
Blend Games IGG Interview: 2029 Online Is Like Diablo And WoW

Blend Games writes: "For those of you who frequent our site, you may have noticed that there's always something here posted about 2029 Online, the upcoming MMO, RTS, RPG, dungeon crawling action game. Before the game officially starts its alpha-test, we thought we would ask the Product Manager for IGG's MMO, Edwin Huang, a few questions about the game first.

Blend Games: Based on what has been shown in the screenshots, 2029 Online looks a little bit like Dark Eden Online, gameplay wise. Insofar of the actual gameplay, does 2029 Online share any of the gameplay likenesses of Dark Eden?

2029 Online: Actually, Dark Eden Online is a MMO based on a vampire story. 2029 Online is a Sci-fi based MMO. The storyline in Dark Eden Online is about vampires engaged in enslaving all humans, while 2029 Online is about the conflicts between races representing a highly industrialized culture. As for the computer graphics style and views, its 3D computer graphic techniques are adopted to deliver the playing environment closer to reality than Dark Eden Online. What's more, it is just a mix of Diablo and World of Warcraft. So, as you said, players who enjoy grabbing up tons of items and weapons, customizing their player and staying engaged with hours of dungeon crawling quests, 2029 Online just might be your kind of game."

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2029 Online: Central Bus Station Strategies Unveiled

DasReviews writes: "2029 Online is a 2D Sci-Fi, free-to-play MMORPG that is developed by IGG.com. Its graphics reminded us those of Septera Core, so be sure to try it out if you are a fan of this artistic style."

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2029 Online Beginner’s Guide For Gunners

Bright Hub "Need a runndown of the basic skill sets for gunners in 2029 Online? Find out what the basic skill sets are like, a few of the strategies involved and how to use some of the gunner abilities in this class walkthrough"

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Top 5 Free-to-Play MMORPGS For PvP

Bright Hub "...help gamers find something with a bit of originality and intensity, this top five list features games worth playing within the free-to-play MMORPG arena. Each one of the following games offers something a little bit different from the next game over but should appeal to gamers who may have grown tired of the same old content found in most other games."

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