
Red Alert 3 PS3 - Demo, DLC, and Details

Playstation Blog writes:
Hello again everyone! For those of us who haven't met yet, I'm David Seeholzer, the Senior Development Director on Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3: Ultimate Edition for the PLAYSTATION 3. We hope to go gold soon, and everyone here at EA Los Angeles is very excited about getting, what we feel, is the best console RTS into your hands.

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ELite_Ghost5566d ago

i might buy it b/c they worked hard on it and c&c is pretty cool

I Want That Old Time RTS

"I love real time strategy (RTS) games. I love the thrill of building up an impregnable fortress; watching your villagers expand your economy, attacking an enemy with a well rounded army. Those are the things I crave in an RTS. When I was young, I constantly played games like Age of Empires II, Starcraft and Rise of Nations (I still play them today), as well as Empire Earth, Command and Conquer, Homeworld, and Age of Mythology. Those games define the "classic" era of RTS games. Nowadays, the classic RTS games are impossibly hard to find. It seems that the industry has hit a slump. Sure, there are some bright spots (like Sins of a Solar Empire), but overall there are very few RTS games on the market. How did the RTS market come to this? How did a flourishing genre suddenly grind to a halt? The answers are very unsettling." -from Reid!

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kr90915453d ago (Edited 5453d ago )

A good RTS is hard to come by now. I miss the good ol days when i used to play Command & Conquer, Age of Empires 3, Rise of Nations, all those classic games that i would spend hours on every day...its a shame there are no developers that are willing to step up to the plate and create a true killer, next-gen RTS.


The Armchair Empire: Red Alert 3: "Ultimate Edition" (PS3) and "Uprising" (PC) Review

Aaron Simmer: "I'm a fan of the Red Alert series, warts and all. It's just too much fun for me, whether playing with people through the co-op campaign of Red Alert 3 or the single-player aspects of Uprising, it's all goofy fun. And that's mainly what I want from my games: fun."

The Good

- Ultimate Edition (PS3) is brimming with a good game and tons of cool extras
- Uprising (PC) concentrates on the single-player experience and I actually liked that better

The Bad

- For Ultimate Edition there's quite a steep learning curve for those unfamiliar with console RTS games
- Uprising's single-player campaigns are over too fast and the Yuriko missions could have fleshed out more

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PSi: Command and Conquer Red Alert 3: Ultimate Edition Review

PSi writes: "Red Alert 3 is by no means a revolutionary RTS, even on a console. But, what it lacks in the ability to push the genre forward, it makes up for with fun gameplay. The "ultimate" branding doesn't offer enough incentive for PC or 360 owners to invest in another copy, but first-time players in the market for a good strategy game should be satisfied with what Red Alert 3 has to offer".

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