
Xbox Gaming: Lord of the Rings: Conquest Review

Xbox Gaming writes: "Lord of the Rings (LOTR) was one of the most successful movie franchises of all time and managed to bridge the gap between the original literary works of J.R.R. Tolkien and the silver screen like never before. The expected slew of tie-in games rushed onto the scene with many of them falling short of the mark in terms of gameplay and failing to match the films' grandiose setting. Several years down the line EA has decided to release Lord of the Rings: Conquest to satiate fans' appetite for more adventures in Tolkien's Middle Earth. Have they managed to topple the stigma of average games based on movies or have they fallen at the feet of the mighty beast known as CashIn?"


* Great sound design
* Large scale battles with very little slowdown


* Poor graphics
* Short single player campaign
* Simplistic combat system

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It’s Time for a New Lord of the Rings: Conquest

Game Rant Writes "Lord of the Rings: Conquest was like a fantasy take on Battlefront, and the concept really needs to be revisited in another Middle-earth title."

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kingeliran616d ago (Edited 616d ago )

Hell no, it's time for proper LOTR single player open world RPG, and a new battle for middle earth RTS

senorfartcushion616d ago

It would be good if it was like conquest but we know it would be filled with microtransactions and battle passes. So no.

TheColbertinator616d ago

We need a new Battle for Middle Earth


The Lord of the Open Worlds

The Lord of the Rings would make a brilliant open world, single-player RPG, filled with loot, lore and stories of the player's adventures!

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xNomaD3620d ago

I cannot express how much I would like an open world Lord of the Rings along the lines of Skyrim.

LightDiego3620d ago

Lord of the Rings and a Game of Thrones game too. :)

fenome3620d ago (Edited 3620d ago )

I've always wanted this, but for some reason all we've gotten has been crap.

It's the perfect world for the type of games I love to play, I don't understand why this hasn't happened yet. I've always been a huge fan of the novels and have been waiting console generation after console generation for the one game that rules them all. Sadly, I'm still waiting..

Unfortunately Shadow of Mordor isn't going to change my mind either. I was really hopeful that I was finally going to get the game I've always wanted when it was first announced. The more I saw, the more I realised that it wasn't the type of game I was hoping for at all.

Everything's already there, I don't get how someone hasn't made an epic open world action RPG out of this yet. It has the lore, it has the world map already laid out waiting to be explored, it has the loot, stories, boss battles, magic, melee, and ranged. It's all right there, already created, just make it already!

This could really be something special (to me at least) if someone just took the time to do it right.

jegheist20143620d ago

ever heard of witcher 3 man thats gonna be closest thing u r gonna get for while

Bigpappy3620d ago

The first step would be to find a development studio capable of creating that experience. There is a reason why the Elder Scroll series remains unchallenged all these years. Two worlds tried, and I actually had fun with it, buy you can tell that they needed to do a lot more work with loot and exploration. I think they were headed in the right direction, but people keep comparing them to Bethesda and didn't give them a fair chance.

I will see how The Witcher3 turns out. I don't know that they were able to put in enough time to develop independent A.I that have schedules; an economy; exploration that has rewarding loot ...

levian3620d ago

Call up Bethesda and get them to essentially make LotR Skyrim style.. best we can do I guess

fenome3620d ago (Edited 3620d ago )


Yeah, for sure, I'm stoked on that game! I'm getting the collectors edition. Dragon Age is another one. I want the Witcher more, but Inquisition comes out sooner and I gotta scratch that itch. Lol

Those are exactly the kind of games I'm talking about. I just wish someone would do Tolkien justice like that. The new Hobbit movies piss me off too, the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy was the only form of media that have my stamp of approval so far, but I guess I'm just picky. Lol

Skyrim was an amazing game in it's own right (I dumped in 300+ hours, all close together too. I shut out the world for a little bit. lol)

And LotR definitely needs to be third person for me.

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Top 5 Disappointments On PS3

Sam Smith: ''With the recent travesty known as Aliens: Colonial Marines making us pine for what could have been, Play have decided to take a look back at five games that could have been so much more. There’s no real order to these, all of them were pretty rubbish.''

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thirtyandnerdy4130d ago

Haha, too funny that Colonial Marines made the list. And I remember Lair. I wanted to love that game. I bought it after they patched the controls. Despite that it was still sooo bad. It had gorgeous cut scenes though.

Army_of_Darkness4129d ago

I came in here expecting to see disappointing ps3 exclusives Not 90% multiplat games??!
article tricked me!

Blackdeath_6634129d ago

same, i guess some one want to poke at sony amidst all the hype and rumours of next gen. the list is good though they were pertty disappointing game. duke nukem and alien colonial marines suffered the same problem in development for ages and passed between different developers

MikeMyers4129d ago

You're right, those games were also a disappointment on other systems. Flamebait article.

Daver4129d ago

Lair is still one of my favorite games this generation, it was technically impressive and it was fun. I played it with the sixaxis and it played great, only people who didnt give it a try for real say otherwise. Not saying it was perfect but there is still no other games like it.

Eldyraen4130d ago

I'd had replaced something with Haze personally.

It wasn't as bad as some listed here but it wasn't quite what it should and could had been either--and like Lair was an actual exclusive. I can honestly say the only thing I really remember about Haze was it had something to do with Nectar and bee color motifs... and I had forgotten about it almost completely until reading this.

Irishguy954129d ago

Yeah same, Disappointing and bad aren't the same thing. Haze had quite the hype back in the day

BanBrother4129d ago

I came into here expecting Haze to be on. I had some 'fun' with that game,though it was mainly the experience rather than the game.

DigitalRaptor4129d ago

Haze was disappointing, but like you said, it wasn't a bad game. I think the stereotypical soldier aspect was overlooked as lazy and unoriginal, when in fact it was the Nectar drug making them act that way so they didn't fear going into battle.

It was a pretty good game tbh, but I would've taken a new TimeSplitters game over it any day.

Knushwood Butt4129d ago (Edited 4129d ago )

Haze was poor.

I remember seeing the start of the second level (?) which I think had you driving a buggy around this dirt coloured landscape, and the environments looked like a joke. This was compared to the first level in the jungle, which actually looked pretty good.

Anyway, the online co-op was quite good fun.

Edit - found it!


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r214129d ago

Now that the PS4 controller has way way improved motion controls, its probable that we could see a better Lair coming out for it.

abzdine4129d ago (Edited 4129d ago )

i think Lair is worth trying. people say it sucks before they tried it out. i liked the sixaxis implementation it works quite well and graphics weren't bad at all.

and how stupid is it to say PS3 disappointment where only one of the games if exclusive ?

RevXM4129d ago (Edited 4129d ago )

Ive never played Lair myself, but I always wanted to.
Well until all the harsh reviews came in atleast saying the controls didnt work...

WHAT IF... LAIR controls worked perfectly?
What then?

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