
Go Gaming Giant: Secret Service Review

Go! Gaming Giant writes: "Secret Service! Even the title sounds cool. I will admit that I'm not a fan of many shooters but I think you'll get your money's worth out of this title. Now I wouldn't go so far as to call it a hit, but it's definitely worth it for shooter fans.

They claim it's a tactical first person shooter. I on the other hand thought it was your typical run and gun with a decent storyline. It reminds me of Call of Duty 4 except on a budget. The levels are not long, and each mission didn't take me much longer than an hour at the longest. Some are a lot longer than need be though. During missions there is at least one computer or bomb that needs to be hacked. I hated hacking the computers and defusing the bombs honestly, very annoying especially when you ran out of time. The game just becomes repetitive the farther you get doing nearly the same objectives over and over."

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Phoenix Down 74.0 – Secret Service

We decide the president isn’t worth taking a bullet for in this game.


GamersInfo Review – Secret Service: Ultimate Sacrifice

GamersInfo writes: "When it comes to certain subjects, nothing sets people aflame more than religion and politics. Why? I'm not entirely certain, but it probably has to do with the fact that both are tied to such strong personal beliefs that any disagreement or varying opinion is an affront. So why bring up such a hot topic at the beginning of a videogame review? Well, a few weeks ago, I got Secret Service, which made me think about politics. So, let's dive into my experience with this first-person shooter."

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CT review: Secret Service

People say don't judge a book by its cover. Well, in this case, you can ignore that. Secret Service takes place on Inauguration Day in Washington DC and start with an attack on the president himself. He's wounded and your job is to protect him.

Which is much easier than it sounds – the AI baddies just keep on running down the barrel of your gun, taking no cover and occasionally breaking into a sprint only to meet their demise sooner.

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