
Killzone2 is a good game. Let it go.

You can take the greatest games on the planet and you can stare at those games all day long and you can go into those games looking for flaws and you will indeed find them as you would in any game. But the question is what drives these people to find these games and attempt to destroy them?

Are they afraid? Do they not own a certain system and can't access the game full time or do they just want be right? Well, heads up people. Whatever your motivation is it's getting old. It's getting to the point where some people go so deep in a game in an attempt to find its flaws and destroy it that it begins to make them look… Well like that crazy guy on YouTube in the coffee shop who slams down and destroys his laptop then starts screaming at the other customers about how he's going to be late for meeting all the way to the point where the police come along an arrest as crazy ass. The customers are the people enjoying Killzone2. The crazy guy is the one who peered into its soul and sees nothing but evil. So with that being said this article is an attempt to get through to some of those people and calm them down a bit by saying, Killzone2 is a good game, let it go.

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Snake Raiser5534d ago (Edited 5534d ago )

LoL at haters reporting this. Haters= < BIG BOSS

Really we should do this with every good game, just admit that it is good. It is one thing to say that YOU didn't enjoy a game, but it is another to say that it is a bad game. Halo 3 MGS4 GTA4 were all good games, however, not everybody liked them. A game doesn't have to be universally liked to be good.

MeatPopsicle5534d ago (Edited 5534d ago )

Killzone 2 is a game like no other in history.

No other game has ever remotely come as close in generating fear in owners of a different console. Killzone 2 was the single game on the PS3 that simply HAD TO FAIL. The fear and anger will never go away. Ever.

You have a game whose very existance makes a complate mockery of every pathetic claim that the 360 is remotely close to the PS3 in graphical, animation, physics, pixel pushing power. Killzone 2 single handedly desimates every inane bit of 'technical proofs' people like Major Nelson, Gabe Newell, John Carmack, and all the PC/Windows programmers and gamers at sites like beyond3d spewed over the past two to three years.

A Killzone 2 level deferred rendering engine isn't even possible on the 360 with the tiny 10 megs of edram the system is constrained by that could never deal with the 40 megs or so of render buffers the game uses. And the massive amount of vertex work, animation,post processing, etc. the Killzone 2 engine peforms on the PS3's SPEs simply isn't possible on the 360. The power just isn't there.

The incredible Killzone 2 engine makes a complete joke of the people who constantly still try to talk about the PS3's 'graphics card' as if it was just some desktop PC. People look like complete idiots when they still try to talk about the 360 'has a better graphics card' when the PS3 is running a game with graphics so good they were claimed to be impossible while the 360 is still stuck with the horribly outdated Unreal Engine as all it has to show for itself after three years.

Killzone 2 had to be savaged. At every opportunity.

And oh how they tried. 1Up,EGM,GamesRadar, and countless blogs spent the past three years trying to trash the game. All that effort was completely in vain. But the hatred, bitterness, and fear are still there.

It isn't ever going to stop.

will115534d ago

PS3 is obviously way better than Xbox. Press Agree

uxo225534d ago

...This incredible influx of common sense was put forth when everyone were bashing Halo3

...People could see think so clearly when and responsibly when the console that's not their console of choice had a good game out.

Oh, the irony.

thats_just_prime5534d ago

when do generic fps count as good games ?

MeatPopsicle5534d ago

"It is one thing to say that YOU didn't enjoy a game, but it is another to say that it is a bad game"

It is the psychological effect called Projection.

You so fear something and wish something to be true about it that you start trying to pretend it is true. In this case the overwhelming need for Killzone 2 to fail.

The Xbox was a console that even though it got obliterated by the PS2 in the marketplace had two main elements that owners of the console clung to: FPS games, ie Halo and Halo 2 and online service.

With the PS3 you now have Sony bringing the fight right to those two elements and utterly owning them with:

Killzone 2
Impossible CGI level graphics and animation and effect
32 player lagfree dedicated servers
Innovative first person cover system
Absolutely intense clan rivalry with the innovative clan valor points betting system on matches
25 gigs of game data on the BluRay disc

Free online for every single PS3 owner
Dedicated servers for lagfree online play
Huge player counts of 32,40,64, and soon 256
Completely developer friendly to mods and free add on content
And of course the amazing Home online world with its massive third party game developer support that is growing at a faster and faster rate every month

Both those two PS3 things generate massive fear and hatered.

