
GR: Peggle Review

Game Revolution writes: "To be honest, there's not much to be said about Peggle, it's a very easy game to pick up and enjoy. It does get crazier as you progress, in terms of difficulty and complexity. A plus also has to be given to a game that plays Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" every time a level is completed - making you feel like Die Hard's Hans Gruber (sans falling off a thirty-six-floor building). The added game modes are an interesting distraction, but if you have played Peggle on any of the myriad of platforms it's on, these additions might not be enough to warrant a purchase. However, if you've never been hooked on Peggle before, it's a great purchase for 800 Microsoft Points".

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vhero5547d ago

not on ps3 whats it doing in ps3 section?


Peggle Retrospective Review

GF365: "I recently bought an Xbox Series X, largely because of Xbox Game Pass. Even with the powerful new hardware, I somehow find myself playing the Xbox 360 classic Peggle."

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Truplaya1227d ago

It’ll blow your mind that peggle 2 is on game pass. I tried it, got bored pretty quickly but if you like it try it out!


What's your favorite 'casual' game?

After all, 'filthy' and 'casual' are both fun things to be.

1386d ago Replies(1)
1386d ago
Nacho_Z1386d ago

Arcade racers on console and tower defence games on my phone. Love a rock hard TD game.

Abnor_Mal1386d ago

Spider-ManPS4 and Hustle Kings.

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There is a new free game from Origin's On The House promotion

PC gamers can grab Peggle for free right now and keep it forever over on Origin.

Sillicur2239d ago

Origin = Meh. Free game = Yay!