
Job Listing Mentions New Metal Gear "Development"

Metal Gear Solid 4 was a big hit. Konami isn't ready to walk away from the franchise anytime soon. (Example: Metal Gear Solid Touch.) A Konami job listing shows how eager the company is.

red5ive5562d ago

i would to apply... for the position of...... umm.......... snake.

meepmoopmeep5562d ago

could be anything.

doesn't matter, i'll get it if Kojima is still the Director

Graphics Whore5562d ago

Killzone 2 does real time ray tracing, what a failure you look like.

Kushan5562d ago (Edited 5562d ago )

Graphics Whore replied to the wrong thread and because he ran out of bubbles, had to PM me his response. I'll put it here since he can't:

" Ahaha, Killzone 2 does real time ray tracing.
Enough said, little one, you don't know anything about computers, don't pretend to. I will eat you and spit you out. "

Yeah, apparently I look like a failure and don't know how to use computers. At least I know how to use a simple messageboard system!

Now, this ray-tracing stuff is completely incorrect, have a look at this site:


Here, this gentleman investigates Ray tracing on the PS3 and finds that even with all 7SPUs going full tilt, you only get about 12FPs with just a few objects on screen. Where did this notion of Killzone 2 using Real Time Ray tracing come from? A PR guy talking over a teaser video using incorrect terminology. Killzone 2 has a very nice ray of light effect, for when light is shining through a window or whatever - this is what he's talking about. This is NOT "ray-tracing". Go watch that trailer and you'll see lovely big light rays right when he talks about it.

EDIT: Still not believe me? Here's a PDF from guerilla themselves which explains how they draw stuff on screen - http://www.guerrilla-games....

Now, have a read of that and see if you can find the term "ray tracing" ANYWHERE within in.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5562d ago
DelbertGrady5562d ago

It's a plus if you have experience from multiplatform development.

Pennywise5562d ago

And what would the point of that be if it will be PS3 only? Kojima liked the PS3 for many reasons, I doubt he would make the next multiplatform. I hope Sony wouldnt let that happen.

PirateThom5562d ago

Considering Kojima's complaints of the lack of space on Blu-ray and the fact their engine was entirely designed with PS3 in mind, there's no way they're going to scrap their engine after 1 game.

Graphics Whore5562d ago

That makes sense, because Konami and Kojima totally didn't complain about the lack of space on blu-ray /sarcasm. Jesus are people getting dumber or something seriously.

Not happening on Xbox 360.

Pennywise5562d ago

I love the one disagree and no agrees I get for making statements derived from things that the MGS dev said.

Foxgod5562d ago

Well, Kojima is no longer involved with Metal gear, you guys should have known that.
Why else do you think Konami is hiring so many people, because Kojima productions wont make the next metal gear.

And it quite possible now that Kojima productions doesnt do Metal gear anymore, that the series goes multi.

Pennywise5562d ago

Well the team got a shake up, Ryan Paton(sp) is gone and I am sure Kojima will be overseeing anything to do with MGS.

He said he would oversee it, but would like to work on other projects.

Foxgod5562d ago

Yeah, but to what extend, because overseeing sounds a lot like a advisory role, then a decision taking role.
He would no longer have the same supervision he had before.
Metal gear is getting/having a new director now.

5562d ago
Pennywise5562d ago

MGS is kojima's baby. How would (I know I am gonna catch slack for this) downgrading the series from #4 benifit MGS?

To me sequels should be better. Dumbing down a game for more sales is not really a step forward.

Foxgod5562d ago (Edited 5562d ago )

what does the amount of cores in the 360 have to do with it ?
The ps3 only got one core, and mgs4 isnt killzone 2, and obviously if konami goes multi to increase sales revenue, they could use a new engine, who knows Konami has been working on a new engine behind the scenes for years now.

Who knows itl be the same engine as they will use for the next gen iteration of castlevania.

Also, this hasnt got anything to do with MS aquiring something, its still the other way around you know, you put your game on a console to sell the game, not the console itself.

And @pennywise, yes Metal gear solid IS Kojima's baby, but the original Metal gear is not.
That is the baby of Konami, and if Konami decides to reboot the franchise, that started off as multi (Nes and MSX), then it may become multi again.

Pennywise5562d ago

OK - lets just agree to disagree. By the time this game is ready for release the PS3 install base will be way higher.

I dont think it will go multi. But hey, you dont have much else to look forward to on your green box... so I cant blame you for wishing.

Kushan5562d ago

It doesn't matter what Kojima wants, Konami are the ones that call the shots at the end of the day. They've let Kojima pretty much do what he wants for a while now because he always delivers them a hit, but as times go on and development costs increase, eventually it's going to get to the point where it only makes sense for Konami to make it multi-platform.

Might not even be this generation, but it will happen.

Foxgod5562d ago

You obviously cant have a discussion without attacking the 360, i am not gonna defend the 360 either as there is plenty to look forward to.
And lets not discuss the install base either, waste of time.