Hence the burning desire for them to fail and go away.

Hence the projection from many non-PS3 owners that they did in fact or are going to fail in the desperate hope by continuing to claim so they will

cLiCK_sLiCK95534d ago

Ever since Halo 3 got perfect scores.

no-spin5534d ago (Edited 5534d ago )

"Killzone 2 is a game like no other in history."

Killzone 2 has been hyped like no other game in history.
Did KZ2 delivered? That seems to be a matter of opinion, for me it did Not. Great production values, very polished, quality product. Is it memorable? no, this game will be forgotten quickly, unlike
Halo games that have midnight launches in Times Square, NYC and years later are still praised for delivering the goods and fun to play. There is a great difference between a game that delivers great quality and a game that delivers what the gamers Want. Gears 2 launched great and every fan enjoyed it big time, i enjoyed it a lot. Killzone 2 is a 8.5 for me, and the reason is that every time i played it, i was getting somewhat bored, except for the climax part of the mission that really impresses (big explosions mostly).
I dont want more hype, just great games like CoD MW, GoW2, Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, etc
KZ2 = great quality, is it a great game?


Dont play innocent, Sony showcased KZ2 at every major event, like at E3, when the lights went out and the bunch of tvs showed helghast eyes, etc etc. The game was over hyped and felt short of being a system seller.

Tackle9905534d ago (Edited 5534d ago )

MeatPopsicle... really man? Are you the damn playstation priest?

If Killzone 2 is SOOO unbelievable shouldnt you be doing that instead of writing your fanboy comments?

And what about Halo 3? It received so much more hate from the Playstation fans than Ive ever seen for any other game.

MeatPopsicle5534d ago

Killzone 2 hyped???


Let's just sum up:

Sony and Guerilla Games put out a trailer that they stated was a target render trailer.

They matched that trailer and surpassed it many areas.

They put out a multiplayer beta.

They put out a demo.

They put some ads on TV and other media. Claimed to be far too few by everyone.

That's it. That is 'teh Sony Hype' over Killzone 2.

Parapraxis5534d ago

will11, how about I just take your bubbles instead for your pointless comment.

edgeofblade5534d ago (Edited 5534d ago )

MeatPopsicle and his "fear" theory is one of the reasons people feel compelled to tear down games like Killzone 2. He's the one projecting.

Look at Halo. Look at the frothing, rabid mob that thinks that game is the "greatest game ever". Doesn't it make you want to take them down a notch too? Or the Gear-heads. Don't you get sick of their insistence that a gun crossed with a chainsaw is the greatest thing to happen to games ever?

If that's the case, why should Killzone 2 get a free pass when the same level of inane superlative is applied. It's NO DIFFERENT. Killzone 2 is going to have to weather the haters just like every other game did. It doesn't get a free ride because it looks amazing. No one gets a free ride on one element of the equation.

The game will get the recognition it deserves in the end. And even if it doesn't, you will have your experiences to look back on and enjoy, and screw anyone that doesn't agree with you. But they still have a right to disagree...

MeatPopsicle5534d ago

Oh god!

"It doesn't get a free ride because it looks amazing. No one gets a free ride on one element of the equation. "

Someone was dumb enough to try to pass off the tired old "Yeah it looks 'pretty', but what about teh gameplay" troll as their comment.

How pathetic.

cereal_killa5534d ago

"Killzone 2 has been hyped like no other game in history."

Too Human says hello at least games like LBP, MSG4 and Killzone2 that were hyped delivered and turned out to be great games. Too Human on the other hand was so hyped by the 360 fanboys with there 1 million pre orders GOTY AAA BS turn out to be 1 of the biggest flops in terms of sales, metajoke and game play.

Marceles5534d ago

The titles should've said:

"Killzone 2 is a good game. DEAL WITH IT!"

edgeofblade5534d ago

That's alright MeatPopsicle, you don't have to respond to the parts of the post that make you feel "fear". There is no fear here, because I'm objectively saying that Killzone 2 is a great game, but that's never going to be enough for the people who "need" Killzone 2 to be the savior of the PS3. You can take that easy pot shot while the rest of the post tears you to shreds... but I'm happy to know that you will sleep well tonight with the knowledge that you shot off at least one ill-reasoned comment.

KZ2 does one thing amazing and one thing awful. It's got great graphics but lousy control response. Everything else in the middle ranges from great to good, but I suppose it's BLASPHEMY to say there is something wrong with Killzone 2. Instead I should stand around and yell "KILLZOWNED, BIATCH" like it means something.

