
CONSOLE WARS: Why Won't Hardcore Gamers Let Nintendo Wii Join The Fight?

Candid Anthony of STFUandPLAY.com writes, "Why wont we let the Wii join the fight?"

"In this gaming generation there has been a disruption in the force that has caused many hardcore gamers to scratch their heads in wonder. Most tell themselves this annoyance is just an anomaly it can't possibly be a true contender, yes it has us outnumbered but eventually it will come down to earth and be surpassed. The Wii is a Toy, a gimmick!" Read More...

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ogwilson5551d ago (Edited 5551d ago )

Wii won't need to join the fight. Nintendo and the Wii enthusiasts are laughing because there is no fight to be had for them. They're like Sweden during World War 2, or all the other neutral countries: except they really don't have to care.

Bazookajoe_835551d ago

But the reason why sweden didnt join is because we wouldnt have much to put up (And we made alot of money selling metal from our mines to the germans.

Chubear5551d ago (Edited 5551d ago )

Nintendo is ahead in sales because of their new primary fanbase in the general public. Everyone knows if it was just up to primarily gamers, Nintendo's wii would be struggling to out pace the GC.

The core gamer is no longer Nintendo's primary core base and that's why the vast majority of gamers aren't bothered if Nintendo sells 1 billion consoles cause it's just not a big deal to them.

It's like saying Leap Frog's Leapster out sold even the DS for hand held gaming. Most gamers would go "...so?"

Flipgeneral5551d ago

It's obviously true that Nintendo said, "screw the hardcore, lets go for the rest of the potential market"

And guess what... it worked like a charm. Unprecedented sales

Bnet3435551d ago (Edited 5551d ago )

Many Wii owners are trying to fight off the dust on their Wii's, I'd saying their barely surviving.


Read the title, HARDCORE GAMERS. You know, as in, give me 5 good games a month not a year.

Montrealien5551d ago (Edited 5551d ago )

(They're like Sweden during World War 2, or all the other neutral countries: except they really don't have to care.)

You mean neutral like Norway was during ww2? lol

Anyways, Nintendo got the casual market when it was ripe for the picking and nintendo owned that. The supposed (hardcore) gamers he is refering to are pretty much just the vocal minority we see in comment sections of forums. Imho the market is pretty much the same as before with the new found casual home console market as it`s gravy.

And a gamer is a gamer, the term Hardcore can mean many things and does not mean someone who buys 5 games a month. Someone who plays wow and raids and runs guilds are not concidered hardcore gamers? Or the guys that play sports games like a religion with friends but could not care less for shooters or rpgs? Or my mom that games more on Pogo somtimes then I do on my own consoles?

All those people I discribbed are gamers, the self labeled hardcore we see being thrown around is crap. They are mostly just b*tchs that think they are something they are not and actually think they are better then others, which is only true in there own little (hardcore) world.

barom5550d ago

lol @ how dumb the norwegians and the swedes are for just standing on the sideline during WW2, did they really think it wasn't going to affect them. Not something to be proud of guys/girls... *just waiting for the disagrees*

TriforceLightning5550d ago

Wii is king no need to worry about the pawns.

BrotherNick5550d ago (Edited 5550d ago )

You guys should be buying more consoles, instead of hanging out here. Maybe you can keep up. ;) I'll be back when the wii needs actual defending from these peasants.

Montrealien5550d ago

Wy so judgment brothernick? I was buying consoles when your mom was watching the Cosby Show after school wondering if she will be a mommy one day.

Maybe you should not asume that a few people arguing means they automaticaly do not play games or buy more consoles and call them peasants.

Bazookajoe_835550d ago

Well i wasnt born during ww2, and ill might not have been if we would have been involved in the war. And sweden were pretty safe anyway, we would have blown our mines if the germans attacked. They wouldnt want to risk that.

barom5550d ago

I dont wanna gonna go into it a too much but all I'm trying to say is that being neutral during WW2 is not something to be proud of. For quite obvious reasons in my opinion. Being neutral during that period TO ME just shows signs of weakness either from being a coward or just stupid. We know right from wrong and although wars usually are not all black and white, this one kinda was. And in addition to that countries that were "neutral" were being invaded left and right (this includes Norway btw).

Also I believe the only reason why Sweden was not invaded was because Sweden actually supported Germany by providing materials (steel etc). If I controlled Germany I know I wouldn't waste resources on a country who was semi-supportive when there are other countries to be conquered.

Anyway I'm getting quite off-topic and non-game related so I'mma stop here.