Graphics Whore5562d ago (Edited 5562d ago )

I am not even going to try and explain it to you. The majority think they know something about computers and computations but you do not, so don't even try and test it.

Thinking Konami has been working behind the scenes for a new engine is ridiculous. How long has this rumor been kept alive, you Xbox Fangirls just don't take no for an answer. Metal Gear Solid WILL NOT be happening on Xbox 360. You said it with MGS4 and it never came, it doesn't make this any difference. Intellectual rights are Kojima's and Kojima will keep it PS3 especially since if the PS3 is handicapped in terms of Kojimas direction than an Xbox 360 is a toaster.

It's Kojimas intellectual property and Sony will lay down the money for it. Your dumb to think otherwise really. The facts are all there. Especially since Snake and the franchise has been a Sony mascot for three generations now. I don't know if you guys are dumb or just blind but seriously if you think it's going on Xbox 360 you might as well be a street sweeper.

Foxgod5562d ago (Edited 5562d ago )

Funny that you say that, i am N+ certfied (Network administration), and TMAP and ISTQB Certfied for Software testing, i am active in Technical and Functional testing.
I also build and fix computers and networks in my free time.

And your telling me i know nothing about computers ?

I rather not test your computer knowledge, since you think the ps3 got more then one core.
If you cant even disect an SPE from a SPU, then your pretty darn under educated.

DelbertGrady5562d ago

You guys have no sense of humour. At all =)

Graphics Whore5562d ago (Edited 5562d ago )

Haha nice use of Wiki, keep chanting to your matra that your Xbox 360 Fanboy shell is computer literate. You throw around some dictionary presets and think you know full computer architecture especially that of the CELL, in reality your 16 years old.

So if your so technical, please indulge me in your rhetoric, how is the Xbox 360 more powerful(LMAO)when in reality if you knew anything about computers you know that cell and RSX are built for each other and work in harmony, while the ATI GPU and Xenon are built exactly like a computer, interchanging data with compatibility of singularities instead of dynamic unison like the cell. Not to mention the CELL can render graphics similar to a GPU. THE SPE's are built to function like a super computer, while the xenon functions like a gimped phenom.

I'm gonna tear you a new a-hole and then I'm gonna save this for future reference, just so I can laugh my ass off, just try, I know your are all Xbox Fanboy talk.

Xbox 360 can't even process real-time ray tracing and you wanna talk graphics and computer development in this century? Haha, you must be a kid.

Oh, I TOTALLY FORGOT about procedural computing, which is now just getting more attention, how the hell do you expect Xbox 360 lift that off the ground? It's tri-core is lacking in power especially since they're dedicated to music and the XBL menu, and then before you get around to it PS3 has MountEvansOpenGL which is the successor to DX10 and DX11 and Xbox 360 is still working on DX9.5 which is to extensive for the hardware it's running it'll lagg it like it did oh on Mass Effect and oh Terrible Texture steaming on Gears and oh Subpar HD Halo 3 arguably Xbox 360's BIGGEST GAME.

So you wanna talk computer logistics, c'mon punk.

Looks like you're out of bubbles.

Dust you off my shoulder.

Kushan5562d ago

"Xbox 360 can't even process real-time ray tracing and you wanna talk graphics and computer development in this century? Haha, you must be a kid."

The PS3 can't do it, either. GO ahead and find that youtube video showing the PS3 doing realtime ray-tracing. Then look for the other one that shows it's actually being run on THREE PS3's.
Sure, you could say it's "real time" when running at sat 5-10FPs, but in that case the 360 CAN do Real time ray tracing. However, I wouldn't class anything as "real time" if it was consistently running at less than 30FPS.

DelbertGrady5562d ago

Don't bother. They more or less believe the PS3 can fly them to the moon.

PirateThom5562d ago

Just adding the point here.

Kojima already said he had ideas for MGS5.

He's said he's done with Metal Gear for every Metal Gear since Metal Gear Solid 2. He can't give it up, he'd worry too much.

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 5562d ago
TheBand1t5562d ago

But I don't WANT another MGS.

Game series should come to an end at one point. And MGS4 ended it with a bang.

ToastyMcNibbles5562d ago (Edited 5562d ago )

but i agree with you though...MGS4 ended perfectly and im completely satisfied and happy for how it ended...instead of continuing the series why not go back and remake the original Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake for the PS3 now thaaaat would be nuts! Think about it for a second...a boss battle with Grey Fox barehanded on a minefield...Metal Gear...and of course the final battle with Big Boss...my lord...i jizz thinking about it

Kushan5562d ago

I wouldn't mind more games of that genre, though. There's something about MGS, something about the gameplay that other games in the same genre don't seem to do the same. I don't know, I can't explain it, it's like MGS has a certain "feel" to it that no other game does.
I'd quite happily take more of that, but in a different universe or something. Different characters, new plot, new story, etc.

5562d ago Replies(2)
arvfab5562d ago

I would like to play a remake of the first 2 Metal Gear (not the Solid ones). Perhaps using the engine of MGS4? It would be crazy to use that engine only for one game!

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