I'm on my way to the Church of the Immaculate Sony to throw a brick through that Helghast stained glass window you pray to.

OOOOOORRRRRR, you can stop painting a flawed BUT GOOD game as the greatest thing ever, we can agree it's a game worth playing, and be done with it. But we both know, that's never going to be good enough for you.

5534d ago
5534d ago
Immortal Kaim5534d ago

@ MeatPopsicle... Are you delusional? We are talking about a game here, why would anyone 'fear' its release? As a 360 owner I'm excited by what Killzone delivers, after playing it for an hour or so, it is certainly a great game. Your 'Fear' ramblings don't make sense.

What is with everyone putting these companies on such an unattainable pedestal? The are out to make money, not abolish world hunger, people need to put this in perspective.

5534d ago
5534d ago
Immortal Kaim5534d ago

@ Feline: I guess I will be adding you to the 'delusional' list then, along with those so called Xbots...

I'm not pointing the finger here at any one fanbase, I'm pointing the finger at anyone who thinks these petty things are worth arguing over. People are so caught up in this 'console war' that they are creating scenarios and explanations for events that don't exist.

5534d ago
Immortal Kaim5534d ago

The only people who truly care about these so called 'attacks' on Killzone are the delusional twats I was referring to in the first place...

Get over it, it's a game. Some people won't like everything you like, that is a fact of life.

Thankfully my ignore list will gain another delusional 'gamer' (I use the word loosely are these parts).

Have a nice, delusional day :)

Proxy5534d ago

So your saying someone might honestly dislike Killzone 2?

MeatPopsicle5534d ago (Edited 5534d ago )

Immortal Kaim, go right ahead and post your links to a major gaming site like gamesradar falling all over themselves in desperation to trash a Xbox 360 game...

Should be easy. Right? After all it's just 'delusional' fanboys who think it is only their console's exclusives.

You can put every other post in this story to shame. Just go right ahead. We're waiting...

You should be able to quickly and easily come up with a major gaming site doing something as disgusting as this:

From the neogaf post that destroyed gamesradar's credibility:

"Originally Posted by Evilninja:
As one of the writers of the GamesRadar piece you guys are mocking, I have to ask: what exactly is your beef with it? Not to be defensive, but you guys seem to be dogpiling on and calling it sh_t without giving any reasons why it's sh_t. Seriously, I want to know. If nobody tells us what we're doing wrong, then we're doomed to keep doing it.

I'll bite.

(1) We already told you what you were doing wrong the first 5 times you started doing it.

THIS time, it's sort of the pinnacle of everything wrong with your site's coverage of this specific game. There's no use even responding to why the article in question is so juvenile.

It's intentional fanboy baiting and trolling from a prominent online publication. If I'm reading a Killzone 2 article, I don't want to hear the perspective of a Gears of War fanboy stating the exact opposite of what you're saying. It serves no purpose. And I fully realize you have done this before with games like Halo 3 and Gears of War.

(2) Just to list the double standard in coverage GamesRadar has given Killzone 2 compared to other major shooter titles, have a look at the following 'preview' article titles for the following games.

Gears of War 2:

Gears of War 2: Most Improved Sequel Ever?

10 Things We Already Love About Gears of War 2

Gears of War 2's Biggest Surprises: We've finished the game. Here's 16 things that blew us away...

Halo 3:

Halo 3 - The Fanboy's Verdict: 5 reasons why Halo 3 is going to crush old Halo multiplayer

E3 07: Halo 3
We begin the single player campaign and describe every second of the epic experience

Now, compare this with some of the coverage KILLZONE 2 has received from your site leading up to release. It is an absolute EMBARRASSMENT.

LGC 08: Why wait? Leipzig's biggest games reviewed NOW!
Knee-jerk reviews after ten minutes' play-time. As is only right and proper

^ In this article you 'reviewed' Killzone 2 at GC and gave it a f_cking 5.

Here, look at the quote:

Beautiful graphics and fairly decent multiplayer level design mean nothing in an FPS which during our hands-on took up to a week to respond to control inputs and masked the action with a layer of post-processed vaseline at every opportunity. Sluggish, terrible to control, and seemingly on a steadfast mission to confuse the player.

