
IGN: Unreal Tournament III: Titan Pack Review

IGN writes: "By now, you've put Akasha six feet under, mastered Warfare along with the other multiplayer modes and have pelvic thrusted your way across every map from Arsenal to Torlan. Aside from random mods that you track down off the web, you're probably looking for a challenge or some kind of additional play to make you pick up your impact hammer and flak cannon for a multi-kill or two. Fortunately, you're in luck. Epic Games and Midway Games recently released the Unreal Tournament III: Titan Pack, an expansion that provides more than a simple addition of maps or mutators. Instead, you're getting a large amount of content that will keep you gibbing your opponents for a while to come."

5512d ago

Unreal Tournament 3 Mods for PS3 Get Custom Sound Support

Epic Games has great news for mod developers: Custom sounds can now be imported for Unreal Tournament 3 mods for PLAYSTATION3 using Epic Games' ATRAC3 mod tools, which are free of charge and available now.

Previously, custom sounds for Unreal Tournament 3 mods have only been supported for PC. Thanks to cooperation with Sony, Epic Games is able to offer its QA-tested and approved PS3 sound conversion tools to mod authors.

What this means is that...

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Diver5336d ago

Sweet! There are a lot of mods already that are begging for a cool sound add on.

Jamegohanssj55336d ago

It would be nice of this game had offline Co-Op, that way this would come in handy with my cousin and I playing.


OtherWhiteMeat5336d ago

The Haunted and PlanetStorm would be an awesome score. There's alot of great mods for UT3 and any coming to the PS3 would be a welcome addition.

Top games with user generated content

Examiner: A trend in gaming that has caught on lately is user generated content. Levels, designs, and even characters created by players are shareable for everyone to take advantage of. User created content not only extends the replay value of a game, but it also gives players a creative outlet while allowing them to share their work with the rest of the world.

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PlayStation LifeStyle: Unreal Tournament III Review

Unreal Tournament is a series that has been around since 1999 on the PC, 2000 on the PlayStation 2 and 2001 on the Dreamcast. I remember losing hours of my time to this game with a bunch of friends huddled around the television. Being deemed "Godlike" with everyone around to see how skilled you are is so satisfying.

This popular series finally made its way over to the PlayStation 3 back in December of 2007 in the form of Unreal Tournament III (3), one of the few games that came out on the system before releasing on the Xbox 360. While it was a good game when it released and had mod and online support, there was no splitscreen and trophies were not even a consideration at the time. If I had reviewed it when it first came out, I'd have given it a 3/5. But with the recent Titan/2.0 patch and DLC content, this game is seeing a lot more playtime on my PlayStation 3.

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Cajun Chicken5497d ago

The Titan Pack makes this a lot more enjoyable now, still not the best in the UT series (UT2K4 for me) its still a great blast to jump in on.

T3mpr1x5497d ago

I sort of agree, but then I didn't play UT2K4 nearly as much as I've played UT3. They're both extremely fun though.