
VGC Review: Reel Deal Casino: Millionaire's Club

VGC writes: "Casino games have their own unique charm and there aren't very many good reproductions of those games in the world of video gaming. Does Millionaire's Club do enough to make you open your wallet or should you roll the dice elsewhere?

Similar to Reel Deal Card Games '09 which we reviewed recently most of you have probably never heard of the Reel Deal Casino series, and again you probably aren't looking forward to it. So let's start there, what is Reel Deal Casino? Unlike Reel Deal Card Games there is a bit more than meets the eye here this time, but it is still basically a massive collection of Casino games, many from ShuffleMaster, but it also includes Slots and classics like Roulette, Poker, and Keno with Sports Book and Race Book thrown in for good measure. Once again they've added in a tiered prize system along with Diamond Points to keep players interested and goal oriented as they work for prizes and perks to keep the game fresh. But does it work, and is the game worth your money?"

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