Stabbing through Killzone 2
Seemingly suicidal gameplay tactic reveals Helghast are DUMBER than they look

Killzone 2: What the reviews will say

^ An 'anti-hype' preview review. Ahhh. Nice one. An article that tries to set the 'tone' for future reviews, hoping to notch down the credibility of KZ2's first 5/5 score. BRILLIANT! GamesRadar again!

E3 08: Why wait? E3's biggest games reviewed NOW

OH, HEY! Another 'Review' from GamesRadar based on 10 minutes of hands on play.

Gears of War 2 Score: 10

This sequel doesn't just stick with the successes of the first game - it supersizes them. The enemies are scarier, with Locust armies swarming the screen, some of them skyscraper-sized. The world is grittier, with entire cities in danger of utter destruction. The multiplayer is crazier, with never ending modes like Horde. Most importantly, the gore is, well, gorier. Who can say no to bloody chainsaw duels, rotting meat shields and torque bow decapitations? Bigger, better and more badass indeed.

Killzone 2 Score: 6

Finally, a PS3 game worthy of the "Killzone" name! Just be glad the name isn't "Resistance" or "Gears of War", because then this would totally fall short. It's boring, from the all-gray graphics to the level design (hey, another warehouse!) to the set pieces, which involve such exciting things as blowing up a small bridge or opening a very large door with a hand crank. Yes, it's chaotic like a real war zone, but being a poor man's Call of Duty just isn't going to cut it.

Killzone 2: The world's most generic game character

^ This one speaks for itself.

We don’t hate Killzone 2. I actually just spent this entire article talking about what Killzone 2 does better than three other successful shooters. How is that hate? Yes, I had other guys debate me about it, but that’s because we think there’s reader benefit in the resulting conversation.

For the record, I don't think we'll be eating crow over this anytime in the future, because - and I understand why this might be a shared misconception if you don't actually read GamesRadar on even an occasional basis - GamesRadar does not hate Killzone 2, or think that Killzone 2 is going to be sh_t. I finished playing it last night, and I think it's amazing, and I have every confidence that its harshest skeptics and critics will have a change of heart once they play it (assuming they bother to actually play it, anyway).

The guys who argue against me also liked it, but I specifically asked them to be as antagonistic as possible, because I personally find that a hell of a lot more entertaining than a couple of people mumbling half-hearted agreements at each other and regurgitating the same information you can find everywhere else. We’re all playing roles, though I suppose that’s not obvious if you’re not a regular reader of our site and don’t listen to our podcast.

If you came away with the impression that the article, or GamesRadar for that matter, was somehow anti-Killzone 2, then that's regrettable. We’re not. And we’ll thank you for offering specific tips on how we can communicate our message better in the future, because the tone of this thread makes clear that we didn’t get our point across this time.

Your coverage of Killzone 2 has been absolutely disgusting. I'm not talking about YOU in particular as one single editor -- but collectively. And yes, you most certainly (YOU, meaning GamesRadar in general) have hated on Killzone 2 and thought it was going to be 'sh_t', especially with the asinine 'preview' reviews that you've given the game in the past with 5's, 6's, and now 8's."


Immortal Kaim5534d ago

I honestly don't know why I'm bothering to reply to these responses. The point I'm trying to make (as per my original response), is that saying people who don't own a PS3 feared Killzones release is ridiculous, why would anyone care? Its not like they couldn't go buy a PS3 and play the 'game' (highlighted because we are talking about an entertainment product here, yet you guys are acting like it is the most important item ever conceived).

GET OVER IT. Some people won't like it... It is a GAME, LET IT GO...

5534d ago
5534d ago
thats_just_prime5534d ago

1.6 - @thats_just_prime
Ever since Halo 3 got perfect scores.

thats actually a good point

5534d ago
cayal5534d ago

"Wow pretty sad such article has to be posted, still doesnt change the fact it is a average FPS."

Opinions ARE NOT Facts.

How is this simple concept so difficult for the ignorant 10 years like you to understand?

Struz5533d ago

The game gets attacked and people defend it. People defend it so the game gets attacked. It goes in a circle like this because not everyone from either camp is able to step back and say "hey, it's a game, enjoy it".

The game got AAA scores from reviewers and anyone who expects a game based on the classic FPS formula to be "innovative" is completely delusional. People should take a game on its merits and at least try to ignore the hype and negativity that will inevitably surround it.