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lastboss5551d ago

Because the old gen fight (PS2/NGC/Xbox) is over and the PS2 won !
Wii is a NGC since the more beautifull game on Wii (biohazard 4) was made on Wii 2 years before.

qohelet5551d ago

gen are not defined by the hardware.
get over it. wii is current gen. adn winning.
cry more

ape0075551d ago

because all the wii sales,reputation and overall view is casual,gimmicky games

although wii has some amazing nintendo games

badz1495550d ago

breaking records and swimming in cold hard cash profits and everything but why talk about joining the war or anything at all? everybody knows that the war is between PS3 and 360 thus many side-by-side comparisons and then this exclusive is better than that exclusive and stuffs going on! Wii is winning the customers this gen but it's pretty much in the race on it's own! when was the last time anybody sees comparison video of a Wii vs PS3/360 version? it's pretty much inexisting because there is no fvcking point to do such thing! why bother joining a war when you're clearly handicapped?

this war is like a football match, Sony vs M$ fighting and Ninty is somehow trying to join in the atmosphere by selling hotdogs+snacks+drinks to both crowds in the stadium while also selling the same thing out side the stadium to other people not watching the match! see? Sony and M$ fight hard and loud inside the stadium to make money while Ninty is watching the match inside the stadium while also making money plus making money outside the stadium where neither Sony nor M$ does! so...following the analogy, when talking about football(gaming), people talk about Sony and M$ while although making more money, Ninty is not the headlines! if talking about profits, yeah definitely Ninty is the headlines for selling to a larger crowd.

you are selling many more consoles? good for you! you have the most exclusive? also good for you! but to start considering yourself fighting with PS3 or 360....sorry Ninty, techincally you're handicapped!

SasanovaS7775551d ago

this generation has been focused on the hardcore gamers, so nintendo once again took the revolutionary rout.... hate it or love it, they are once again making history by bringing the common gamer out of people who never knew they had that side...what they are doing now will pay off for sony and them in the long run when the majority of the wii fans grow up and get more familiar with the gaming industry...in the end, everyone wins

hotdawg5551d ago (Edited 5551d ago )

Theres no revolution at all just motion controls, besides hardcore gamers dont have as much to play on Wii that's why they are left out. I think Sega will single handedly save the Nintendo hardcore gamer, which is so ironic given their history.

Mr_Bun5551d ago (Edited 5551d ago )

It isn't just motion controls or the lack of quality titles....the wii is basically the worst of the 360/PS3...

-PS3s have HDD on all models and can play DVDs/Blu-rays
-360s have arguably the best online experience and some of the best games of this console generation
-Both sides argue over who has the highest resolution/best looking games but...

The wii has:
-no HDD
-An obnoxious amount of shovelware
-the fewest online games available
-the worst online experience...12 or 16 digit wii number...come on!
-and isn't capable of HD graphics

It just got the ability to playback DVDs late last year god's sake!

maniacmayhem5551d ago

@ Mr Bun

And yet it outsold the PS3 and X360!

So basically you don't need all the bells and whistles that I see everyone on N4G defending to the death to be a good selling system.

phosphor1125550d ago

Nintendo has made lots of hard games in its day, those hard games (like Super Mario Brothers) created the hardcores. You play a Mario game today, and it's nothing compared to its older counter parts looking at the difficulty alone.

These challenges in games made the "hardcore" gamers. The play for the challenge, the fun. Even games on the NGC came out hard. Wario Ware? Think that's for anybody? Yes, it is, BUT any group of hardcore gamers can and make that a challenge amongst one another.

On the other hand, when you play the Wii, the games are easy. They make the controls completely easy for the "hardcore" group, because they take in count for user accessibility. Only game my friends ever play on the Wii is brawl, and for the most part we still like Melee better. But for the most part, the games are just really easy now. And if its too easy, it no longer becomes fun. It happens with any game. The challenge becomes something trivial, and the pleasure of betting those challenges, disappear.

Of course there are really awesome games like Madworld and such, but with no replay value added by a reward system and no multiplayer, whats the use? Once you beat the game 2 or 3 times, you put it up and the Wii yet again collects dust.

PS3 and 360 gamers are fighting each other over a console that represents technological strength, superior gaming experiences, and moments to remember. Every Wii owner I know (that isn't a girl[cuz all my guy friends are hc gamers]) is very disappointed with the Wii.

Nintendo isn't doing what they do best anymore. Now they only make games to appeal to the crowd, not to entertain the gamers.

Click agree if you feel the same way.

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bob saget remix5551d ago

Because the Wii has zero hardcore games.

morganfell5551d ago

Exactly. The only people stopping Nintendo from joining the fight is Nintendo.

