
Why MadWorld is Wii-Only: Inaba Interview

"At Sega we can create the games the way we like, the PlatinumGames' star developer also mentions."

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FinalomegaS5532d ago

They seem to be ultra biased towards Nintendo, and the article shows that they would love nothing more but for Platinum games to bring it to the HD consoles. Just leave the game as is and make an other game.

"but we still think it's a little bit ridiculous not to put the obviously-convertible gameplay into the hands of 360 and PS3 gamers, too."


leper6415532d ago

It's true they're bias 2 Nintendo lol

leper6415532d ago

And I think you meant biased AGAINST Nintendo, lunatic.

I doubt you'll see them arguing the same for Okami etc which make great use of Wii controls.

FinalomegaS5532d ago

however it's said , i mean they are no fans of the wii lol

dirigiblebill5532d ago

How does suggesting that Sega would make more money on MadWorld if it were available for several platforms make Kikizo teh bias3d against Ninty?


SpoonyRedMage5532d ago

Would they say the same about MGS4 or Gears of War? Of course not.

What they're basically saying is "Nintendo don't deserve this game, the harcore gamers on the 360 and PS3 are the ones who should be playing this, plus it'd get more money for Sega."

dirigiblebill5531d ago

Utter tosh, mate :)

Nothing in that article suggests Kikizo is prejudiced against Nintendo. It's the logic of confining the game to one platform that they're questioning, not whether MadWorld is an appropriate game for the Wii.

SpoonyRedMage5531d ago (Edited 5531d ago )

"Surely a game of this ilk, with its gruelling boss fights and double-digits combos, would suit hardcore Xbox 360 and PS3 audiences down to the ground?"

"but isn't Inaba concerned that PlatinumGames has shut itself off from all those high definition gamers who dig the gore factor but refuse to shell out for a Wii?"

It's obvious that they think it should be on the other consoles because so called "hardcore" gamers want the game but won't get a Wii.

They also don't say Bayonetta should be on the Wii because the fans of Madworld will miss it. It doesn't blatantly say it but it's implied heavily.

And as I said would they argue that for MGS4 and Gears? or any of the third party casual games for the 360 and PS3?

dirigiblebill5531d ago (Edited 5531d ago )

"It's obvious that they think it should be on the other consoles because so called "hardcore" gamers want the game but won't get a Wii."

But that doesn't amount to them saying it shouldn't be on the Wii at all, does it? Just that they think it's the sort of game PS3/360 owners would appreciate too. I think you're being overly sensitive.

I have no idea what they'd think about Gears, MGS4 and Bayonetta being on the Wii - perhaps you'd like to dig up some articles where they insist these games shouldn't be?

SpoonyRedMage5531d ago (Edited 5531d ago )

Perhaps I am being too sensitive, if they said "perhaps it's worth getting a Wii for..." instead of saying it should be on the other consoles I wouldn't be too bothered.

It's also the fact they're insisting it should be on the other consoles not that they're insisting the other shouldn't be.

It just seems awfully suspect that they're saying a Wii games should be on the other consoles because it would appeal to those gamers especially when there's a big emphasis on exclusives these days.

EDIT: It just seems like the general sentiment is "This shouldn't be a Wii game."

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Jimboms1710d ago

I still remember being super impressed by Bayonetta!