Personally, after playing COD4 the game felt like a better version of that however I have played so many FPS recently that I burned out on it rather fast. Not everyone is going to love KZ2.

godofthunder105533d ago

I own a 360 and i wouldn't trade it for a ps3 for anything.On the other hand i'll admitt that the ps3 is a great system and KZ2 is a great game.I'll also admitt that I wish KZ2 and r1 and 2 was on the 360.I also know that every ps3 fanboy(including meatpopsicle) wish that the ps3 had at least 1 360 exclusive on it even if they are to childish to admitt it.Just like the ps3 is a great system and have great games like KZ2 the 360 also is a great system with great games to and unlike meatpopsicle claim the ps3 isn't more powerful then all pc and that's a fact.

The problem i have is when ps3 fanboys like MeatPopsicle claim that kz2 is a game like no other in history.I don't know what the hell he's smoking but he's liveing in a fantasy world.The fact is that they had games that rates above this one.To make a claim like this is just a bias,childish ps3 fanboy remark and it's pathetic.

Meatpopsicle also posted a ridiculous reply right below it that doesn't make any damn since.I think he was trying to say that people that own a 360 should just admitt that KZ2 is a great game and stop hateing the ps3.On the same post he started hateing on the 360,talk about a hypercrit.He's 1 of the same ps3 fanboy that claimed that games like Mass effect isn't a 360 exclusive because it's on the pc to.He's now arguing that that KZ2 is a ps3 exclusive even if it's on a pc,now this is a double standard.

Meatpopsicle is the worse kind of ps3 fanboy someone could be.Even if a critic gives KZ2 a perfect score it's still not enough.He will still claim they hate the ps3 and love the 360.He believes that people should worship the ps3 like a god.He believes that any one that talks about the ps3 or any of the games should jump up and down and fall to their knees and thank god for it.If they don't then they are 360 fanboys and hate the ps3.I'll agree that the ps3 does have some advantages over the 360.On the other hand developers also said that the 360 have some advantages over the ps3.

Like i said before i think that KZ2 is a great game and i wish it was on the 360 to.On the other hand for a ps3 fanboy like meatpopsicle to claim that kz2 is a game like no other in history and it's perfect is is just a bias ps3 fanboy remark and he's full of sh*t for saying it.Like i said KZ2 is a great game but it's far from perfect.The fact is that KZ2 does have some flaws in it and it's a fact.

Meatpopsicle should take he's own advice.he should stop hateing on the 360 and it's games.He shouldn't be a childish ps3 fanboys and claim that every thing that's on the ps3 is perfect.He should just admitt the fact that the 360 is a great console to.he shouldn't make the remark that the ps3 is more powerful then Pc because it just shows how pathetic and bias he is to make a ridiculous remark like that.

edgeofblade5533d ago (Edited 5533d ago )

Agree with Godofthunder. Have a much needed bubble for your rational thought.

And the game started getting attacked because, historically, when a game puts up a target render like that, it's always disappointing. It's a boast... it's a nigh unattainable promise. And while I will admit that Killzone 2 had to be an UNFATHOMABLY well managed project to attain the level of actual performance it did, it still fell short of the target render, if even by just a little bit.

Now, the second reason why KZ2 is being attacked is because of the issue that KZ2 acolytes will take with that previous paragraph. I said that KZ2 is not perfect. KZ2 is good, but the PS3 cult needs it to be perfect to fulfill the "prophesy" of Sony dominance in this generation. Therefore, anyone who isn't a "true believer" doesn't have a valid opinion. To reword that, anyone who didn't already believe KZ2 was the best game ever doesn't get an opinion on the final product.

For those of us enjoying the game, this blind fanboyism is weighing down the game. Many of these flaws, like the control lag/deadzone, could be fixed with an update (and lucky for us, it was fixed), but the pre-perfection view of KZ2 keeps that from happening, ultimately weakening the game to everyone but the most devoted fan... who already loves everything about it.

NIGHT_HAWK32105533d ago

for as good as this game is i have never seen more than like 6000 players.(look on the website) ps3 might be the better console, but that only goes so far. the community is pathetic. killzone is supposed to be the biggest thing for ps3 and no one plays. Halo 3 and CoD 4 and 5 had well over 250,000 people on during its first couple weeks and still to this day, but thats on xbox. killzone is amazing but come on right nowthere is 2748 online, that is a joke. it seems to be the same for all games on ps3. (except WaW- about 100,000 on a good day). until this community starts to have some players it will only be looking up at the xbox.