SaiyanFury5551d ago (Edited 5551d ago )

I won't say the Wii has zero games. Obviously Nintendo's found it's crowd with the casuals, and that's all fine and dandy. If those people don't want to get an HDTV and join the rest of the world, that's their prerogative. I'm not talking about who's winning the sales wars because frankly I've stopped caring. I get the most out of my home theatre with my PS3, period. My wife can't stake the same claim with her Wii. My HDTV is 61" 1080p, and my A/V Recevier is 7.1 channels at roughly 1000 watts with a 500W powered subwoofer. The Wii has nothing to cater to the home theatre experience. No HD resolutions, no streaming media capability, limited online functionality, heck it doesn't even have basic DVD playback. The Wii might be getting DTS codec support, and I applaud it for that, although because the console doesn't support HD home theatre graphics, I don't really see the point considering that most people who have a Wii, don't have it hooked up to an A/V Receiver. While the casuals are having a bit of fun with WiiFit, I'm enjoying games like Valkyria Chronicles with it's lush presentation and fabulous DTS 5.1 soundtrack. While the Wii isn't a bad console, for a mature home theatre enthusiast, it doesn't bring anything to the table.

ChickeyCantor5551d ago (Edited 5551d ago )

" Obviously Nintendo's found it's crowd with the casuals, and that's all fine and dandy"

You know you dont try to offer them games like " killzone2 " or something, you have to start simple and build upon that.

LMAO bubbles.

qohelet5551d ago

define "hardcore"

hardcore is a marketing concept invented to lure in teens adn kiddies into thinking gaming is serious businees.
obviously you fell for it.

enjoy your gears of war and halo

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5551d ago Replies(3)
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It’s Time for Sony to Bring Back Killzone and Resistance

Sony is in the middle of an FPS crisis, but bringing back two much-loved PlayStation shooters could easily be the solution.

shinoff218315h ago

I'd rather them focus on a rpg. Shooters can wait

just_looken12h ago

We have alot of rpg's but only cod for a AAA first person shooter unless you toss in xdefient but that is still fixing 2yr old beta issues.

We need more AAA fps games then rpg's

shinoff218311h ago

Yea right. Theirs so many shooters on the market.

just_looken8h ago


Name 3 AAA fps games coming out this year

Crows909h ago

There's tons of RPG in the market too...what's your point exactly.

Ironmike9h ago

No more rpg for a while would love a new resistance though

DarXyde9h ago

Agree on preferring RPGs though at this exact moment, it would be great to see more horror games. Another reason why Japan Studio closing is just tragic. Loved Siren.

just_looken8h ago(Edited 8h ago)

Fuck jim ryan japan studio did so much and helped alot with ports/localization

If they were around bloodborn would be possible like how they helped with demon souls ps4 finial fantasy port.

Horror games would be nice but the jim ryan axe job helped alot in killing playstation dev numbers/freedom and increased regulation with the new censorship crap.

1Victor2h ago

If Sony is bringing back a old shooter I would prefer Warhawk or better yet Starhawk

Rynxie1h ago

No thanks. Resistance and killzone were my all time favorite fps games. I completely dominated those games. I met good people, had a ton of fun and have a lot of fond memories. I don't want them to bring back these games, unless they tackle the cheating epidemic. I know I will absolutely hate these games, if I was to play them now, with all the effing cheating going on in fps games.

Psychonaut8526m ago

Bro the market is oversaturated with quality RPGs AND bloated shitty RPGs already.

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Inverno12h ago

I honestly don't think we'll be seeing these anytime soon, if ever. Insomniac is officially on Marvel duty since it seems that all they're working on based off the leaks, and Horizon is more of what the casuals want these days. And I now I'll get a bunch of disagrees, but keep in mind that Resistance last got a game on the PS3 (2011) and Killzone was a launch title for the PS4 (2013). 10 years is a long time to make a game, if had any interest they would've done it by now, add InFamous to that list.

just_looken12h ago(Edited 12h ago)

Your right except the dates killzone mercenary was on ps vita 2013 same with resistance burning skies back in 2012

Good-Smurf9h ago

Both of those games are either made by smaller B team or completely different developer.
Killzone Mercenary developed by Guerilla Cambridge which is now defunct.
Resistamce Burning Skies wasn't made by Insomniac but by Nihilistic Software also defunct after the failure of CoD Black Ops Declassified.

just_looken8h ago

@good i know i never said they were

I mentioned them as they were the last games under that ip well killzone was last on ps4 but still even though they are different devs they led to the lose of the ip.

I highly doubt they made up for there budget cost even killzone on ps4 had low sales for such a large ip at the time.

shinoff218311h ago

Infamous should atleast get remastered. I'd be cool with that


Resistance 3 turned me off to the series but I’d love a reboot. KillZone I think can stay dead. Give me a new Resistance like 1or 2 and I’ll be happy.

JEECE11h ago

Except Resistance 1 and 3 were far more similar, 2 was the outlier. 3 was a great return to form after 2 changed so many things from the first game.


I didn’t like 3 and I didn’t find it similar to the first game.

Moegooner10h ago

2 was the best resistance game.

