
StickSkills: MLB 2k9 Developer Conference Call

StickSkills.com will be doing live updates throughout the MLB 2k9 developer conference call this afternoon, check it out!

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Feature: Toughest Platinum PS3 trophies

BANGBANGTECH wrote; If you're thriving for a gaming challenge there are a few PS3 platinum trophies to collect which might have you pulling your hair out long before you are done…

Trophy support was added in a PS3 firmware update (2.40) in July 2008 and since the start of 2009 they have been compulsory in all full length PS3 releases. Whilst some players are driven by the thought of hoarding trophies, others are content to use them as a way of tracking accomplishments on a bronze, silver, gold and platinum scale.

On many occasions, even after beating the last boss in a game you might have only acquired a mere 10% of the trophies.

Most games are designed to be challenging but there there are a few that really standout when it comes to nabbing those elusive platinum trophies.

If you want your monies worth from a game and its platinum reward, you might want to take a look at ...

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Ravage275199d ago

Batman: Arkam Asylum platinum was hard?

andron5199d ago (Edited 5199d ago )

Some had problems with the challenges, so I guess it's a bit individual what people struggle with.

I find trophies that make you finish games in a certain time period highly annoying. Take GTA IV for example, who are going to complete it twice just for a trophy...

Dave13515197d ago (Edited 5197d ago )

They forgot battlfield bad company 1, i have 36 days (864 hours)of playing time and yet to get it

NotSoSilentBob5198d ago

My vote goes to warhawk or Disgaea3 for the simple fact you have to grind so much in both of those games.

unrealgamer585197d ago

warhawk plat isn't hard just time consuming

Pillage055197d ago

I got the Killzone 2 plat. It would be about a 1000 times easier if it weren't for Radec on the hardest difficulty (well not radec but his waves of minions...I still have nightmares about that level. I think I calculated by my deaths before and after that it took me about 200-250 trys to beat the last level on the hardest difficulty and only around 50 for the rest of the game..on all modes) And the online rank trophy. How did GG think that was a good idea?

Also the R2 isn't very hard. Most people just complain about the 10k kills one cause they don't like grinding trophies. I will admit that it is the only trophy I am short (3.5k to go lol) but its only because none of my friends ever played online so I stop playing relatively soon

Sarevok5197d ago

You got skills. I only have 37% of them and I have about...15 days worth of online play(16k kills and 14k deaths)

Studio-YaMi5197d ago

Are worthless!

unless you're just a show-off or think you're cool by getting them,it gives no good reason to get them!

they should have made this worthwhile...I mean like having extra weapons or infinite lives or stuff like that as a trophy bonus...not just : KILLER TROPHY ...ok what can I do with this;KILLER TROPHY ?

and the same goes to XBOX achievements !

Automat5197d ago

games in themselves are pretty worthless! What do you get in real life for finishing a game on hard?

10 Biggest Sports Video Game Stories of 2009

Pasta Padre has posted a comprehensive article on the 10 biggest sports game stories of 2009, ranging from the Tiger Woods scandal to Take 2's problems.

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GamesRadar: Major League Baseball 2K9 Review

The training help screens don't actually aid players too much, as the button numbers often don't match what they are on the controller. But, if you can struggle past the interface, the game itself is baseball gold. And this is coming from someone who has no interest in baseball whatsover. But if you do, snap this up as quick as you can.

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