Spydiggity5533d ago

ps3 is not expensive. anyone can have one. this claim that ppl are jealous makes no sense and obeys no logic. this is not a special system. anyone can goto walmart, kmart, gamestop, and so on, and get a ps3.

the reason killzone 2 is so controversial is because people who ONLY have a ps3 want to tell themselves that everyone else is jealous of their precious system.

i went to kz 2 midnight launch. i wanted to like it. but the bottom line became apparent: The game has no personality. It has no memorable moments. It has no memorable characters. It's just not a great game. it's just a game. i'm completely fine with ppl liking it. i dont' care what anyoen likes. but ppl are holding other games to the kz standard. and to me, that means the game needs to be sub par to get giant praise.

again, i own this game. i'm not a fanboy for any system. i just want games to be good. this game just isn't.

articles like this one are the problem. we're building this game up into something completely unrealistic. the single player is short, boring, and unimaginative. the multiplayer might be fun if not for the horrible controls. and the ideas in multiplayer are lifted straight from team fortress while the style and feel are lifted straight from call of duty.

we're supposed to praise games that redefine genres. like bioshock. like half life 2. we're not supposed to praise games just because you think they are good looking. we need diverse level design, unique story, interesting plot twists, a memorable character or two. killzone has none of this. and that's the difference. it's an average shooter, not a GREAT anything.

xwabbit5533d ago

People who don't see how great kz2 are just blind by the fan boy sight and people who don't see how good fable 3(cant say halo because i rlly didn't like it dk y) have the same eyesight

Dandiego5533d ago

I will accept that people like this game but you have to also accept that some don't. I'm a shooter fan and I don't like it at all. I prefer Half Life, COD 4 by a long shot. They are not as pretty but controls are dead on. The big problem is the controls. I gave it another chance this weekend since people seem to like the game on this blog... but no... in my opinion they are some of the worst this generation. Only surpased by Brothers in Arms my biggest deception of 08. Please note that the shooters I mention are multiplatform.

Dandiego5533d ago

how is PS3 better than 360?

Do you have both systems? I think you should try them side by side. You can listen to music while playing, do anything while talking, chat with someone playing another game, chat with multiple people, invite someone to a game while he is playing something else, better sound from the mic than blutooth, online lags a lot less since too many people play wifi on PS3 which lags, multiplatform games have better graphics, better framerate.

I have PS3 mainly as a bluray and to play Uncharted which kicks the ass of every game of the genre (can't wait for the 2nd one). Littlebigplanet is also a very good platformer… better than any platformer on xbox but I prefer Super Mario Galaxy on my Wii. I’m first and foremost an online player so xbox and live is the way to go for online play AT THE MOMENT. I have both version of COD 4 and they are identical but online the damn wifi makes ennemies leap 3 feet at a time on PS3. So call me fanboy I just see it as me prefering the system for the time being… I talk smack about PS3 nowadays to make things move from the side of Sony… I have sent back a bunch of 360s out of warranty and havent paid yet even when the system was out of warantee… I’m still pissed about reliability but when it works I’m happier about the gaming side of the system for the MOMENT once again. No system is perfect at the moment… too bad but true.

Stop saying things are perfect and keep talking smack about gameplay, graphics, functionalities, lag etc about every GAME if you think it doesn't work even if you own the system... it will force the 2 mega corps some of you sleep with to change and make them BETTER!!! Press disagree if you work for SONY or MICROSOFT

torreyjs5533d ago

This isnt news dumbass

thats the problem

this is a fanboy blog article at best with you trying to get flamewars started

+ Show (39) more repliesLast reply 5533d ago
Zeus Lee5534d ago

Excellent article,we need more of these on a daily basis.

IcarusOne5533d ago

Intro says "the question is what drives these people to find these games and attempt to destroy them?"

Should also ask: "what drives those other people to worship and revere these games and attempt to sell them on the gaming populace as the greatest game of all time?"

KZ is a good game. It's not sh!t. It's also not perfection. Let it go.

Snake Raiser5534d ago

I don't think this is the best place to ask, try the forums.

