavours.

BrainSyphoned1403d ago

Final Fantasy 15 the ultimate delayed game with delayed story dlc shoveled in at the last second. Doesn’t ring the gratifying bell when I see that stupid car at all. Article+thumbnail is like describing a 5star meal while watching your cat clean its backside.

1403d ago Replies(2)
nommers1403d ago

More specifically I would say JRPGs are progressive gratification. Basically like listening to prog music vs anything else which imo is the best. Even if a JRPG is all about the journey, generally speaking JRPGs keep getting better as opposed to other games which usually have their high points come in either too soon, or the best parts just aren't nearly as impactful.

indysurfn1403d ago

Also don't forget the direct comparison that the old Square Enix president made. He said Western players like TWITCH games and eastern players love Cerebral games. Now it was taken as a racist slam. But he meant it as one of the reasons outside of development time and cost return on investment(ROI). But he had a true point people here are TRAINED to like instant stuff. And people there are trained to like delayed over the top stuff. It is not a intelligence slam. I'm glad I LOVE the later gratification! Because it is way better!

iofhua21403d ago

I like JRPG's for the big anime tiddies.

indysurfn1402d ago

lol.....I stand corrected!

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The 10 Best Games in the Tales Series

The Tales games may be less recognizable than the Dragon Quest or Final Fantasy games, but that doesn't mean that they aren't worth playing!

Read Full Story >>
PhoenixUp1739d ago

I’ve been hooked on the series ever since playing Tales of Xillia

jznrpg1739d ago

I hope they remaster or port a lot of the older games of the series to PS4/PS5

Immagaiden1739d ago

“Tales series is considered one of the top three Japanese RPG series next to RPG giants like Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy.”

How you gonna talk about the top three JRPG franchises and not mention Pokémon, the top selling series in the genre?

This is how the top JRPG series stack up

1. Pokémon - 340M
2. Final Fantasy - 144M
3. Dragon Quest - 78M
4. Monster Hunter - 52M
5. Kingdom Hearts - 30M
6. Souls - 25M
7. Tales of - 20M


A decade later, Tales of Vesperia might still be the ideal Tales game

Ten years ago, early in the lives of both the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3, Microsoft scored a coup when it secured the latest game from Namco's long-running Tales franchise - which had been almost exclusive to PlayStation since Tales of Destiny in the '90s.

Things got even more heated after Tales of Vesperia eventually did end up on PS3, in even better form, with new content and characters. But much to PS3 fans' consternation, Namco Bandai opted to keep the enhanced port Japan-exclusive.

Until last year, when Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition was announced for all existing platforms. The question remains: Was it worth the wait?

Read Full Story >>
TheGamez1001940d ago

It is indeed. Havent felt this good for a tales game since....well vesperia on the 360. Namco needs to go back to these roots.

Lexreborn21940d ago

Phantasia will forever be my ideal tales game. But if they could do a solid remake in current engine I would be thrilled to relive that awesome game

PhoenixUp1940d ago

I don’t think there’s any definitive ideal Tales game since they all have their own individual merit from one another