
IGN: MLB 2K9 Fantasy All-Stars Review

The overall experience is more reliable, a bit more polished, and as a result, more fun. It still has a long way to go though, and IGN would still take the old school simplicity of MLB Power Pros any day of the week.

Presentation - 6.0
Graphics - 6.0
Sound - 5.5
Gameplay - 6.5
Lasting Appeal - 5.0
Overall -


Major League Baseball 2K9: Fantasy All-Stars Review at CheatCC

CheatCC says, "After all, Major League Baseball 2K9: Fantasy All-Stars is an unpolished sports title attempting to cash-in on the widespread success of the DS and the game of baseball. Even though this title was obviously intended for a younger audience, there is no reason for anyone of any age demographic to pick it up."


Crispy Gamer: MLB 2K9 Fantasy All-Stars Review

You can't play a full season in Fantasy All-Stars. But you can engage in a variety of tournaments to win a pennant. Crispy Gamer noticed that the artificial intelligence will catch up to you run-wise in the later innings, more often than not. While this is kind of a pain, if you love a twisted game, this sucker's for you. At $19.99, a third less than most DS games, it won't break your wallet.

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