Finalfantasykid5534d ago

I'm pretty sure you have to use the engineer's secondairy ability , repair. But you need to get the sentry turret medal first(forget it's official name).

jBat175534d ago

you need the engineer's second badge. using the repair gun, go near the turret then hold R1 when prompted. this only works for fixed turrets. turrets you created using the engineer's ability cannot be repaired.

cLiCK_sLiCK95534d ago

Who has the Air support Ribbon? Thats the number 1 thing Killzone pisses me off. That Ribbon is so unfair. >p

pixelsword5534d ago

second of all, walk up to it an press the circle button.

phosphor1125533d ago

You then unlock the repair ability. In which you can repair ALL of these listed:

Automated Turrets
Mountable Turrets
Weapon Depots

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5533d ago
gamersden5534d ago (Edited 5534d ago )

just to give you an idea of how it humiliates other fps

heres a snippet


Gears2 LOL

halo3 at 600p MEGA LOL
http://www.youtube.com/watc... hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

gamersden5534d ago

Troll u dont even own a PS3 in the first place

-the boss battles in KZ2 are super intense. best on consoles

KZ2 features best enemy AI on consoles. ever played the game ojn elite? too bad the bot doesnt even own a PS3

- the lighting gun of KZ2 is the best weapon ever seen on consoles

- The campaign is short but full of thrills not broping like gears 2/halo 3

- The MP mode of KZ2 is just pure gold

KZ2 tears away all games on that crap box 360

just check the gameplay footages of both games

Snake Raiser5534d ago

@1.2 I just told him to read my first comment. Nuff' said.

Chubear5534d ago

Oh good lord. KZ2 really does make Halo3 look like a last gen game. Yes I know that vid is of footage from b4 halo23 came out but still if you play KZ2 online for about 30mins then play gears online then play halo3 it's pretty obvious KZ2 does not beat Halo...

It 'ackin' slaughters it.

Bathyj5534d ago

Wow, not only does Halo 3 look last gen the gameplay looks crap too.

I've admitted many times I'm not an online player but all that jumping around to avoid being shot looks like rubbish. What a primitive, useless gameplay mechanic. It time to update, but I bet the new Halo expansion will be just the same.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5534d ago
Lionsguard5534d ago

I heard if you zoom in x100,000 times you can see huge disgusting pixels. UGH KILLZONE FAILS!!! /sarcasm.

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PlayStation 3 Games That Desperately Need a PS5 Remaster

The PlayStation 3 may not have been the strongest generation for Sony, but there were still some diamonds in the rough that deserve a revisit as PS5 remasters.

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OtterX62d ago (Edited 62d ago )

Even if they could just remaster and put on PSVR2, some would still look great as VR titles and could do a whole lot to bolster the headset w these exclusives! I'd imagine the investment of reworking these titles into VR would be way less than building new games from the ground up, and they could be amazing experiences, and VR often makes flat games feel fresh again. The Resistance and Killzone games are particularly what I want to see!!

Rude-ro62d ago

I played killzone 3 in 3d and it really changed the game per being immersive.
In vr, that would be even more awesome.

darthv7262d ago

Funny you mention that... my son wanted to play some PS3 games in 3d on my PS tv and he was blown away by how good KZ3 was. It really was a great addition to the game. Im surprised there have not been more 3d games from that era being ported to the PSVR/VR2.

_SilverHawk_62d ago

resistance 1-3, killzone 1-3, uncharted 1-3, uncharted golden abyss, folklore, socom 4 , motorstorm, twisted metal, MAG, heavenly sword

Cacabunga62d ago

Killzone 2+3
Sly Thieves in Time
Crack in Time
God of War Ascension
Modnation racer
Infamous 1+2

Profchaos62d ago (Edited 62d ago )

Killzone trilogy in VR would be amazing bonus points if they offer shadow fall.

There was a psvr1 Killzone project that supermassive was working on at one stage which wasn't up to scratch and Sony brand it back in house I was hoping we would see that on psvr2 eventually.

Personally I'd love to see some more love or acknowledgement of psvr2 from Sony in general it was a expensive headset and Sony barely acknowledge it's existence

seanpitt2362d ago

The amount of work needed to remaster these games wouldn't be beneficial on a financial and business sense.. MGS4 would probably be the best bet as it would need the least amount of work!

Iceball200062d ago

YEAAASSSSS! I miss this franchise and wanna play it so bad again.

Father__Merrin62d ago

The time is perfect for a resistance fall of man game campaign coop multiplayer

InUrFoxHole62d ago

The resistance series is str8 trash to me. Socom 3 I would welcome. Or killzone MP.