Michiel19891h ago

agreed, the co-op was my fav in 2

Michiel19891h ago

I'll keep saying it, have Bungie make a new resistance game, a match made in heaven. Although I imagine Bungie would be too proud to take over an existing IP.

Huey_My_D_Long12h ago

I honestly never cared or liked killzone. Huge resistance fan though. I remember so many nights playing melee only on USS Lexington, and I like the alt history vibe.

InUrFoxHole22m ago

Liked KZ more but both those games are better than MAG

P_Bomb12h ago

I’ve been barking up that tree for years. 😢

OtterX3h ago

Keep barking, boy! Keep barking! Never give up hope. ;)

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Metal Gear Solid 5, Nearly After A Decade, Is Still A Timeless Classic

The Metal Gear series, led by Kojima, pioneered the stealth genre, creating a masterclass in storytelling and gameplay.

SimpleSlave20h ago(Edited 20h ago)

No. But MGS5: Ground Zeroes might actually be one of the greatest Game Demo ever, if not the best.

xHeavYx19h ago

I know a lot of people didn't, but I actually liked that story twist at the end. The game was fun and all, but I wouldn't call it a timeless classic.

Cacabunga2h ago

Metal Gear legend stopped with number 4.
MGS5 needed a year or 2 more of development to be maybe among the classics.. it was clearly rushed, especially at the end. The story teaches us absolutely nothing new.

just_looken16h ago

A demo is free that was a $40 cry for help as later we would know konami did not want to fun hideo and his team anymore that is why we got the unfinished phantom pain.

-Foxtrot20h ago(Edited 20h ago)


Great stealth gameplay but the game was just average.

Bland open world that felt lifeless, the story felt shoehorned in, unfinished story etc. The whole thing was just average to me compared to the other main titled games.

I would have rather preferred it if they kept Ground Zeroes for the main game as the opening and the rest of the game turns into a Metal Gear 1 & 2 remake to bring things full circle.

just_looken16h ago

If you dig around they had old behind trhe scenes of phantom pain vids and books wrote around the time.

Before funding was puled the main idea was to keep peace walker coop it was in the games early builds and that end game were your building your base that was suppose to be metal gear one.

You as the fake big boss was going to make your own metal gear one map aka your base (outer heaven) then me as sold snake use the mode that is in the game invade/defeat the base even fight your current version of metal gear that was in the game but not finished.

So your idea was on the table bit got canned.

CrimsonWing6920h ago(Edited 20h ago)

Like hell it is. That was the first time I became aware of being sold an unfinished game and was blown away about blind fanboys saying it was some perfect game.

Yea, the first few chapters were great until they do that thing halfway and make you replay all the missions again. Then little things like capturing animals but only seeing a JPEG unlike 3 where everything was modeled out. Areas were massive, desolate, and boring to look at.

Game was a massive let down for me and the potential was so high for it. Honestly, this was one of the most disappointing games I ever played. What’s worse is it starts off brilliant. You literally play through until you get to the point where you could tell they just stopped developing and then quickly used glue and construction paper to “finish” it and then sold it. Quite frankly, that’s insulting to consumers and fans.

Inverno19h ago

People have selective memory. This game had huge drama attached to it, what Konami did to Kojima and this game was horrible. Now they praise Konami cause they revived Silent Hill, even though SH looks half arsed too.

CrimsonWing6919h ago

I dunno if they’re getting much praise after the Silent Hill 2 debacle. Makes me scared sh*tless for the MGS 3 Remake…

JEECE20h ago

Yes and no. In many ways in was a great game; there's a very strong argument that it has the best gameplay of any MGS game, and that it is one of the more interesting open world "playgrounds" we have gotten, in terms of how the world operates. But as an MGS narrative, it is pretty far down the list, for many reasons.

Storm2310h ago

I don't think there is any argument. The gameplay was incredible. But yeah...disappointed in the rest. Could have been incredible but...well...we all know what happened...

DarXyde20m ago

The thing about Metal Gear Solid is that the narrative is what determines which is your favorite because the gameplay had ALWAYS improved with every mainline entry. It's amazing.

If it was gameplay, we'd all say The Phantom Pain, but the story is what truly sets them apart.

For me, that's Snake Eater, which is also my favorite game of all time.

Fishy Fingers19h ago

For me, best gameplay, worst, everything else.

Storm2310h ago

Yeah...gameplay was so damn good.

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How Valve has treated Team Fortress 2 is a disgrace, and its community deserves better

17 years on from release and 5 years into a botting epidemic, Team Fortress 2 is on its knees, and it's high time Valve stepped in to fix it.

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badz1491d 11h ago

Valve can do no wrong, remember?

fsfsxii1d 8h ago

Ah yes, pc gaming aka the bastion of fairness and equity and everlasting online playerbase, all i can say is lmao
Not to mention that these tf2 idiots were the progenitor of mrx in gaming