Marcus Fenix62d ago

A Resistance reboot will be awesome

Michiel198962d ago

That's what Bungie should make, Ill keep saying it until it happens

1Victor62d ago (Edited 62d ago )

Resistance was ok but Warhawk and Starhawk was better and kept me coming back for almost a decade of fun and petty revenge on the loud mouth unskilled players 🤣
Edit I loved capture the flag dropping the pot on the flag carrier was extremely satisfying as well as transforming your plane in bot form and stumping them to death 😱

62d ago
Michiel198962d ago

Resistance was the best co-op fps I ever played after L4D2

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20 Years of Guerrilla: The Story of a PlayStation Studio

The Amsterdam-based studio reflects on its humble beginnings, beloved franchises, and growth through the years.

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SullysCigar366d ago

Up there with the top tier in the industry. Love Guerrilla Games - Horizon Burning Shores is simply STUNNING.

1Victor366d ago

Can’t wait for their next franchise

SullysCigar366d ago

Same. They nailed it with Horizon. The trouble is I also want a new Killzone! Can't I just have it all?!

jznrpg366d ago

I’m with you I want Horizon 3 , Killzone and new IPs

badz149366d ago

I have yet to play Burning Shores as I just started Forbidden West (bought at launch, just unwrapped last weekend LOL) and playing on PS5.

man...I still can't believe the graphics especially now I'm playing it on my LG OLED. that graphics and with stable performance backing it up, GG really is the master of their craft!

Vengeance1138366d ago

32.7M sales in the Horizon franchise! With 8.4M coming from Forbidden West alone! Truly a hugely successful game and franchise as a whole. Looking forward to Horizon III

Shane Kim366d ago

That's kind of a huge drop though. It's only been two games.

VersusDMC366d ago

One year after realease HZD sold 7.6 million.


So not a drop off.

Unless you're saying a HFW should have sold as much now as HZD sold in 5 years?

Vengeance1138366d ago

It's been 3 games, this includes Call of the Mountain. Also no, its a great improvement over HZD.

solideagle366d ago

lol you are comparing:

HZD: 28 February 2017 - May 2023 (6 years+)

HFW: 18 February 2022 - May 2023 (1 year+)

We will see if it surpass original number.

Phoenix76366d ago

@shane, 2 full main games, 2 DLC add ons, 1 VR spin off game, oh and a an official LEGO set.
Not too bad for an ip that's only been on market for 6 years

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 366d ago
REDGUM366d ago

Wow, very impressive. I didn't know the numbers were so high for Forbidden West. Still playing through it myself

thesoftware730366d ago (Edited 366d ago )

Yooo, when I first saw that Killzone 1 footage at E3, my friends my brothers and I were like, Holy shit! When it came out, it didn't look exactly like it, but we sunk so many hours into 1 & 2.

I even liked Killzone: SF, it was a spectacle to look at, and even today it looks good. I hope they make a new one. Can you imagine how that will look, and they can get some modern FPS pointers from Bungie.

blacktiger366d ago

thank you fps lover, I'm with you

talocaca366d ago

Such a wonderful studio. They deserve all their success.

The Decima Engine is absolute 🔥 I'm just mad they have abandoned Killzone.

OzzY-waZZy366d ago (Edited 366d ago )

Kinda wish they move on from Horizon tbh.

potatoseal366d ago

They are probably working on mutiple projects. One of them is Horizon 3, but another is a multiplaer game and probably somehting else.

Imalwaysright366d ago

There were rumours that they were working on a Socom reboot.

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Top 20 Best PlayStation 3 Games (20-11)

Alex DS. from Link Cable Gaming writes: "Is the PlayStation 3 retro? This is a surprisingly hard question to answer as the system definitely has the age to be considered retro, having launched in 2006, over 15 years ago now. But with it being home to so many massive games, many of which still hold up today and in fact were released for the PlayStation 4 when that console was released, make the PS3 a retro console that doesn’t feel retro."

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shinoff2183738d ago

No ps3 is not retro. I dont even consider ps2 era retro. All imo.

shinoff2183738d ago

Typically, the term retro is given to items which are at least 20 years old (but not yet 40 years old).

Quick google search

badz149737d ago

No the PS3 is not yet a retro console. But if you're gonna put 1 game from a series in this list, then LBP2 should be there instead of the original, Motorstorm PR is also an overall better game than the 1st game and to put Tools of Destruction over A Crack in Time is a blasphemy when ACiT is the best game in the series.